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s, canals, colonies, and a navy. The English East India company had but just revived, under Charles II., when France also gave privileges to an East India commer- 1664 cial corporation; and, if the folly of that corporation in planting on the Island of Madagascar, where there was nothing to sell or to buy, effected its decline, still the banner of the Bourbons reached Malabar and Coro- 1675. mandel. The fourth African company, with the Stuarts for stockholders, and the slave trade for its 1674. object, soon found a rival in the Senegal company; 1679. and, just at the time when the French king was most zealous for the conversion of the Huguenots, he estab- 1685. lished a Guinea company to trade from Sierra Leone to the Cape of Good Hope. France was, through Colbert and Seignelay, become a great naval power, and had given her colonial system an extent even vaster than that of the British. So eager was she in her rivalry on the ocean, so menacing was the competition of her worksh
enobscot or of the Ohio; the frontier of Florida was not traced. Neither did Spain relinquish the right of searching English vessels suspected of smuggling; and, though it was agreed that the assiento treaty should continue for four years more, the right was soon abandoned, under a new convention, for an inconsiderable pecuniary indemnity. The principle of the freedom of the seas was asserted only by Frederick II. Holland, remaining neutral as long as possible, claimed, under the treaty of 1674, freedom of Heeren 350 goods for her free ships; but England, disregarding the treaty, captured and condemned her vessels. On Chap. XXIV.} occasion of the war between Sweden and Russia, the principle was again urged by the Dutch, and likewise 1748 rejected by the Swedes. Even Prussian ships were seized; but the monarch of Prussia indemnified the sufferers by reprisals on English property. Of higher questions, in which the interests of civilization were involved, not one was adjusted.