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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 958 6 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 615 3 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 562 2 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 454 2 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 380 16 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 343 1 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 340 20 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 339 3 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 325 1 Browse Search
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 308 2 Browse Search
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sted through youth to mature manhood. Shortly after his return to New Orleans, the General Assembly passed a law organizing the Louisiana State forces. General Braxton Bragg was appointed Brigadier-General, and Major Beauregard was offered the position of Colonel of Engineers and Artillery. This he declined, notwithstanding ur done him in assigning him to a secondary position. He was a native of the State, who had just resigned an important position in the United States army, while General Bragg had been out of the service for several years, and had but recently become a resident of Louisiana. His object, however, being to aid in the defence of his country, he openly declared his readiness to serve with or under General Bragg, and to put at his disposal whatever of professional knowledge and experience he might possess. But he refused all military rank in the State army. Major Beauregard was convinced that the most important of all the avenues of approach to New Orleans was
General Assembly of South Carolina. General Beauregard is called to Montgomery. the President wishes him to assist General Bragg at Pensacola. he Declines. his reasons therefor. deputation from New Orleans asking his transfer to Louisiana. th On his arrival at Montgomery he was informed that the President desired to send him to Pensacola, to co-operate with General Bragg, and assist him in the execution of a plan—much thought of at the time—the main object of which --was the taking of Fe Secretary of War, General Beauregard stated his several objections to being sent to Pensacola. In the first place, General Bragg, not having sought his assistance, might perhaps be offended at such apparent interference, and ask to be relieved frHe suggested that, meanwhile, a school of military practice and instruction should be established at Pensacola, under General Bragg, where all raw troops might be organized and properly prepared, before being forwarded to their ultimate destination.
n our part. calls upon the governors of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee; and also upon Generals Van Dorn, Bragg, and Lovell, for immediate assistance. sixty and ninety days troops. the War Department not favorable to the method prohearthstone. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, General C. S. A. He also called upon General Bragg for what forces he could spare from Pensacola and Mobile, inviting him to come in person, if he could. A similar demral Johnston and Governor Harris, at Murfreesboroa; Lieutenant A. R. Chisolm, to Governor Shorter, of Alabama, and Major-General Bragg, at Mobile; Dr. Samuel Choppin, to Governor Moore, of Louisiana, and Major-General Lovell, at New Orleans; Lieutenleting his reorganization, changed his line of march towards Decatur, via Shelbyville, Fayetteville, and Huntsville. General Bragg referred the question of compliance with General Beauregard's request to the War Department, which, as he informed Ge
General Beauregard assumes command. arrival of General Bragg's forces at Corinth. Corinth the chief point ofho now had the assurance of being soon joined by General Bragg and the reinforcements promised him by the goverbe fought the great battle of this controversy. General Bragg is with me; we are trying to organize everythingory information. See Mr. Benjamin's letter to General Bragg, dated Richmond, Va., February 18th, 1862. Genernboats would also have fallen into our hands. General Bragg's forces began to arrive at Corinth, from Mobileimited means. General Beauregard now directed General Bragg to examine critically the position of Monterey, my decide upon effecting a landing at Eastport. General Bragg, however, having reported in favor of Corinth, o, these officers were even more needed to assist General Bragg in preparing for the field the large number of rmajor-generals and six brigadiers, suggested by Generals Bragg and Polk; and, as there was still no cavalry co
nt or the Chief Executive. They were brought about through the untiring efforts and perseverance of General Beauregard; through the cheerful and patriotic assistance of the governors of Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana; through General Bragg, at Pensacola, and General Lovell, at New Orleans. Without their hearty and powerful aid it would have been impossible to collect, in time, a force of sufficient strength successfully to oppose the enemy, who, had he used his resources with point. Moreover, the forces General Beauregard had hastily collected (about 25,000 strong) were imperfectly armed, insufficiently drilled, and only partly disciplined. They had but recently been organized into two corps, under Generals Polk and Bragg, composed of two divisions each. General Beauregard believed that, under such circumstances, our only hope of success lay in striking a sudden, heavy blow before the enemy should concentrate all his forces. He therefore urged General Johnston
rmy Corps and the reserve. VIII. Major-General Braxton Bragg, in addition to his duties as commard was announced as second in command, and General Bragg was appointed, nominally, Chief of the Gen movement. His views shook the opinion of General Bragg. Having discussed the subject almost dailvement, which orders I wrote at a table in General Bragg's room, being a circular letter to Generale immediately despatched by couriers, from General Bragg's headquarters, to Generals Polk and Harded of Brigadier-General Breckinridge. V. General Bragg will detail the 51st and 52d regiments Ten1862, to the headquarters or apartments of General Bragg, at Corinth, Mississippi. On that occasioe shape of a circular letter, addressed to Generals Bragg, Polk, and Hardee, severally corps command of the first, was composed of the rest of General Bragg's troops, arranged in the same order. Genght hundred yards in rear of the centre of General Bragg's left wing, and each brigade was followed[17 more...]
