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Diodorus Siculus, Library 3 3 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 3 3 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 2 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. 2 2 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 8 (search)
n a thousand talents. And because from these mines he had soon amassed a fortune, with the abundance of money he raised the Macedonian kingdom higher and higher to a greatly superior position, for with the gold coins which he struck, which came to be known from his name as Philippeioi,Worth about $6.25. According to Seltman, Greek Coins, 200-201, the issue of Philippi bore the name of the town *f*i*l*i*p*p*w*n (see Plate XLVI 7) and only after 348 began the issue of Philippeioi. See also West, "The Early Diplomacy of Philip II of Macedon Illustrated by his Coins," Numismatic Chronicle, 3 (1923), 169 ff. he organized a large force of mercenaries, and by using these coins for bribes induced many Greeks to become betrayers of their native lands. But concerning these matters the several events, when recorded, will explain everything in detail, and we shall now shift our account back to the events in the order of their occurrence.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 94 (search)
hile the guards kept their distance, he saw that the king was left alone, rushed at him, pierced him through his ribs, and stretched him out deadThe date of Philip's death is discussed by K. J. Beloch, Griechische Geschichte, 3.2 (1923), 59. The news had not reached Athens by the end of the civil year 337/6 B.C.; IG 2(2). 1.240 in the tenth prytany does not know of it. On the other hand, the time must be early in the summer, for Philip was busy with preparationPausanias was from Orestis, and so were two of his slayers, while Attalus was Perdiccas's brother-in-law. It is tempting to suppose that they knew of Pausanias's plan and then killed him to silence him. U. Wilcken (SB Ak. Berlin, 1923, 151 ff.) would find in P. Oxy. 1798 evidence that Pausanias was tried and executed, but the text is fragmentary and obscure, and the theory is not, to my mind, supported by Justin 11.2.1. Having a good start, Pausanias would have
Strabo, Geography, Book 7, chapter fragments (search)
Botteia"A city in Macedonia" (Etymologicum Magnum, s.v.) is spelled with the "i",i.e., not with the e, as is *bottea/ths the ethnic of *bo/ttea (see Etym. Magn., l.c.), but with the i, as is *bottiai=oi. according to Strabo in his Seventh Book. And the city is calledsc. Botteia. after Botton the Cretan.The country was called "Bottiaea" (6. 3. 6), "Bottia," and "Bottiaeis," and the inhabitants "Bottiaei" (6. 3. 2). See Pauly-Wissowa, s.v. *bo/ttia and *bottikh/ and Meritt, Am. Jour. Arch., 1923, pp. 336 ff. Amphaxion. Two parts of speech.i.e., the preposition "amphi" ("on both sides of") and the noun "Axius" (the "Axius" River). A city. The ethnic of Amphaxion is Amphaxites. The Peneius forms the boundary between Lower Macedonia, or that part of Macedonia which is close to the sea, and Thessaly and Magnesia; the Haliacmon forms the boundary of Upper Macedonia; and the Haliacmon also, together with the Erigon and the Axius and another set of rivers, form the boundary of the Epei
Strabo, Geography, Book 11, chapter 8 (search)
a, are called Däae, but those who are situated more to the east than these are named Massagetae and Sacae, whereas all the rest are given the general name of Scythians, though each people is given a separate name of its own. They are all for the most part nomads. But the best known of the nomads are those who took away Bactriana from the Greeks, I mean the Asii, Pasiani, Tochari,On the Tochari and their language, see the article by T. A. Sinclair in the Classical Review, xxxvii, Nov., Dec., 1923, p. 159. and Sacarauli, who originally came from the country on the other side of the Iaxartes River that adjoins that of the Sacae and the Sogdiani and was occupied by the Sacae. And as for the Däae, some of them are called Aparni, some Xanthii, and some Pissuri. Now of these the Aparni are situated closest to Hyrcania and the part of the sea that borders on it, but the remainder extend even as far as the country that stretches parallel to Aria. Between themThe Aparnian Däae (see 11. 9. 2)
Strabo, Geography, Book 13, chapter 1 (search)
Let this, then, mark the boundary of Phrygia.The translator must here record his obligations to Dr. Walter Leaf for his monumental works on the Troad: his Troy, Macmillan and Co., 1912, and his Strabo on the Troad, Cambridge, 1923, and his numerous monographs in classical periodicals. The results of his investigations in the Troad prove the great importance of similar investigations, on the spot, of various other portions of Strabo's "Inhabited World." The reader will find a map of Asia Minor in Vol. 5. of the Loeb edition. I shall now return again to the Propontis and the coast that comes next after the Aesepus River, and follow the same order of description as before. The first country on this seaboard is the Troad, the fame of which, although it is left in ruins and in desolation, nevertheless prompts in writers no ordinary prolixity. With this fact in view, I should ask the pardon of my readers and appeal to them not to fasten the blame for the length of my discussion upon me
