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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 15: siege of Fort Pickens.--Declaration of War.--the Virginia conspirators and, the proposed capture of Washington City. (search)
he names of the defenders of Fort Pickens:-- commissioned officers.--First Lieutenant, Adam J. Slemmer; Second Lieutenant, Jeremiah H. Gilman. non-commissioned officers.-- First Sergeant, Alexander Jamieson; Corporals, David H. Boyd, Patrick Mangan, James P. Caldwell, and Benjamin Webster; Fifer, Thomas Smith; Drummer, William Sheppard; Artificers, Frederick Bickel and Simeon Webster; Ordnance Sergeants, Robert Granger, Elias H. Broady, and John Flynn. Privates.--John Bainfield, Michael Burns, John H. Boyer, Francis Bohnert, Joseph Clancy, John Cannon, Jacob C. Deckert, James Dolan, James Foley, Lewis Holmes, Thomas Honlahan, Edward L. Hastings, John Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Martin King, John Kerns, Owen McGair, Jackson McLeod, Thomas Manning, Thomas McGuire, James Matthews, John Mealey, Theodore Meeker, John Miller, Michael Morris, Patrick Mulligan, Michael Murphy, Michael Murray, William Nelson, Patrick Norton, James O'Brien, Frederick O'Donnell, Bartholomew O'Neil, John J.
1864. First Lieutenant, Apr. 21, 1865; mustered May 22, 1865. Captain, Jan. 25, 1866; not mustered. Mustered out, July 5, 1866. Burnham, Simeon A. Second Lieutenant, 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery, Nov. 9, 1863. Resigned, Feb. 12, 1864. Burns, Michael. First Lieutenant, 17th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 21, 1861. Resigned, Jan. 17, 1862. Burns, Michael. Sergeant, 33d Mass. Infantry, Aug. 5, 1862. Second Lieutenant, Mar. 29, 1863. Resigned, July 28, 1863. Died at Taunton, Mass., Dec. 2,Burns, Michael. Sergeant, 33d Mass. Infantry, Aug. 5, 1862. Second Lieutenant, Mar. 29, 1863. Resigned, July 28, 1863. Died at Taunton, Mass., Dec. 2, 1893. Burns, William H. First Lieutenant, 29th Mass. Infantry, May 6, 1865. Mustered out, July 29, 1865. Burpee, Pierson T. K. Second Lieutenant, 53d Infantry, M. V. M., in the service of the U. S., Oct. 17, 1862. First Lieutenant, Nov. 25, 1862. Mustered out, Sept. 2, 1863. Burr, George. Second Lieutenant, 25th Mass. Infantry, Jan. 2, 1863. First Lieutenant, June 4, 1864. Died of wounds at Petersburg, Va., July 12, 1864. Burrage, Henry Sweetser. See Mass. Field Offi
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, Index of names of persons. (search)
H. D., 580 Burnham, H. M., 404 Burnham, J. A., 580 Burnham, J. A., Mrs., 580 Burnham, J. A., Jr., 580 Burnham, J. H., 252 Burnham, Jennie D., 580 Burnham, Mariu D., 580 Burnham, S. A., 252 Burnham, W. A., 580 Burnham, Walter, 378 Burns, Michael, 252 Burns, Michael, 252 Burns, W. H., 252 Burns, W. M., 625 Burnside, A. E., 625 Burpee, P. T. K., 252 Burr, A. G., 404, 460, 511 Burr, Fearing, 605 Burr, George, 252 Burr, Jackson, 580 Burr, John, 580 Burr, Lewis, 580 Burr, S. SBurns, Michael, 252 Burns, W. H., 252 Burns, W. M., 625 Burnside, A. E., 625 Burpee, P. T. K., 252 Burr, A. G., 404, 460, 511 Burr, Fearing, 605 Burr, George, 252 Burr, Jackson, 580 Burr, John, 580 Burr, Lewis, 580 Burr, S. S., 460 Burrage, H. S., 208, 252, 511, 607 Burrage, H. S., 626 Burrage, J. P., 252 Burrell, C. B., 252 Burrell, I. S., 208 Burrell, J. P., 252 Burrell, Martin, Jr., 252 Burrell, Oliver, 252 Burrill, D. B., 252 Burrill, G. C., 252 Burrill, H. P., 253 Burrill, Loring, 253 Burroughs, D. W., 24 Burroughs, G. T., 404, 461, 511 Burroughs, G. W., 253 Burroughs, George, 404, 511 Burroughs, S. H., 24 Bursley, Ira, 24 Burt, J. B., 253, 404 Burt, Joseph, Jr., 253 Burt, M. W., 208, 5
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Company D. (search)
n, 43, m; caulker. Aug. 20, 1862. Trans. to Co. I, 3rd Regt. V. R.C., April 30, 1864. Disch. July 14, 1865 as Corp. William E. Brown. South Boston, 28, m; carpenter. Aug. 14, 1862. Disch. for promotion, Aug. 14, 1863. 1st Lieut. 1st Regt.. Louisiana Cav Killed in action, Sabine Cross Roads, La. April , 1864. William H. Bryant, New Bedford, 18, s; laborer. Jan. 2, 1864. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. John Burke, West Roxbury, 39, m laborer. Sept. 13, 1862. Died Sept. 18, 1863. Michael Burns, Taunton. 36, m; painter. Jan. 5, 1864. Disch. disa Jan. 8. 1865. Thomas Butler, Boston, 40, m porter, Aug. 15, 1862. Disch. disa. March 22, 1864. William Buttinger, Boston, 29, m; cabinet maker. Aug. 15, 1862. Trans. to Co. I, 3rd Regt. V. R.C. April 30, 1864. Disch. July 14, 1865 as Corp. Unof. Hugh Byrne, Boston, 31, s; trader. Aug. 29, 1862. Disch. disa Nov. 5, 1863. John T. Carnes, Boston, 27. s; machinist. Aug. 15, 1862. Deserted Dec. 2, 1862. Long Island, N.
