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d this place on the twenty-sixth, the enemy's advance having halted at Harrisonburgh. Jackson is much censured for this fight, and although he acted according to orders, is cursed by every one. We lost no baggage, nor any persons of prominence, but the enemy had several officers killed. Shields himself was desperately wounded in the arm by a shell. There seems to be the fulfilment of his own apostrophe to heaven, in this man Shields. He was a very successful and dashing general of volunteers in Mexico, commanded the New-York Volunteers there, and at one time led on the Palmetto (South-Carolina) Regiment in a storming party, in which he was successful. Several years subsequently, at a banquet in Charleston, (South-Carolina,) he had greatly eulogized the South-Carolinians for their gallantry and heroism, and in token of admiration for Southern valor, wished that his right arm might be palsied or shattered, rather than draw a sabre against the sons of the sunny South. Ashton.
Jackson, whose movements in the Valley began to excite interest about this time. The Major had seen him at Manassas, and spoke of him dispassionately. He had not achieved much greatness in that conflict, but received a name there which will be as imperishable as history. I received letters a few days ago from Ashton, said my friend, who is now with Jackson in the Valley; you knew Ashton very well. Amuse yourself while I take a nap, for 'tis nearly dawn, and I must be out in camp early. Jackson, whose movements in the Valley began to excite interest about this time. The Major had seen him at Manassas, and spoke of him dispassionately. He had not achieved much greatness in that conflict, but received a name there which will be as imperishable as history. I received letters a few days ago from Ashton, said my friend, who is now with Jackson in the Valley; you knew Ashton very well. Amuse yourself while I take a nap, for 'tis nearly dawn, and I must be out in camp early.
e ground in great confusion, thrown away by the panic-stricken soldiers . Colonel Gordon and staff are safe; also General Williams and staff. While retreating through Winchester, women from the houses opened fire of pistols upon our soldiers, and killed a great many of them. My reader will not fail to observe from the above, that General Banks's body. guard is composed of negroes, and that the women of Winchester killed a great many of the Yankees. God forbid that any army of ours should be so broken up and so totally demoralized as was that of the vain-glorious and arrant Abolitionist, General N. P. Banks. How many millions of dollars they have lost in this retreat of three days will never be known, and perhaps can not be calculated; but this I do know, that we are now wallowing in the luxuries of life, and Jackson has sufficient stores to last an indefinite time, should we successfully transport them out of the Valley. Excuse haste, and believe me yours, Ashton.
out parallel, but though the majority think that these movements were all his own, it may not be so. He was constantly in receipt of orders from Lee, and he faithfully obeyed them. No man in the army is half so obedient as old Stonewall, or so determined to be obeyed; the result is, that no army has shown greater endurance, marched farther, fought more frequently, suffered less, or done half the work that has fallen to our lot. Our men seem to know intuitively the designs of their commanders, and they second them without a murmur. Where we are marching to now, I cannot form the least idea, but as we move eastward, it is whispered that we go to Charlottesville to recruit, and after being heavily reenforced, may reenter the Valley again, and perhaps push for Maryland. All at present is profound mystery, but I am sincerely rejoiced at the prospect of some little rest. A messenger starts to-night across country for Richmond, and I hurriedly close to send by him. Yours, Ashton.
