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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
arried with him throughout the earnest attention and apparently the sympathy of the audience. Nathan Hale, Jr., in the Boston Advertiser, Aug. 28, 1846. Boston Atlas, August 28. E. P. Whipple, in the Boston Courier, August 28, noted the vitality of the oration as pre-eminently deserving attention, and how it came warm from the to the amount of $1200; the municipal election in Boston in 1847, when he spoke at Tremont Temple, in favor of the election of Josiah Quincy, Jr., as Mayor; Boston Atlas, Dec. 13, 1847. the reform of the law, particularly in the abolition of the distinction between law and equity, a subject on which he was in correspondence wit conservative Whigs, Courier, Jan. 17, 1848; Palfrey's first speech in Congress as a treatment of the slavery question, the second article being a rejoinder to the Atlas, Courier, Feb. 1 and 15, 1848. His contributions at this period to journals and magazines on literary or legal topics were few and brief, chiefly notices of bo
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 31: the prison—discipline debates in Tremont Temple.—1846-1847. (search)
blunder rather than an intentional misrepresentation. See Stevenson's remarks, June 18. Boston Atlas, June 21. He directed his severest criticisms against the report for 1843, describing it as sealy had been neither judicial nor philosophical. See other articles, Boston Whig, June 23; Boston Atlas, June 23. moved to lay the whole subject on the table. After referring to the accumulation of cabout to leave it. His motion was carried unanimously, and the Society adjourned sine die. Boston Atlas, June 25. The lateness of the hour, the physical weariness of all present, and the skilful re to the supporters of positive action, prevented the adoption of Mr. Lothrop's substitute. Boston Atlas, June 25. One of the audience writes as follows:— I was out of town when the meetino come to any definite result after the prolonged discussion caused public disappointment, Boston Atlas, June 25. which led to a meeting of the managers on July 10, when it was voted to call a meet
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 32: the annexation of Texas.—the Mexican War.—Winthrop and Sumner.—1845-1847. (search)
ort, amid a perfect torrent of applause. Boston Atlas, September 24. Whittier, immediately aff paragraph or with unfriendly comments The Atlas was brief and the Advertiser cool. Sumner was fell upon him with sharp personalities. Boston Atlas, October 28 and 30. These—although he could the committee, of which Hayden, editor of the Atlas, was chairman, had been dilatory in taking anybject of discussion in the newspapers. Boston Atlas, September 17; Boston Whig, September 16, 17, assurance of what you would do hereafter. The Atlas and Advertiser May utter their maledictions, bharp controversy with the junior editor of the Atlas (William Schouler), who assumed Winthrop's defn that point did not offer proofs. The Boston Atlas at once controverted Giddings's statement, length. Boston Whig, March 18. 1848; Boston Atlas, March 17. The Atlas rejoined in several artic participation in the meeting. Forthwith the Atlas assailed Sumner, in successive articles, with [2 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 33: the national election of 1848.—the Free Soil Party.— 1848-1849. (search)
ing a renegade. Their organ in Boston was the Atlas, a journal intensely partisan, the columns of in a body, and assailing their positions, the Atlas (the articles bearing the ear-marks of anotherand in consequence he was obliged to leave the Atlas in the spring of 1853, and later in the same yion, and cormorant appetite for office. See Atlas in 1848 for February 10; June 19, 22; July 3, State. To this charge he replied in a letter,—Atlas, October 16; Advertiser, October 18. The Adveile refraining from the coarse epithets of the Atlas, gave to its arguments against the new party aanized on the basis of antislavery ideas. The Atlas denounced the new party as sectional, and promnames of Washington and Taylor (printed in the Atlas, February 25), saying that Taylor, if nominatese of the letter. Mr. Lawrence authorized the Atlas to state that Sumner had perverted the languagnization. Sumner, by a letter to the Boston Atlas, Oct. 1, 1849, met certain criticisms upon his
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 34: the compromise of 1850.—Mr. Webster. (search)
port it only as amended by himself. The transfer of the relative pronoun led to a controversy in the newspapers,——--Boston Courier, May 6, 1850 Advertiser, May 7; Atlas, May 8 and 9; Moses Stuart's Conscience and the Constitution, p. 67. He intimated his purpose to offer some amendments which would qualify its harshness, and latere, in which he stood alone among New England senators, prevented the exclusion of California from the Compromise, and delayed by some months her admission. Boston Atlas, April 16, 1850. He supported the Texas boundary bill, putting forth as his chief ground for yielding to the pretensions of that State that a collision with Texas g journals opposed to the Compromise measures, and transferred it to others (sometimes religious weeklies) which supported them. Boston Courier, April 5, 1851. Atlas, April 4. The motives of Mr. Webster, whether those of personal ambition of patriotism, or however these may have been combined, need not be considered in a st
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 35: Massachusetts and the compromise.—Sumner chosen senator.—1850-1851. (search)
