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ill be perceived, that after our repulse on the afternoon of Sunday, if we had had five fresh regiments in addition to Col. Blenker's brigade, which, however, did not reach the field of battle in time to afford any relief, and an additional force of out half a mile from the hospital we were overtaken by an officer, and desired to convey a message from the general to Col. Blenker, desiring him to look out for a cavalry attack on our flank. We met Blenker a mile further on at the head of his brigBlenker a mile further on at the head of his brigade, marching to the scene of action; we gave him the message, and lie immediately quickened the pace of his column, and if he did not get in soon enough to encourage our men to stand, he at least covered the retreat, and displayed the conduct of a tion, sought by every possible effort to rally the men; that the very officer on horseback who brought us the message to Blenker, was afterwards overtaken by us, far ahead of the troops, riding leisurely to the rear on the Fairfax road. I confident
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Blenker's brigade — the reserve. (search)
Blenker's brigade — the reserve. Washington, Tuesday, July 23, 1861. At the late battle in the valley along Bull Run, I was present, and in all the accounts given of the part taken by diffe to the important duty assigned to, and so well performed by, the brigade under command of Gen. Louis Blenker, late colonel of the New York German Rifles. Gen. Blenker's command was appointed as thGen. Blenker's command was appointed as the reserve, and consisted of four regiments — the German Rifles, Garibaldians, and two other German regiments — in all, something less than four thousand men. They were selected for this post of honor of cavalry which came down in the rear of our retreating army. In vain were the attempts of Blenker's men, himself, or his officers, to check the tide that set so determinately toward the Capitaleen lost, none of all that five-and-twenty thousand Union-loving soldiers felt more keenly the disappointment and chagrin of the hour, than did Gen. Blenker, his officers, and his men.--N. Y. Ti
er gentleman — particularly of a gentleman and a brave soldier. In his second letter to the Times, dated July 24th, (three days after the battle, and therefore not to be excused away on the plea of haste,) Mr. Russell goes out of his way to cast an arrow of unjust reproach and insinuation against Meagher, once the Irish Patriot, and now the American citizen soldier in a regiment filled with brave Irishmen who are proud of his companionship and gallantry. After praising the good conduct of Blenker's Germans, of the 79th, and of the 69th, Mr. Russell slyly insinuates: Captain Meagher, indeed, I am told, yielded to the universal panic, and was seen on foot at Centreville making the best of his way toward Fort Corcoran, with exclamations which implied that, for the moment, he recognized the Southern Confederacy as highly belligerent. This infamous accusation, so disingenuously insinuated with the prudent I am told, is unworthy of the country of Mr. Russell's birth, and, we will add, of
and but for the loss of many officers, the ignorance of the roads, and the want of rallying points, the retreat, unexpected as it was, would have been made in entire good order. The confusion, where it existed at all, was the natural result of a hasty withdrawal from the field, and manifested, neither in its cause nor its effects, the presence of a panic. We speak of soldiers, and not of teamsters or amateur spectators. In confirmation of this fact, we have only to cite the fact that Gen. Blenker and the brigade under him, consisting of his own regiment, the Garibaldi Guard, and the Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania regiment, occupied their reserve position near Centreville until late in the evening, and then, in perfect order, covered the retreat to Arlington. Moreover, it is said that soon after sunset a portion of our troops repaired to the position occupied during the day by Gen. Tyler's division, and recovered six brass pieces, left there by our artillery companies, who could not
ery available unreserved space was densely packed with people. At about 9 o'clock President Lincoln, the members of the Cabinet, accompanied by General Scott and his staff, took their places upon the stand amid the tumultuous cheers of people and soldiery, and the roll of a multitude of drums, followed by the martial strains of a brass band, playing Hail to the Chief. The band, accompanied by Gen. Sandford and his staff and a corps of sappers and miners, halted in front of the stand. Col. Blenker with his regiment led the column. Next came the Twelfth, Col. Walrath; then the Fourteenth, Col. McQuade, preceded by a drum corps. The beautiful ensign of Col. McQuade's regiment attracted many a compliment, as did the beautiful flags of the several regiments. Next to the Fourteenth came in order the Fifteenth, Col. Murphy; the Sixteenth, Col. Davis; the Seventeenth, Col. Lan-sing; the Eighteenth, Col. Jackson, marching thirty-five men abreast, and exhibiting great superiority in dril
hich he replied, in his peculiar style, Only picking my men, Captain. --N. Y. World, July 16. Frederic de Peyster, Jr., son of Gen. de Peyster, of Tivoli, N. Y., a youth of eighteen, left behind in charge of invalids of the Eighth regiment, at Arlington Heights, received orders on Saturday, July 20th, to join his regiment the next day. On the 21st he left the detachment behind, rode out through the throng of runaways to within a short distance of the battle-field, where he was stopped by Blenker's pickets, who turned him back, as a further advance would only have led to his capture by the enemy's horse, which had just been driven back. He remained two hours at this point, carrying orders, &c., and was then ordered back to Arlington Heights, where lie arrived at 4 o'clock A. M. on Monday, having rode, without eating, some sixty to seventy miles, and his horse having had only one feed during that time. He is the only surgeon out of four who belonged to the regiment who returned fro