for connecting tools or bars of different sizes. See well-boring tools. Sub-a′que-ous Hel′met. A diver's head-dress, supplied with air by pump from above. See Ar-mor, submarine, pages 155-157; diving-bell, pages 713-715; respirator, page 1923. Capstan stump-extractor. Screw stump-extractor. Sub-a′que-ous tube. A pipe or tunnel (according to size) laid beneath the water as an aqueduct or viaduct. James Watt's submerged aqueduct across the bed of the Clyde is an example. It armor, submarine. See also submarine blasting. Secured beneath the diver's arms are a pair of water-tight sacks, which may be inflated from the reservoir at his back when he desires to rise to the surface. See also respirator, Fig 4272, page 1923. Subma-rine′ Bat′ter-y. (Vessel.) A vessel capable of being submerged and maintained at a given depth below the surface of the water, and provided with means for penetrating the hull of an enemy's ship below the water line or of blowi
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Medford Church anniversaries. (search)
or the evening hour. So passed into history another pleasant memory of the anniversary of another church of fifty years. After seventy-five years of church life, with, by the lapse of time, none of the early members and few of their descendants or those that knew them, Mystic Church gathered to do them honor and celebrate its anniversary. Mystic Church has a history of its own, though somewhat interlocked with another that preceded it twentyfour years before, and whose centennial in 1923, if observed, must be by Mystic Church, because of the union of the older with the younger church in 1874. And Mystic Church made a good beginning this year toward that event. On Friday evening, October 20, an illustrated lecture by the pastor showed the Pilgrims from old England and the Puritans of New England, the founders of Congregationalism. Sunday, October 22, its announcement styled Historical Day. The usual form of Sabbath worship was observed, and the pastor, Rev. Thomas C. R
Boston who were foremost among the amateurs. Although not active now, there is a group of the members who still hold the organization. Commercial developing and printing had its share in putting the camera clubs out of existence. The present officers (hold-overs) are: President, John F. Wade; VicePresio-dent, L. E. Shattuck (deceased); Secretary, Everett Scammon; Treasurer, Charles A. Clark; Executive Committee, J. F. W. Ames, E. B. Dennison, Will C. Eddy. Arrangements are being made (1923) for a reunion of all the members and past members that it is possible to reach through the mails. Not dead nor gone before, but such, in brief, is the record of one of Medford's organizations that was famous during its activities and one that the city may well be proud of. While it has ceased to function, its memories will ever remain with all who were associated together in a work that was agreeable and interesting. Would that more organizations could leave behind them so much that was
Season of 1922-23. No meetings were held in June and September as was expected, and the season opened as usual with that of October 16, 1922. Mr. J. Stevens Kadesch, principal of Medford High School, gave a very interesting address on Humor as Expressed in Dickens' Novels. A number of gifts to our collection were received and displayed, among them an Indian tomahawk found at West Medford by the late Samuel Teele. The November meeting was held on the 20th, in the vestry of the Mystic Church, which had recently celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary, and the exercises were pertinent thereto. Fred H. C. Woolley was the speaker, his subject, Ship Street and Galen James. Our secretary notes it thus: A vivid account of the street as he knew it in the ‘70s, illustrating his talk with his own drawings of its houses and ships at the shipyard. On the blackboard he drew a vessel in construction, explaining as he proceeded; also pictures of Deacon James' horse and carriage and of
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., The Society's Meetings, season of 1923-24. (search)
The Society's Meetings, season of 1923-24. October 15. Unfavorable weather conditions—dense fog in evening. Mr. Wilson Fiske gave an interesting talk upon Hudson River, to small attendance of twelve. November 19. The printed copy of Mr. George E. Davenport's lecture on Middlesex Fells having been presented to the Society, Former President Will C. Eddy read the same and illustrated it with slides, some of which were Mr. Davenport's. Twenty-five, including visitors, were present. December 17. Thirty-five were present, including Miss Bell (teacher) and twelve girl scouts. Professor Gilmer of Tufts College gave illustrated talk on John Brown. January 7, 1924. An adjourned meeting was held to hear reports on by-laws and nominations, but no action was taken as but eight were present. January 21. A very high wind and cold evening, barely a quorum present at annual meeting. Reports were made, amendment to by-laws regarding dues passed and officers elected. Meetings def