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John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 3: the Confederate States' rebellion. (search)
ed for the punishment of treason; and declared that no State should enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation, grant letters of marque and reprisal, coin money, lay duties, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, make any compact with another State or with a foreign power — a sweeping practical negation of the whole heretical dogma of State supremacy upon which they had built their revolt. The day after the rebel Congress adopted its provisional government, it elected (February 9, 1861) Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, President, and Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, Vice-President of the new Confederacy. The reported vote for Davis is unanimous; but it is historically related by Stephens that Howell Cobb and Robert Toombs were also aspirants, and that Davis himself preferred the chief command of the rebel armies. For the moment, however, offices were plenty, and each of the leaders received a prominent station. Cobb remained presiding officer of the rebel Congre
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Ball's Bluff and the arrest of General Stone. (search)
ng correspondence with the enemy before and since the battle of Ball's Bluff, and receiving visits from rebel officers in his camp; third, for treacherously suffering the enemy to build a fort or strong work, since the battle of Ball's Bluff, under his guns without molestation; fourth, for a treacherous design to expose his force to capture and destruction by the enemy, under pretense of orders for a movement from the commanding general, which had not been given.--[ Diary of events for February 9th, 1861, in Vol. IV. of Moore's Rebellion record, published in 1862.] These few lines involve nine distinct misstatements or perversions, only the single fact embodied in the first paragraph being correctly set forth.--R. B. I. General Stone asked his commanding general for a court of inquiry; it was refused as unnecessary and inexpedient. Congress met and promptly called on the Executive for information and an investigation. Both requests were denied as contrary to the public interes
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
and seemed inclined, at one time, to reject all leagues, and have their gallant State stand alone as an independent nation. The arrogance of the South Carolina politicians was sometimes gently rebuked by their friends. The Mobile Mercury, at this time, said:--They will have to learn to be a little more conforming to the opinions of others, before they can expect to associate comfortably with even the Cotton States, under a federative Government. On the sixth day of the session, February 9, 1861. the President of the Convention and all of the members took the oath of allegiance Jefferson Davis. to the Provisional Constitution, and at noon the doors of the hall were thrown open to the public, and the Convention proceeded to the election of a President and Vice-President of the Confederacy. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, received six votes (the whole number) for President, and Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, the same number, for Vice-President. The announcement of the r
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
ed the bond that bound that State to their own chosen Union was forever dissolved. North Carolina flag The Governor of Tennessee (Harris) and a disloyal majority of the Legislature now commenced the work of infinite mischief to the people of their State. Harris called the Legislature together on the 25th of April, and delivered to that body a message, in which he strongly urged the necessity for the immediate secession of the State. Remembering that less than eighty days before February 9, 1861. the people had declared in favor of the Union by sixty-five thousand majority, he was unwilling to trust the question of secession to them now. He argued, that at the opening of a revolution so vitally important, there was no propriety in wasting the time required to ascertain the will of the people by calling a convention, when the Legislature had the power to submit an ordinance of secession to them without encumbering them with the election of delegates. He accordingly recommended
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 1: The Opening Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Engagements of the Civil War with losses on both sides December, 1860-August, 1862 (search)
1. January 9, 1861: U. S. Steamer Star of the West fired upon in Charleston harbor by South Carolina troops. January 9, 1861: Mississippi seceded. January 10, 1861: Florida seceded. January 11, 1861: Alabama seceded. January 19, 1861: Georgia seceded. January 26, 1861: Louisiana seceded. February, 1861. February 1, 1861: Texas seceded. February 4, 1861: Confederate States of America provisionally organized at Montgomery, Ala. February 9, 1861: Jefferson Davis elected provisional President of the Confederate States of America. February 18, 1861: Jefferson Davis inaugurated President of the Confederate States at Montgomery, Ala. March, 1861. March 4, 1861: Abraham Lincoln inaugurated President of the United States at Washington. April, 1861. April 12, 1861: bombardment of Fort Sumter, S. C. Union 1st U. S. Art. Confed. S. C. Art. No casualties. April 14, 1861: evacuation of Fort Sumter, S. C