Police cases. --The Mayor, yesterday, ordered Peter, slave of John Blackwell, a whipping for breaking into J. W. Atkinson's carpenter shop, with intent to steal.--Erasmus Chase, arrested as a suspicious person and spy, was sent to jail.Lieut. Ashby, of the Hazlewood Volunteers, Culpeper county, Va., brought Chase to this city on Wednesday. He was arrested at Centreville last week, on the supposition that he was a Northern spy. When he first arrived here the prisoner was taken to the Governor's house. but His Excellency being absent, he was carried before the Mayor, who sent him to the police station for safekeeping. The prisoner, Chase, represents himself as being the captain of a vessel.--Michael Burns was held to bail to appear before Court and abide an investigation relative to a charge of unlawful paternity preferred against him by Bridget Starkie. alias McAleer.
Mayor's Court, Saturday. --Alderman Sanxay presiding.--Michael Burns was brought up on a charge of drunkenness, and sent to jail.--Patrick Carcy was convicted of breaking window-glass in the house of Margaret McMahon, and was also committed.--Dabney, a slave, was arraigned upon the charge of stealing bacon belonging to the Confederate States, which had been entrusted to him as the driver of a wagon. Dabney stoutly denied his guilt, but in vain. He was ordered to receive nine-and-thirty lashes.--John Phealan, charged with assault and battery upon Patrick Brannon, was next brought to the bar. Several witnesses testified with miraculous volubility to the fact that Phealan had attempted in a summary way to dispossess the complainant of a tenement belonging to P., which Brannon had for some time occupied without paying any rent therefore the owner said. The Court admonished Mr. Phealan that he must proceed against his nonpaying tenants in a lawful manner, and held him to bail to k
d at Richmond, has arrived at New York, and gives a very highly-colored "experience:" As he approached Richmond, the prisoner witnessed many of the rebel fortifications. He compared them in appearance to the rebel fortifications at Yorktown — works erected on high eminences, mounted with numerous heavy guns, and supplied with all the natural and artificial auxiliaries of modern warfare. Colonel Brewster, of his regiment; Father Hagan, the chaplain of his regiment; Captain Burn and Michael Burns, of company A, of the same regiment, were his fellow-prisoners. Colonel Brewster was taken to private quarters. Denny remained three days in confinement, and was summoned by an order from Lieut. Thomas P. Turner, C. S. Army, commander of the Libby Hospital, to come to that institution as a nurse, on the recommendation of Dr. Barrum, a Union Surgeon and a prisoner, who was in charge of the post hospital for prisoners. While here the rebel commander administered a parole to Denny in tho
Arrests. --The city police during Saturday night arrested an enterprising youth, named Thos. Dobson, (lately out of jail, where he had been imprisoned for stealing.) on the charge of stealing a horse worth $230, from Julius H. Gantt. Michael Burns was also arrested and imprisoned for complicity in the offence. A man, named McCabe, was taken in custody for being in an affray, on the 9th of May last, in which Patrick Kelley was killed, and — Downes badly stabbed David, slave of Mary Smith, and Mary F. Sawyer, a white woman, were put in the cage for associating together contrary to law.
vid, slave of Mary Smith, and the latter was ordered 30 stripes, and sent to jail for going at large. Thomas Dobson, a lad was arraigned on the charge of stealing, on Thursday last, a horse worth $200, belonging to Capt. Julius H. Gantt--Michael Burns, a returned soldier from Fort Delaware, was implicated in the affair, and was introduced to the Court as Dobson's aider and abetter. The evidence was pretty conclusive against Dobson, who was committed to appear before a called Court on the 27th of October. There being some conflict in the testimony against Burns, his case was continued until this morning. Mrs. Ann Riley, rise Dobson, who did some pretty tall swearing on behalf of her son Tommy, was committed until the 10th of November, to await the action of a grand jury on the charge of perjury. James McCabe, alias Johnson, was arraigned as the companion of Daniel Broderick and others in the murder of Patrick Kelley and William Downes, at a house of ill repute on 17th stre
The Daily Dispatch: October 22, 1862., [Electronic resource], The opinion of the Northern press on Lincoln's proclamation. (search)
was in evidence that Bingham hired the girl in Georgia to wait on his child, with a knowledge on the part of her mistress that he was coming to Richmond. After his arrival here he had occasion to thrash Lizzie for some imaginary or real grievance, and the latter telegraphed to her mistress that Bingham was trying to sell her. Hence Bingham's arrest and hence his discharge, which ensued to-day. The negro, who was still in his possession, he directed to be delivered to officer Seal. Michael Burns, charged with aiding Thomas Dobson in stealing Julius A. Gantt's horse, was sent on to be examined before a called Court, to be holden on the 27th October. The prisoner is also claimed by the military authorities as a deserter. Cora Morris, charged with getting drunk and abusing Joseph H. Boxley in an obscene manner, on Monday, was ordered to be committed; but Henry Parkhurst going her ball in $100, she was released from custody. Wm. S. Conley, Charged with cutting, stabbing
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