of munitions of war, valued at half a million dollars.--N. Y. Herald, May 23. Rumors of foreign intervention in American affairs still continue. The Paris correspondent of the London Daily News states that the French and English ministers at Washington have received identical instructions to attempt a moral intervention, exclusive of any idea of force. The Paris correspondent of the Independance Belge also reiterates his former statements in reference to intervention. At a meeting at Ashton under Lyne resolutions were adopted calling on the government to recognize the Confederate States. A letter from Mr. Russell to the London Times charges upon Secretary Stanton the trouble to which he was subjected; he also says that General McClellan has expressed himself strongly in reference to the Secretary's conduct to him and to Mr. Russell also. A pontoon-Bridge was thrown across the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburgh, and General McDowell and staff, with an escort of cavalry,
unded. The object of the reconnaissance was effected. The following report was sent by General Thomas, from his headquarters at Chattanooga, to the National war department: Colonel Boone, with a force of four hundred and fifty men, Twenty-eighth Kentucky mounted infantry, and Fourth Michigan cavalry, left Rossville January twenty-first, moved through McLamore's caves, crossed Lookout Mountain into Brownton Valley; thence across Taylor's Ridge to eight miles beyond Deertown, toward Ashton, attacked camp of home guards, Colonel Culbertson, commanding, routed them, destroying camp, considerable number of arms, and other property, and retired to camp without any casualties in his force. Friday, twenty-second January, sent flag of truce under Colonel Burke, with Ohio infantry, with rebel surgeons and a proposition to exchange our wounded at Atlanta for rebel wounded here. A despatch from Colonel H. B. Miller, Seventy second Indiana, commanding division, Bluewater, twenty-sixt
e General Commanding takes great pleasure in expressing his admiration of the courage and skill so conspicuously exhibited throughout by the General and the officers and the men under his command. In addition to the officers honorably mentioned in the report of the expedition, the conduct of the following privates has received the special commendation of their respective commanders: Private Thomas D. Clapp, Co. D, First Virginia cavalry, and J. S. Mosby, serving in the same regiment; privates Ashton, Brent, R. Herring, F. Herring, and F. Coleman, Co. E, Ninth Virginia cavalry. By command of General Lee, R. H. Chilton, A. A. G. Richmond Dispatch account. It being determined upon to penetrate the enemy's lines, and make a full and thorough reconnoissance of their position and strength, Gen. J. E. B. Stuart ordered the First, (Col. Fitz-Hugh Lee,) Ninth, (Col. F. H. Fitz-Hugh Lee,) and Fourth Virginia cavalry, (Lieut. Gardiner commanding,) to hold themselves in readiness. the
d brigade, both of Huger's division; Colonel Barksdale, commanding Third Mississippi brigade of Magruder's division; Colonel Norwood, Second Louisiana regiment, mortally wounded, commanding three regiments, Cobb's brigade, Magruder's division; Major Ashton, of the same regiment, who fell heroically, bearing the colors of his regiment to the front; Colonel Dowd, Fifteenth North Carolina; Colonel Goode Bryan, Sixteenth Georgia, Cobb's legion, who had been relieved from picket duty, and led his reghose of other brigades nearest the batteries of the enemy. It was at this point in the battle, that Colonel Norwood, of the Second Louisiana, whilst gallantly leading his regiment, fell, severely, but I am happy to say not mortally, wounded. Major Ashton, of the same regiment, had seized the colors of the regiment, after three brave men had been shot down in the act of bearing them forward, and was bravely cheering on his men and rallying them to their standard, when, pierced by several balls,
idder d. Oct. 23, 1814, aged 12,  1KNOX, Moses, son of John and Nancy (Cochran) Knox, was b. in Pembroke, N. H., Aug. 4, 1812; m., May 23, 1839, Abigail, dau. of Edward S. and Persis Phipps Walker, of Charlestown; and has--  1-2Joseph Henry, b. Aug. 27, 1842.  3William Penn, b. Mar. 2, 1845.  4Mary Adelaide, b. Feb. 11, 1849.  5Moses Edwards, b. Mar. 5, 1855. Sir Robert Lawrence, of Ashton Hall, was a descendant of Sir Robert Lawrence, knighted about 1190. This Sir Robert, of Ashton, had a third son, Nicholas Lawrence, of Agercroft, whose fourth son was John, who d. 1461, leaving a son, Thomas L., of Ramburgh, in Suffolk. This Thomas d. 1471, leaving John Lawrence, oldest son, whose will is dated 1504. John had an only son, Robert, whose son, John (will dated 1556), was the father of Henry, John, William, and Richard. Of these, John d. May, 1590: his oldest son, John, settled at Wisset (will dated 1607), and had son, Henry Lawrence, of Wisset. This Henry was father
engines are described under traction-engine; road-steamer; road-locomotive. Traction-engine for gang-plow. 5. Spading-machines. See digging; spading. Steam-port. (Steam.) An opening through the valve-seat to the inside of the cylinder. Known as the induction (inlet) port, or the eduction (outlet) port, respectively, according to the course of the steam. Steam-pow′er Me′ter. A device for ascertaining the amount of work done by a steam-engine. Fig. 5711 is that of Messrs. Ashton & Storey, of Manchester, England. It consists of a double-acting indicator cylinder, having its ends connected with those of the engine-cylinder by pipes g g. The indicator piston-rod a carries a wheel b with a plain rim and a long pinion e gearing with the spur-wheel d. At the upper end of this rod is a helical spring, which resists either the upward or downward movement of the indicator piston. The wheel d is fixed on the lower end of a spindle having a worm at its upper end, which<