ns to keep at a proper distance in rear of General Bragg's line and apart from each other, until car, who was also informed of the movement. General Bragg reported that his infantry was not yet eng enemy's strength. He was then ordered by General Bragg to advance, but found his men short of ammnd's and Anderson's) of Ruggles's division, of Bragg's corps; one brigade (Russell's) of Polk's corvision (Jackson's and Chalmers's brigades), of Bragg's corps, carrying on the attack against Stuartad were practically under the direction of General Bragg, and those on the left of it, under Genera C. II. Smith's Reports, in Appendix. General Bragg had also concluded that the troops were inent by General Beauregard. The order to General Bragg was borne by Captain Clifton Smith, actingort, before we had reached a bivouac, near General Bragg's headquarters, and in the darkness of thes—at least three—in front of Mickey's. General Bragg and, later in the evening, the other corps[16 more...]<
his orders, on his extreme right, two of General Bragg's brigades, namely— Chalmers's and Jackson General Breckinridge; and between him and General Bragg was the position which had been assigned ttered widely, the regiments of the brigades of Bragg's and Hardee's corps had slept here and there,o him one of his brigades—Trabue's—then on General Bragg's left; and, shortly afterwards, also gave's corps—which, for the time being, was on General Bragg's right—should be at once extended towardseme left, then gradually extending towards General Bragg's right, brought out, most conspicuously, tes, but when it had come within fair range of Bragg's line (consisting of the remnant of Ruggles'sed them to move promptly to the support of General Bragg. As they passed by, with a tired, heavy gat haste, and informed him, on the part of General Bragg, that unless the latter was reinforced at it until the regiment got into position. General Bragg resumed the offensive, and, despite the br[10 mor
ines, Only two corps, Generals Hardee's and Bragg's, were thus deployed; the other two, Generalstwentyfour infantry and artillery, assisted by Bragg's five brigades, ten thousand seven hundred an results than those obtained, at first, by General Bragg, a few months later. VI. The blame fivisions of the different commands, especially Bragg's and Hardee's, were not collected and reorgan M., General Beauregard had withdrawn from General Bragg two brigades and a regiment, to reinforce tham's division, of General Polk's corps. General Bragg had, therefore, at that time (11.30 A. M.)l Pond, at about 1 P. M. With those forces General Bragg not only held at bay those opposed to him,; the bald truth of the matter being, that General Bragg, having referred General Beauregard's call day, according to a statement prepared by General Bragg for Colonel W. P. Johnston's book, Generalreckinridge, then to General Polk, then to General Bragg; and at twenty minutes after nine, when th[6 more...]
he did, on the 21st, leaving General A. P. Stewart, a good artillery officer, in charge of the fort and its immediate surroundings. The abandonment of New Madrid insured the fall, ere long, of Island No.10, and, therefore, of Madrid Bend. Hence General Beauregard's immediate order to send at once all unmounted guns, surplus supplies, and boats to Fort Pillow—thus reducing to a minimum the forces necessary to hold those two now much endangered posts. General Beauregard's letter to General Bragg, of March 15th, see Appendix. His order was first delayed on account of an earnest appeal made to him by General McCown, but was renewed and carried out on the 18th, the need being absolute for a garrison at Fort Pillow, and no other troops being then available. The force thus transferred thither consisted of five regiments of infantry, two light batteries of six guns each, and Captain Neely's squadron of cavalry, which was soon to follow; leaving, under General Walker, for the defence
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