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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Taney, Roger Brooke 1777-1864 (search)
Taney, Roger Brooke 1777-1864 Jurist; born in Calvert county, Md., March 17, 1777; graduated at Dickinson College in 1795; admitted to the bar in 1799. He was of a family of English Roman Catholics who settled in Maryland. At the age of twenty-three he was a member of the Maryland Assembly; was State Senator in 1816, and attorney-general of Maryland in 1827. In 1831 President Jackson appointed him United States Attorney-General, and in 1836 he was appointed chief-justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, to succeed Judge Marshall. In 1857 he gave his famous opinion in the Dred Scott case (q. v.), and was an earnest upholder of the slave-system. He died in Washington, D. C., Oct. 12, 1864.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
n favor of Lincoln and Johnson, by letter......Sept. 17, 1864 Battle of Winchester, Va.......Sept. 19, 1864 Battle of Fisher's Hill, Va.......Sept. 22, 1864 General Price invades Missouri......Sept. 24–Oct. 28, 1864 English-built cruiser Florida captured in the Brazilian harbor of Bahia by the United States war-ship Wachusett, and taken to Hampton Roads, where she is sunk by a collision a few days after......Oct. 7, 1864 Chief-Justice Roger B. Taney dies in Washington......Oct. 12, 1864 Battle of Cedar Creek, Va.......Oct. 19, 1864 Raid on St. Albans, Vt., by Confederates from Canada......Oct. 19, 1864 Confederates under Price enter Linn county, Kan......Oct. 23, 1864 Confederate ram Albemarle blown up by Lieutenant Cushing, U. S. N., at Plymouth, N. C.......Oct. 27, 1864 Battle of Hatcher's Run, Va.......Oct. 27, 1864 Nevada, the thirty-sixth State in order, admitted into the Union by proclamation of the President......Oct. 31, 1864 Mr. Seward tele
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Maryland, (search)
rests many persons suspected of treason, and suspends the Maryland Club and similar societies......1863 Every Union master allowed $300 for each of his slaves enlisting by act of Congress......Feb. 24, 1864 General Lee detaches a force for the invasion of Maryland, which overpowers the Federals under Gen. Lew. Wallace in a battle on the Monocacy River......July 9, 1864 Convention for framing a new constitution meets at Annapolis, April 27; completes its work, Sept. 6; ratified......Oct. 12-13, 1864 [This constitution abolished slavery, and disfranchised all who had aided or encouraged rebellion against the United States. Home vote, 27,541 for, 29,536 against; soldiers, 2,633 for, 263 against; majority for, 375.] Maryland Agricultural College established in Prince George's county......1865 Fair held at Baltimore for the relief of the destitute in the Southern States; net receipts, $164,569.97......April, 1866 Peabody Institute formally inaugurated; George Peabody