ol, 142.
Early, Gen. J. A., 353.
Earthworks at Washington, 72.
Eckert, Maj. T., 135.
Edward's Ferry, Va., 183-190.
Emancipation premature, 33 ; how accomplished, 34.
Emory, Gen. W. H., at Williamsburg, 321, 322, 324, 325 ; Hanover C. H., 370, 372.
Ewell, Gen. R. S., 650.
Fairchild, Col., 578.
Fairfax Court-House, Va., 224, 225, 515, 518, 519, 526.
Fair Oaks, Va., battle of, 377-384.
Farnsworth, Col , 340. 341.
Farquhar, Capt. F. U., 124.
Fisher's creek, Va., 260.
Ford, Col., 558.
Forsyth, Capt. J. W., 133.
Fort Corcoran, Va., 68, 79, 80, 516, 519 536.
Fort Ellsworth, Va., 68, 80.
Fort Lyon, Va., 96.
Fort Macon, N. C., 244, 245.
Fort Magruder, Va., 272, 301, 321-325.
Fortress Monroe, Va., 102, 155, 163-165, 235, 239, 248, 251-257, 274, 275, 275, 283, 446, 448, 449, 468, 483 498, 499 502 507.
Fort Runyon, Va., 68, 80.
Fort Sumter, surrenders, 39 ; excitement, 40.
Fowler, Lieut.-Col., 521.
Frank, Col., 596.
Frank, Capt., 599.
Franklin, Gen. W. B.,
town, 257, 260, 267, 272, 285-291, 311, 312, 319; Williamsburg, 324-326, 333; West Point 337 ; Hanover C. H., 369-372; Fair Oaks, 378-384 ; in Union rear, 390-393 ; Gshington, 1861, 80, 81, 95. 96, 116, 138, 156, 157.
In Peninsula, 262, 265 ; West Point, 287, 297, 300, 302-304, 311, 320, 327 333-337, 341; in pursuit, 348, 352-356349, 360, 366, 394-403.
Newport News, Va., 254, 259.
Newton, Gen. J., at West Point, Va., 301, 336; Crampton's Gap, 563 ; Antietam, 600; after Antietam, 635.
Ne Peninsula, 261 ; Yorktown, 300, 302-304; Williamsburg, 320, 327, 332 333; West Point (Va.), 336, 337,339; in pursuit, 352; Fair Oaks, 379, 381, 382 ; Savage's Station. C. F., 216, 217.
Smith, Gen. G. W., 169, 178 ; at Yorktown, 319, 324 ; West Point (Va.), 334, 337 ; Williamsburg, 353; Fair Oaks, 378, 400, 402 ; Virginia, 660.
Wessells, Gen. H. W., 379, 380.
West unprepared for war, 42, 43.
West Point, Va., 227, 235, 254, 262, 282, 283, 294, 297, 304, 318 337.
West Virginia camp
300, 301 ; Savage's Station, 428 ; Maryland, 503, 600, 613.
Brooks, Col., 427, 595, 596.
Brownsville, Md., 560, 584.
Bruin, Col., 74.
Buckhannon, W. Va., 58-60.
Buckingham, Gen. C. P., 651, 652, 660.
Buckner, Gen. S., interview with McClellan, 49 ; version of interview, 49, 58 ; in West, 201.
Buell, Gen. D. C, at Washington, 1861, 81, 96, 107, 138, 139 ; in West, 202, 209, 210, 214, 243 ; Peninsula, 234, 239.
Bull Run, Va , battle of, preventable, 47 ; results, 49, 71.
Bunker Hill, Va., 191-195.
Burke, Col., 597, 598.
Burkittsville, Md., 560-562.
Burns, Gen. W. W., 428 432.
Burnside, Gen. A. E., at Washington, ‘61, 87, 113, 270; N. Carolina. 203, 206, 234, 241, 245, 249. 403; Fortress Monroe, 446, 449, 457, 461, 462, 486; Acquia, 466, 493, 500, 507, 509-512, 519, 520, 526 ; false statement, 542. Maryland campaign, 554, 557; South Mountain, 561, 574, 577, 580, 582, 583 ; Antietam, 584, 586, 588, 590, 600-604, 607, 609-611, 619.