the peace of his mind and the comfort of his body. [Signed] Jefferson Davis. The inauguration: third of seven scenes from the life of Jefferson Davis It is the eighteenth of February, 1861. The clock on the State House of Alabama points to the hour of one. Jefferson Davis is being inaugurated as President of the Confederate States of America. The only photograph of the memorable scene was made by A. C. McIntyre, the principal artist of Montgomery. Davis had been elected on February 9, 1861, by the provisional congress that had met there to form a Confederate Government. Although preferring high rank in the army to political position, Davis accepted. On February 18th he delivered a carefully prepared address to the throng here assembled. At the foot of the slope is the carriage of Judge Benajah Bibb, containing his daughter, who later became president of the Ladies' Memorial Association. On July 20, 1860, the seat of the new Confederate Government was transferred to Ri
arly acts of the Confederate Congress laws of the United States continued in force officers of customs and revenue continued in office commission to the United States navigation of the Mississippi restrictions on the coasting trade removed appointment of commissioners to Washington. The legislation of the Confederate Congress furnishes the best evidence of the temper and spirit which prevailed in the organization of the Confederate government. The very first enactment, made on February 9, 1861—the day after the adoption of the provisional Constitution —was this: That all the laws of the United States of America in force and in use in the Confederate States of America on the first day of November last, and not inconsistent with the Constitution of the Confederate States, be and the same are hereby continued in force until altered or repealed by the Congress. Statutes at Large, Provisional Government, Confederate States of America, p. 27. The next act, adopted on Feb
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Tennessee, (search)
amendments to the national Constitution favorable to the perpetuation and protection of the slave system. The legislature provided for a convention, but decreed that when the people should elect the delegates they should vote for Convention Interior of a Mountaineer's home in Tennessee. or No convention ; also, that any ordinance adopted by the convention concerning Federal relations should not be valid until submitted to the people for ratification or rejection. The election was held Feb. 9, 1861, and the Union candidates were elected by an aggregate majority of about 65,000; and, by a majority of nearly 12,000, decided not to have a convention. The loyal people were gratified, and believed the secession movements in the State would cease. Governor Harris called the legislature to meet on April 25, 1861, and in a message to them he strongly urged the immediate secession of the State. He urged that there was no propriety in wasting time in submitting the question to the peopl
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
a, withdraw from the Senate with speeches......Feb. 4, 1861 Confederate Congress meets at Montgomery, Ala......Feb. 4, 1861 Choctaw nation adheres to the Confederate States......Feb. 7, 1861 Congress authorizes a loan of $25,000,000......Feb. 8, 1861 United States arsenal seized at Little Rock, Ark., by the State troops......Feb. 8, 1861 Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, chosen President, and Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, Vice-President, by the Confederate Congress......Feb. 9, 1861 Electoral vote counted......Feb. 13, 1861 United States arsenal and barracks seized at San Antonio by the Texas State troops......Feb. 16, 1861 United States military posts in Texas surrendered to the State by General Twiggs, U. S. A.......Feb. 18, 1861 Jefferson Davis inaugurated President of the Confederacy......Feb. 18, 1861 Territorial government established in Colorado......Feb. 28, 1861 Gen. D. E. Twiggs dismissed from the army......March 1, 1861 Territorial gov
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
ground for the Santa Fe Railroad at Atchison occurred......June 13, 1860 George M. Beebe, secretary, becomes acting governor on Governor Medary's resignation......Dec. 17, 1860 Population of the Territory, 107,204......1860 Last territorial legislature meets at Lecompton, Jan. 7, and adjourns to Lawrence......Jan. 8, 1861 Act to admit Kansas under Wyandotte constitution passes Senate, Jan. 21; House, Jan. 28; approved......Jan. 29, 1861 Governor Robinson assumes office......Feb. 9, 1861 Meeting of the first State legislature at Topeka......March 26, 1861 James H. Lane and Samuel C. Pomeroy elected United States Senators......April 4, 1861 Steamboat New Sam Gaty arrives at Leavenworth from St. Louis, under Confederate flag. The captain is compelled by the people to substitute the stars and stripes......April 18, 1861 First Confederate flag captured by Kansas troops at Iatan, Mo., brought into Leavenworth......June 3, 1861 Organization of the 1st Kansas at
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