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Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 13: (search)
Hamlin was a typical New England woman. They had two daughters. One of them had married General Batchelder, at one time a splendid soldier. General Batchelder was appointed to some position out inGeneral Batchelder was appointed to some position out in one of the Territories, where he became very much demoralized, and the marriage in consequence turned out badly, and Mrs. Batchelder returned to her father's home. Batchelder finally lost his positiMrs. Batchelder returned to her father's home. Batchelder finally lost his position, came to Washington, and died friendless in an isolated quarter of the city. Mrs. S. P. Brown, who was a friend of the Hamlins, learned of Batchelder's death, and telegraphed the news to Senator Batchelder finally lost his position, came to Washington, and died friendless in an isolated quarter of the city. Mrs. S. P. Brown, who was a friend of the Hamlins, learned of Batchelder's death, and telegraphed the news to Senator Hamlin. With characteristic promptness the old senator telegraphed back: Bury him decently, and I will pay the bill with pleasure. Matthew H. Carpenter of Wisconsin has been described as a short, Batchelder's death, and telegraphed the news to Senator Hamlin. With characteristic promptness the old senator telegraphed back: Bury him decently, and I will pay the bill with pleasure. Matthew H. Carpenter of Wisconsin has been described as a short, heavy-set, shaggy man, and that is probably a correct description. He had, however, a phenomenally large head, which was said to be full of brains. His record in the Senate shows that he was one of
9. 28,097McCurdyMay 1, 1860. 56,902CatelyAug. 7, 1866. 1. (c.) Vibrating Loop-Taker. 7,659BatchelderSept. 24, 1850. 12,573StedmanMar. 20, 1855. 12,798StedmanMay 1, 1855. 16,554PrattFeb. 3, 185ouscayMay 28, 1872. A. 2. Two or more Threads. (a.) Reciprocating Under-Thread Carrier. 6,439BatchelderMay 8, 1849. 7,931Grover et al.Feb. 11, 1851. 10,597JohnsonMar. 7, 1854. 10,622HodgkinsMar. 20,471Shaw et al.June 1, 1858. (Reissue.)568Grover et al.June 15, 1858. (Reissue.)617BatchelderNov. 2, 1858. 22,220RaymondNov. 30, 1858. (Reissue.)706StedmanApr. 26, 1859. 24,022Gray (Reissue.)1,244Grover et al.Dec. 3, 1861. 37,585MaddenFeb. 3, 1863. (Reissue.)1,244BatchelderSept. 22, 1863. 40,296WagnerOct. 13, 1863. (Reissue.)2,125BatchelderDec. 12, 1865. 55,02BatchelderDec. 12, 1865. 55,029HayesMay 22, 1866. 61,102RehfussJan. 8, 1867. 2. (a.) Reciprocating Under-Thread Carrier. (continued). No.Name.Date. 70,152BakerOct. 29, 1867. 82,366WagnerSept. 22, 1868. 88,499McLeanMar. 30
ithstanding the snow and rain which continued to fall, the ranks were full. I saw most of the officers, and passed many pleasant hours with this regiment. On my return, Colonel Cass accompanied me as far as Fort Albany. On our way, we called on Major-General Porter, and arranged with him about receiving our Sixth Battery. We also called at the headquarters of Brigadier-General Martindale, but he was absent; but I was glad to find, in a tent near by, our old friend Dr. Lyman; also, Captain Batchelder, late of the Twenty-second Regiment, now on Martindale's staff. We then proceeded over fields of fallen timber, and across ravines, for about four miles, to Fort Cass, which was constructed last summer by the Ninth, and named in honor of their colonel. After warming ourselves and drying our clothes, we started across the country towards Fort Albany, passing through several camps; among them, that of the Nineteenth Indiana, commanded by an old veteran friend of mine, Colonel Meredith.
had given unquestionable evidence of bravery and military capacity. Accordingly, he wrote to Mr. Stanton, at different times, for the discharge of Captain Bates, of the Twelfth Regiment, to be commissioned major of the Thirty-third; Lieutenant-Colonel Batchelder, of the Thirteenth, and others, that they might be promoted to higher commands in new regiments. It appears that these applications met with serious opposition from army officers, as we find on the Governor's files a letter, dated Auby one man: a good man below him stands ready to make good the place vacated. In a new regiment just marching to the field, a few good fellows, who know what camp life and battles are, are valuable beyond price to all the rest of the command. Batchelder, of the Thirteenth, is not needed there. That regiment could furnish officers for a whole regiment outside of itself, and be no more weakened than is a bird by laying its eggs. It is remarkable for its excellence of material. . . . I beg you,
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XVI: the crowning years (search)
him, he said, I am naturally a glutton of such work and rather enjoy it. In the spring of that year he visited the battlefield of Gettysburg in connection with his Military History and wrote home:— At Gettysburg I rose at 6 A. M. and soon after seven set off with fifty people and two buglers in a series of omnibuses and barouches to drive about, over twenty miles of Union and Confederate lines of battle. At certain places we stopped, were called together by the buglers while Colonel Batchelder who is a sort of professor of Gettysburg battle knowledge told us just what happened, and as we had with us a number of persons who had been in the battle at different points, they often added their reminiscences. One of these was a western physician who had lost his hearing in the battle by the noise of cannon and whenever we stopped and gathered round the speaker, he would run up to the front and stick his long ear trumpet up to Colonel B. and drink it all in with beaming eyes . . .
