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of the Dispatch were sold here yesterday morning in half an hour after they were offered to the public. When all were gone, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five cents were offered for a single copy. A British nobleman is now the guest of General Beauregard. He is Sir James Ferguson, of Scotland, a young man of prepossessing appearance, agreeable manners, a member of Parliament, has a fine military education, and, I learn, distinguished himself in the Crimean war. His object is to gain a knowledge of the American war in all its phases, by personal observation. Yesterday evening General Beauregard, his staff, and Sir J. Ferguson, visited the Washington Artillery. They mingled freely with the men, and seemed to have a good time generally. Sir James expresses himself well pleased with our artillery, and says it has more celerity in its movements than the English. The encampments also are laid out in better style. The infantry he thinks exceedingly good for volunteers. The stalwar
The Daily Dispatch: October 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], The danger of rebellion in the North! (search)
What is Beauregard about? --This question is the ruling topic of the day. It puzzles military critics, and politicians who can see through a millstone. The general idea is that Beauregard is faBeauregard is falling back again to repeat the old ruse of Bull Run. But that trick is played out. Then, again, it is supposed that the rebel army of the Potomac is undergoing a division into two grand columns — theof both these columns, we have no idea that it will be tried. But, again, it is supposed that Beauregard is falling back in order to send a heavy detachment of his troops into Kentucky, to capture thertaking of two or three weeks, supplies and all included. We incline to the opinion that Beauregard has definitely abandoned the programme of the conquest of Washington; that he is preparing to rch forward into Washington, they must march backward to Richmond. This is our explanation of Beauregard's late mysterious movements. If Washington is impregnable, he must look to the defences of Ri
Sir James Ferguson, M. P. gentleman, who recently made a brief to Richmond, has since been enjoying of Beauregard's camp, and personal observations of our army Potomac. He has seemed to the courtesies extended to him by the though it is impossible to derive Englishman's manner any idea of his impressions. Sir James would made a tour of the Cotton States but in his life insurance policy, restricts him to a point above thirty- South latitude.