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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The right flank at Gettysburg. (search)
on both flanks of the enemy, harassing and vigorously attacking him with great success, notwithstanding they encountered superior numbers, both cavalry and infantry. Swinton, in his Campaigns of the army of the Potomac, states that during the action (July 3d) the cavalry had been operating on the flanks-Kilpatrick's Division on the left, and Gregg's Division on the right, and, in a note, the scope of this work does not permit the recital of the details of the numerous cavalry affairs. And Bates, in his History of the battle of Gettysburg, which contains some good material, gives a few lines to an account of the operations on the right flank, correct in the main, but he erroneously locates Stuart with his cavalry on the right of the Confederate line. In the official maps of the battle-field, recently published by the War Department, the responsible duty of designating thereon the positions of the different portions of the contending armies, has been assigned to Mr. John B. Bache
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, May, 1863. (search)
war he was captured by the Yankees, when he was in command of the Confederate States steamer Royal Yacht, and taken to New York in chains, where he was condemned to be hung as a pirate; but he was eventually exchanged. I was afterwards told that the slave-trading escapade of which he was accused consisted in his having hired a colored crew at Boston, and then coolly selling them at Galveston. At 1 P. M., we arrived at Virginia Point, a tetede-pont at the extremity of the mainland. Here Bates's battalion was encamped-called also the swamp angels, on account of the marshy nature of their quarters, and of their predatory and irregular habits. The railroad then traverses a shallow lagoon (called Galveston Bay) on a trestle-bridge two miles long; this leads to another tete-de-pont on Galveston island, and in a few minutes the city is reached. In the train I had received the following message by telegraph from Colonel Debray, who commands at Galveston: Will Col. Fremantle sle
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXX. September, 1863 (search)
ed northward, east of the Big Black, I feared it was a mistake. I now wish to make the personal acknowledgment that you were right and I was wrong. A. Lincoln. If Pemberton had acted differently, if the movement northward had been followed by disaster, then what would Mr. Lincoln have written to Grant? Success is the only standard of merit in a general. September 10 A Mr. J. C. Jones has addressed a letter to the President asking permission to run the blockade to confer with Mr. Bates, of President Lincoln's cabinet, on terms of peace, with, I believe, authority to assure him that none of the Northwestern States, or any other free States, will be admitted into the Confederacy. Mr. J. says he has been on intimate terms with Mr. B., and has conceived the idea that the United States would cease the war, and acknowledge the independence of the South, if it were not for the apprehension of the Northwestern States seceding from the Union. If his request be not granted, he i
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 43 (search)
ned until marched to the field or released. Two of the clerks of the War Department, who went down to the Spottswood Hotel to hear the news, although having the Secretary's own details, were hustled off to a prison on Cary Street to report to Lieut. Bates, who alone could release them. But when they arrived, no Lieut. Bates was there, and they found themselves incarcerated with some five hundred others of all classes and conditions. Here they remained cooped up for an hour, when they espied aLieut. Bates was there, and they found themselves incarcerated with some five hundred others of all classes and conditions. Here they remained cooped up for an hour, when they espied an officer who knew them, and who had them released. To-day the guards arrested Judges Reagan and Davis, Postmaster-General and Attorney-General, both members of the cabinet, because neither of them were over fifty years old. Judge Reagan grew angry and stormed a little; but both were released immediately. Gen. Lee dispatched Gen. Bragg, at 9 P. M. last night, that all the assaults of the enemy on Fort Gilmer had been repulsed, the enemy losing many in killed, and wounded, and prisoners,
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 10: Missouri. (search)
rebel invasion from the Arkansas border was being encouraged and rapidly formed; and as fast as Harney brought the facts to the notice of Price, that dissembling conspirator waved them aside with an unvarying denial. This state of affairs was terminated on May 30th. Mis. souri matters had been watched with intense and daily solicitude at Washington. Each of the Union factions of that State had a spokesman in the Cabinet, Postmaster-General Blair favoring Lyon and his friends, Attorney-General Bates those of Harney; and the President therefore heard the complaints and justifications of both sides. Acting thus on full information, Lincoln, on May 18th, entrusted Frank P. Blair, junior, with a confidential discretionary order to relieve Harney whenever he might deem it necessary. On May 30th, amid the thickening perils from the conspiracy, Blair felt himself justified in acting upon this discretion; Harney was relieved, and Lyon once more placed in command under a newly issued c
