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period after my arrival in Washington, when with great difficulty I procured for him the appointment of major in the 6th U. S. Cavalry. This much-abused officer always served me faithfully, and exhibited great gallantry in action. I was and am fully satisfied that he always behaved with thorough loyalty. Soon after this Gen. Harney and Col. McKinstry lent me Capt. Dickerson, A. A. Q. M. After much difficulty I succeeded in retaining him, and he proved to be a most valuable officer. Capt. Burns, A. C. S., happened to pass through Cincinnati unemployed, so that I detained him, and at last kept him permanently. Both this officer and Capt. Dickerson were more than once ordered away from me to less important functions, and it was with the utmost difficulty that I finally retained them. At a subsequent period, but before the Western Virginia campaign, Maj. Seth Williams was assigned to duty as adjutant-general of the department, Maj. R. B. Marcy as paymaster (subsequently assigned
ight. The enemy are not now in sight, but I have sent out cavalry patrols that may bring in intelligence of value. It was after dark and raining hard when I recrossed the bridge. The narrow road was so completely blocked up that it was a very difficult matter to make one's way among the wagons. It rained hard and was very cold during the night. . . . Slept in a car; I was up most of the night, telegraphing, etc. This morning it is blowing a hurricane, but the bridge stands well thus far. Burns's brigade came up during the night. I left them in the cars and crossed them this morning early. The wagons have gone over; a regiment of cavalry is now crossing, another battery will follow, and I will have everything well cleared up before the arrival of Abercrombie's brigade, which should be here by two o'clock. I will get it over before dark, also the heavy artillery and regular cavalry, if it arrives. I hope to be able to occupy Charleston to-morrow and get Lander to Martinsburg. It
t service, receiving a wound, but retaining his command. Gen. Hancock's brigade was thrown into the woods on the right and front. At four P. M. the enemy commenced his attack in large force by the Williamsburg road. It was gallantly met by Gen. Burns's brigade, supported and reinforced by two lines in reserve, and finally by the N. Y. 69th, Hazzard's and Pettit's batteries again doing good service. Osborn's and Bramhall's batteries also took part effectively in this action, which was contie woods into the open field. Several batteries were in position and began to fire into the woods over the heads of our men in front. Capt. De Russy's battery was placed on the right of Gen. Sumner's artillery, with orders to shell the woods. Gen. Burns's brigade was then advanced to meet the enemy, and soon drove him back. Other troops began to return from the White Oak Swamp. Late in the day, at the call of Gen. Kearny, Gen. Taylor's 1st N. J. brigade, Slocum's division, was sent to occupy
595, 596. Brownsville, Md., 560, 584. Bruin, Col., 74. Buckhannon, W. Va., 58-60. Buckingham, Gen. C. P., 651, 652, 660. Buckner, Gen. S., interview with McClellan, 49 ; version of interview, 49, 58 ; in West, 201. Buell, Gen. D. C, at Washington, 1861, 81, 96, 107, 138, 139 ; in West, 202, 209, 210, 214, 243 ; Peninsula, 234, 239. Bull Run, Va , battle of, preventable, 47 ; results, 49, 71. Bunker Hill, Va., 191-195. Burke, Col., 597, 598. Burkittsville, Md., 560-562. Burns, Gen. W. W., 428 432. Burnside, Gen. A. E., at Washington, ‘61, 87, 113, 270; N. Carolina. 203, 206, 234, 241, 245, 249. 403; Fortress Monroe, 446, 449, 457, 461, 462, 486; Acquia, 466, 493, 500, 507, 509-512, 519, 520, 526 ; false statement, 542. Maryland campaign, 554, 557; South Mountain, 561, 574, 577, 580, 582, 583 ; Antietam, 584, 586, 588, 590, 600-604, 607, 609-611, 619. Succeeds McClellan, 648, 651, 660. Butler, Gen. B. F., at New Orleans, 204, 212. Butterfield, Gen. D., 370, 371,