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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 9 (search)
ridge along the left and left centre, on which it was manifest the attack was to fall, with eighty guns—a number not as great as that of the enemy, but it was all that could be made effective in the more restricted space occupied by the army. In the cemetery were placed Dilger's, Bancroft's, Eakin's, Wheeler's, Hill's, and Taft's batteries, under Major Osborne. On the left of the cemetery the batteries of the Second Corps, under Captain Hazard—namely, those of Woodruff, Arnold, Cushing, Brown, and Rorty. Next on the left was Thomas's battery, and on his left Major McGilvray's command, consisting of Thompson's, Phillips', Hart's, Sterling's, Ranks', Dow's, and Ames' of the reserve artillery, to which was added Cooper's battery of the First Corps. On the extreme left, Gibbs' and Rittenhouse's (late Hazlitt's) batteries. As batteries expended their ammunition, they were replaced by batteries of the artillery reserve, sent forward by its efficient chief, Colonel R. O. Tyler. Withh
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 11 (search)
very vigorous assault on the two remaining brigades, under Colonels Brooke and Brown. He, however, met so deadly and determined a fire from these fine brigades thadivision in two lines of masses-Brooke's and Miles' brigades in the first line, Brown's and Smythe's brigades in the second line, each regiment forming double columneing a single brigade of Wilcox's divison of Hill's corps, under command of Colonel Brown. But this was soon re-enforced by the three other brigades of the divisionontinuing to hold three brigades on Griffin's front, detached the brigade under Brown to make an assault in flank. The manner of execution of this movement I had on the spot from Colonel Brown himself, who, as will be seen, was in a few minutes taken prisoner. Marching in column up the railroad for some distance, that brigadeunder Lieutenant-Colonel McCoy), in marching up by the flank, ran plump against Brown's column, which was moving to follow up its first advantage against the right.