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 38: repeal of the Missouri Compromise.—reply to Butler and Mason.—the Republican Party.—address on Granville Sharp.—friendly correspondence.—1853-1854. (search)
an entrance. The attempt at a rescue failed; but in the defence, Batchelder, a truckman, one of the guards temporarily appointed by the marshbefore for considering the political situation. Poor creature as Batchelder was, and no baser than the rest, his death gave a sort of dignityg of the Burns case, with the popular resistance and the death of Batchelder, produced an excitement in Washington not less than that in Bosto raise a mob against the Massachusetts senator in retaliation for Batchelder's fate, and so advised the public. The slaveholding population o miscreants as Parker, Phillips, and such kindred spirits; joined Batchelder and Joseph Warren as martyrs of liberty and law falling in the sansions reported a bill at the same session making a provision for Batchelder's widow. Sumner and Seward, members of the committee, dissented Smith, of Wisconsin, was written by Sumner. The provision for Batchelder's widow was moved, July 31, as an amendment to a bill for the rel
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Forty-sixth regiment Massachusetts Infantry (Militia). (search)
––––––––––947 The 46th Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was recruited in camp at Springfield, Mass., during September and October, 1862, largely through the efforts of Rev. Geo. Bowler, who became colonel of the regiment, although early in the service (Jan. 23, 1863), obliged to resign on account of ill health. It was mustered in from Sept. 24 to Oct. 30, 1862, and was ordered to New Berne, N. C. Arriving November 15, it became part of Colonel Lee's brigade and encamped near the town; two companies under Captain Spooner were detached for duty at Newport barracks. The regiment, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Shurtleff, took part in the Goldsboroa expedition and remained in camp near the Trent River during the winter. It shared in the reconnoissance on the Trent road March 13, formed part of the garrison at Plymouth, N. C., in April, and shared in the movement to Gum Swamp May 21-22. Two companies left behind in the defences of New Berne were engaged May 23 at
Pine Island, soon burned, 1872 Roxbury Alms-house fitted up, Jan. 15, 1873 Built on Canterbury street, 1877 Hotels Adams, Washington street, kept by L. Adams, 1846 Albion, Tremont street, kept by Maj. Barton, 1836 Allen's, Causeway street, kept by Wm. Allen, 1855 American, 42 Hanover street, kept by M. M. Brigham, 1830 Ben Franklin, Morton Place, kept by Tom Morgan, 1851 Blackstone, 95 Hanover street, kept by D. Wise, 1837 Boston, on Brattle street, kept by Mrs. Batchelder, 1836 Boston, 641 Washington street, kept by S. Murdock, 1836 Boston, Harrison avenue and Beach street, kept by J. S. Bradbury, 1860 Boylston, 38 School street, kept by H. L. Hanscom, 1834 Brunswick, on Boylston street, kept by J. W. Walcott, 1876 Bucket, 441 Washington street, kept by Dan Simpson, 1830 Canal, on Pond street, kept by P. Sherburne, 1834 Carleton, on Tremont Row, kept by John L. Hanson, 1847 Central, 9 Brattle street, kept by Lucius Slade, 1847
and I, with the party under my command, create a diversion, draw off the enemy, and if the chance offered, go in the town. Following out this plan, General Hoke, after a brisk skirmish on Monday, February 1st, drove in the enemy's outpost at Batchelder's creek. The brigade of Hoke, three regiments of Corse, and two of Clingman, crossed the creek and advanced toward the town. The batteries from the Federal works opened upon them, but no assault was ordered. General Pickett reports: There wnot cross Brice's creek to carry out his part of the plan. General Pickett waited one day for him and then retired his forces, and the expedition from which North Carolinians had hoped much, came to an unsuccessful close. In the engagement at Batchelder's creek, Col. H. M. Shaw, of the Eighth North Carolina regiment, was killed. General Clingman said of him that he was equally remarkable for his attention to all the duties of his position, and his courage on the field. The Confederate loss h
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Lee at Gettysburg. (search)
t. Colonel John B. Bachelder, the historian of Gettysburg, said there is no question but what a combined attack on Cemetery hill made within an hour, would have been successful. At the end of an hour the troops had been rallied, occupied strong positions, were covered by stone walls, and under the command and magnetic influence of General Hancock, who in the meantime had reached the field, they would, in my opinion, have held the position against any attack from the troops then up. Col. Batchelder states in support of his opinion that there was but one brigade that had not been engaged, Smith's, of Steinwher's division, with not a battery in reserve on Cemetery hill. “The best chance for a successful attack was within the first hour and unquestionably the great mistake of the battle was the failure to follow the Union forces through the town, and attack them before they could reform on Cemetery hill. It was no fault of Early and Rodes and their divisions, that the Cemetery hill
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