Succeeds McClellan, 648, 651, 660.
4, 73d 384, 75th 581, 79th 80, 86, 87, 99, 100, 577, 82d 381, 108th 598; artillery, 1st 380, 382, 587, 593, 599, 2d 517.--Pennsylvania infantry, 1st 580, 3d 321, 5th 430, 6th 118, 45th 578, 49th 331, 599, 51st 603, 605, 53d 427, 595, 596, 62d 371, 63d 432, 81st 597, 83d 371, 98th 339, 124th 591, 132d 594, 596 ; cavalry, 3d 257, 462, 5th 341, 6th 370, 8th 521, 12th 516; artillery, 1st 579.--Massachuestts infantry, 9th 371, 14th 520, 15th 189, 190, 381, 20th 189, 190, 381 ; cavalry, 1st 579.--Michigan infantry, 6th 212, 7th 381, 16th 371, 17th 577, 578--Indiana infantry, 7th 581, 14th 595, 21st 212, 27th 592.--New Jersey infantry, 1st 296, 5th 383, 6th 383, 13th 592.-Vermont infantry, 3d. 4th. 5th, 6th. 285.--Ohio infantry, 8th 595, 9th 57, 60.--Rhode Island infantry, 2d 339 ; artillery, 1st 595.--Maryland infantry, 2d 578, 604, 3d 592.--Wisconsin infantry, 4th 212. 6th 582.--New Hampshire infantry, 5th 596, 6th 578, 604.--Delaware infantry, 2d 596.--Illinois cavalry, 8th 340, 525.--Minn
; Harper's Ferry, Crampton's Gap, 558-565; South Mountain, 572-583; Antietam, 584-613.
Maryland Heights, Va.., 550, 559-561, 563, 565, 573, 598, 616, 622, 627.
Mason, Jr., Capt. W. P., 122. 123.
Mason and Slidell affair, 175.
Meade, Gen. G. G., 81, 83, 140; at Gaines's Mill, 414-416 ; Glendale, 430; South Mountain, 579-581; Antietam, 590, 593, 619.
Meagher, Gen. T. F., 81; at Fair Oaks, 382 ; Gaines's Mill, 418 ; Malvern, 437 ; Pope's campaign, 514; Antietam, 595, 597.
Mechanicsville, Va., battle of, 363, 414-416.
Mehaffey, Lieut. C. D., 133.
Meigs, Gen. M. C., 156, 157, 159; report on supplies, 636, 637.
Memorandum (McClellan's) : object of the war, military success, 101 ; suggestions for campaign, 102, 104 ; troops and material needed, railroads, 103 ; expenses, 105.
Merrill, Lieut., 124, 311.
Merrimac, 197, 249, 257, 268, 282, 342, 346.
Middletown, Md., 559, 561, 573-575, 582.
Miles, Col. D., at Harper's Ferry, 558-565.
Minor's Hill, Va., 96, 516.
, 256, 306 ; Yorktown, 260, 261, 263, 286, 292, 302, 303. 307, 309; Williamsburg, 320, 327, 332, 333; in pursuit, 339, 341, 349. 355, 356 ; Hanover C. H., 368-376, 397; Gaines's Mill, 411, 414-421 ; White Oak Swamp, 424, 426, 428; Malvern, 433, 434, 436, 437 ; Glendale, 443 ; Harrison's Landing, 460, 505; brevetted, 475.
In Pope's campaign, 508-511, 513, 528, 529, 532, 536-538.
In Maryland campaign, 555 ; Antietam, 584, 586, 600, 601, 609 ; after Antietam, 620, 621, 629, 633, 659.
Port Royal, S. C., 174.
Potomac river, 79, 93-96, 100, 194, 196, 197, 229-233, 239-241, 549-557,573.
Prentiss, Gen. B. M., 45.
Prim, Gen. J., visit to McClellan, 388, 400, 401.
Prospect Hill, Va,96, 182, 516.
Pryor, Gen. R., treatment of Union wounded, 338.
Quimby, Col., 74.
Radicals, purpose to ruin McClellan, object of, 149, 150 ; results of schemes, 150 ; real desires of, success, 154, 159 ; hostility to McClellan, 155.
Randall, Capt., 431, 602.