t days of February, was not credited. (Boston Atlas, March 1.) The Southern leaders had been advis Boston, would have rejected it. The Boston Atlas, March 16, June 17, stated the number of New Enations they dictated. The proprietors of the Atlas opposed the Compromise while it was pending, be, and the latter by papers contributed to the Atlas, October 29 and November 23, each maintaining ty to fling at me, and when the Advertiser and Atlas had elaborate articles often impugning even mywn in its history. The editor of the Boston Atlas, to whom Adams sent the letter to explain his f the State. Emancipator and Republican, Boston Atlas, November 14 and 15. Dr. Bailey wrote to Sum effectively in creating public opinion. The Atlas endeavored, on the other hand, to hold the antntention as to the cause of their defeat. The Atlas attributed it to the Courier, the Advertiser, d those journals put the responsibility on the Atlas,—maintaining that Whig success could be achiev[3 more...]<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
nto the real question of the future. Schouler, the correspondent of the Boston Atlas, Dec. 5, 1851, mentioned the incidents of the first day of the session, and parsaid that the senator had achieved a triumph. William Schouler in the Boston Atlas, December 13. Webster was in the Senate the day before, but probably not preseof the return of good feeling between the sections. T. m. Brewer in the Boston Atlas, Feb. 5, 1852. Two senators who led the opposition were not at all complimentarorial criticisms exceeding in length the speech itself; and its contemporaries Atlas, April 16 and 17. The Courier, Traveller, and Journal dissented from the senatbut I know also my singleness of purpose, and I know that I am in earnest. The Atlas is false when it says I could have made the speech,—utterly false. Sumner wriving it so much as a paragraph in the news column. The Advertiser, Courier, Atlas, and Post. The writer does not intend to imply that they excluded the summary
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
ss. My desire is for the plurality rule, that we may submit our cause directly to the people,—yea or nay. The Whigs were insolent in their success, altogether rejecting the genial and magnanimous tone which is becoming in a winning party. Atlas, November 16, 21, and December 1; Courier, November 16. In their journals, in various meetings for mutual congratulations, and in private intercourse, they exulted in their triumph; vaunted their security in power for ten years to come; taunted tg to the manufacture of boots at Natick, in which he had been unsuccessful before he became an editor. He employed forty workmen in his factory; but he was no more fortunate in this second venture than in his first. See his letter in the Boston Atlas, Oct. 17, 1854 The Free Soilers, however, soon gathered courage, and became consolidated by the arrogance and intemperate exultations of the Whigs. To their convictions of right was added a deep sense of personal wrong, and smarting under th
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 38: repeal of the Missouri Compromise.—reply to Butler and Mason.—the Republican Party.—address on Granville Sharp.—friendly correspondence.—1853-1854. (search)
ad supported the Compromise of 1850, while the Atlas opposed it, though subsequently acquiescing. the past winter than Charles Sumner? Even the Atlas, June 12, commended his consistent and unwaverr articles are in part given. See also Boston Atlas, June 14; New York Evening Post, June 1 and Ju later remarks on the clerical petitions. The Atlas, Journal, and Traveller, while giving to theirs in offices, and enemies of human society. Atlas. Jan. 2, 1854. With the public peril demanding, 20; August 2, 5, 8, 15, 31; September 5, 8. Atlas, July 1, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28; August 10; Septem22; August 14, 22, 31; September 6, 8, 9. The Atlas (September 8) called Wilson the ambitious and l, and unprincipled. Advertiser, November 29; Atlas, November 17. This style of warfare, unworthy stent obligations; See his letter in Boston Atlas, October 17. About five hundred Free Soilers, Boston Advertiser, November 8, December 28; Atlas, October 28; Journal, October 27; Springfield [2 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 39: the debate on Toucey's bill.—vindication of the antislavery enterprise.—first visit to the West.—defence of foreign-born citizens.—1854-1855. (search)
d from opening in the previous November. The public interest in the address was so keen that he repeated it in the same hall the next evening. Afterwards he delivered it during the same and the next month in several towns and cities of Massachusetts and New York. Woburn, Lowell, Worcester, New Bedford, Lynn, and other places in Massachusetts; also in Albany, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, and Auburn, For notices of the address and the reception it met, see Boston Telegraph, March 30, 1855, Atlas, March 30. At Auburn he was the guest of Mr. Seward, who introduced him to the audience with generous praise. Seward's Life, vol. II. p. 250. Mr. Seward, supposing Sumner was about to visit the West, wrote March 26, and pleasantly besought a sojourn in Auburn. Pray stop and spend a week, or some days or a (lay with us. Mrs. Seward would command, Mrs. Worden enjoins, and I solicit that pleasure Such was the interest in the address and in the orator which prevailed in New York city that u
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