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
his reply to President Lincoln's letter, 58; his reply to Confederate authorities, 61, 131, 135 Annapolis, 100, 102 et seq.; route by, to the capital, 106 et seq. Arkansas, 80, 121 Arlington Heights, Va., occupied by Union forces, 110; fortified, 169 Ashby's Gap, 168 B. Baker, Edward D., 76 Ball's Bluff, engagement at, 210 Baltimore, 83; attack on the Massachusetts soldiers in, 85 et seq., 98; authorities burn R. R. bridges, 89 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 141 Bates, Attorney-General, 122 Banks, General N. P., 208 Barrancas, Fort, 88 Beauregard, General G. T., 56; directs operations against Fort Sumter, 57, 59; placed in command at Manassas, 170; his first measures, 170, 171; his plan for the battle of Bull Run, 176 et seq.; composition of his army, 176, note Beckham, Lieut., 194 Bee, General, 185 Bell, adherents of, 8 Benham, Captain, 152 Beverly, 142, 146, 151 Black, Secretary, 26, 38 Blackburn's Ford, 176, note; engagement
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gen. Lee's strength and losses at Gettysburg. (search)
en published at the date of my strictures on Dr. Bates' book. In those strictures the Confederate s, even if correct, would give no support to Dr. Bates' conclusions. As to the number of the regiments, I distinctly adopted Dr. Bates' roster. He gives 163 (not 167 as — has it) as the number of day the infantry corps numbered 78,255, and Dr. Bates shows that the cavalry and the reinforcementttending his testimony show how unfounded is Dr. Bates' statement. Let us examine for a moment the process by which Dr. Bates arrives at his 72,000. In the return given by Butterfield, the Firsh, 11,350. On July 1st it went into battle, Dr. Bates says, with 8,200-decrease 3,150. This ratioto the whole number borne upon the rolls, as Dr. Bates has it. In the civil war the officers on botnumber of regiments on each side as given by Dr. Bates himself. All these go to show that Gen. ent., between the Potomac and Gettysburg, as Dr. Bates imagines, he brought almost his entire force[17 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General Patton Anderson of operations of his division from 30th of July to 31st of August, 1864, including the battle of Jonesboro, Georgia. (search)
cordingly made. At about 9 o'clock P. M. each of our batteries delivered a few rounds for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not a reply could be elicited. With the exception of one or, perhaps, two pieces on my extreme left, there was no response along my whole front. Before daylight on the morning of the 27th our skirmishers occupied a portion of the enemy's main works without opposition. By direction of the Lieutenant-General commanding the corps, Deas' brigade, with Jackson's, of Bates' division, of Hardee's corps, Brigadier-General H. R. Jackson commanding the whole, were sent forward in pursuit on the Lickskillet road. They advanced cautiously a distance of six or seven miles to within a short distance of the Chattahoochee river, and, coming upon a force of the enemy deemed too strong to be assailed by the two brigades, the command was halted, and Brigadier-General Jackson reported the facts and awaited further instructions; whereupon the two brigades were directed by
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Leading Confederates on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
orps, 7,925; making in all, 78,245. This was exclusive of the cavalry, which Bates, in his history of the battle, concedes to have been 12,000, and of the reserve field of Gettysburg, exclusive of his cavalry. The absurd estimate of Professor Bates that the 105,000 reported by Hooker had been reduced to only 72,000 betweeand there must have been a loss of as many more in killed and wounded; in fact, Bates puts the loss in those two corps at about 10,000. Butterfield says that on the 3,000 or 4,000. We may, therefore, assume that it was fully 4,000 strong. Bates, the State historian of Pennsylvania, says: When Howard came up he left oneng that brilliant charge by my two brigades that does them great injustice. Prof. Bates' description of that charge contains some of the finest writing in his book,ready in position, and I saw that they started promptly at the signal, and Professor Bates is not far wrong when he says they moved with the steadiness and precision
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Supplement to General Early's Review.-reply to General Longstreet. (search)
was in making such a remark will abundantly appear from the facts I have already given in my Review, and the statement of Bates in regard to the precautions taken by Steinwehr, whose division, of 4,000 men, occupied the heights immediately confront The article now given under the sanction of his name quotes partly from the preliminary report given in the Appendix to Bates' History of the Battle of Gettysburg and partly from the detailed report; but it appears that he thinks the latter was wrhe First and Eleventh corps, which were adjacent to him, when he succeeded in repulsing them. In his official report, Bates' Battle of Gettysburg, page 240, Meade says: An assault was, however, made about eight P. M. on the Eleventh corps,ade by my two brigades described in my Review. That attack began sooner than Meade states. It began about sunset (see Bates), and my brigades were compelled to retire probably about or a little after 8 P. M. It will be seen that there is a very
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