Rappahannock river, Va., 227, 229, 235
Va.-see Fair Oaks.
Seward, Sec., method of recruiting, 143 ; visits McClellan, 549.
Seymour, Gen. T., at Gaines's Mill, 414-416 ; Glendale, 430 ; South Mountain, 580.
Seymour, Capt. (navy), 306.
Sharpsburg, Md., 556, 562, 564, 573, 584, 586, 587,590, 608,609, 620.
Shenandoah Valley, Va., 47, 54, 58, 113, 239, 240, 509, 643.
Sherman, Gen. T. W., 204, 211, 234.
Sherman, Gen. W. T., at Washington, 1861, 68, 80, 89, 138; in West, 201, 202.
Shields, Gen. J., 347, 350, 351.
Ship Point, Va., 259, 260, 263, 264, 274-278, 291. 306-309.
Sickles, Gen. D. E., 81, 96 ; at Fair Oaks, 383; Malvern, 437; Mary land campaign, 645, 647.
Sigel, Gen. F., in Pope's campaign, 509, 532, 538 ; Maryland, 555 ; in W. Virginia, 625, 660.
Simmons, Capt., 576, 605.
Sinter. Col.. 781.
Slavery, horrors of, 175.
Slaves, captured, how treated by McClellan, 34.
Slocum, Gen. H. W., at Williams, burg, 304 ; Gaines's Mill, 412, 417 413 ; Savage's Station, 424, 427 Glendale, 428, 430, 431,
gton, 1861, 80, 81, 89, 96, 138 ; his division, 141, 142 ; withdrawn, 164, 282.
Bolivar Heights, W. Va., 560, 627.
Boonsborough, Md., 561, 564, 572, 573, 584.
Bottom's bridge, Va, 348, 360, 362, 363, 377.
Bowen, Lieut. N., 125.
Bragg, Gen. B., 39.
Bramhall, Capt., 428.
Branch, Gen., 374. 375.
Brentsville, Va., 232.
Brick House, Va., 303, 304.
Brooks, Gen. W. T., at Yorktown, 285, 300, 301 ; Savage's Station, 428 ; Maryland, 503, 600, 613.
Brooks, Col., 427, 595, 596.
Brownsville, Md., 560, 584.
Bruin, Col., 74.
Buckhannon, W. Va., 58-60.
Buckingham, Gen. C. P., 651, 652, 660.
Buckner, Gen. S., interview with McClellan, 49 ; version of interview, 49, 58 ; in West, 201.
Buell, Gen. D. C, at Washington, 1861, 81, 96, 107, 138, 139 ; in West, 202, 209, 210, 214, 243 ; Peninsula, 234, 239.
Bull Run, Va , battle of, preventable, 47 ; results, 49, 71.
Bunker Hill, Va., 191-195.
Burke, Col., 597, 598.
Burkittsville, Md., 560-562.
Burns, Gen. W. W., 428 432.
; skirmishes, 311, 313-317; batteries planted.
286, 312, 314; plan of assault, 287 ; naval operations, 291-293, 296; city evacuated.
artillery captured, 288.
Williamsburg, 319-333, Hooker's and Hancock's feats 325, 331, evacuated 333 : Franklin's advance, 334; bad roads, 339, 341, 358 ; Mechanicsville, 363 ; Hanover C. H., 368-376 ; Fair Oaks, 377-384, 398 ; Gaines's Mill, 410-421; Savage's Station, 426-428; White Oak Swamp, 428, 430; Glendale, 430-433; Malvern Hill, 433-437, 434
Perkin's Hill, Va., 95.
Pettit, Capt., at Fait Oaks, 382 ; Savage's Station, 427, 428 ; White Oak Swamp, 430 ; Antietam, 587.
Phelps, Col., 581.
Pillow, Gen. G. J., 49.
Pleasonton, Gen. A., 133. At Malvern, 463, 492.
In Maryland campaign, 553 ; South Mountain, 561, 574, 574, 577 ; Antietam, 584, 598, 601, 602 ; after Antietam, 621, 645-647 ; report, 648, 650, 658, 659.
Poolesville, Md., 79, 96, 181, 182. 187,549. 557.
Pollard, Capt., 602.
Pope, Gen. J., in Virginia, 454, 463, 466, 479, 491, 5