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John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 4: Lincoln. (search)
ey affected to represent, sought excuse to delay their departure, and Associate Justice Campbell, of the Supreme Court of the United States, volunteered to act as an intermediary in continuing to press their errand upon the Secretary of State. Campbell had at tho beginning publicly opposed secession and still professed loyalty; a. It seems that Seward, in this unofficial intimacy, did not hesitate to tell Campbell of his own willingness to give up Sumter, and of his belief that the Presidenter may have been his language, a patriot could not have misunderstood it. But Campbell had meanwhile become so far committed to the cause of the conspiracy, that he have seen, he made the order to prepare the relief expedition. By this time, Campbell, in extreme impatience to further rebellion, was importuning Seward for explanw one. Upon consultation, therefore, the President authorized him to carry to Campbell the first and only assurance the Administration ever made with regard to Sumte
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 5: Sumter. (search)
to come by sea. The commander was ambitious, the men were enthusiastic, and the Governor untiring in his revolutionary ardor and impatience. It is, therefore, little wonder that, after a month of laborious effort and co-operation, Beauregard telegraphed (April 1st) to Montgomery: Batteries ready to open Wednesday or Thursday. What instructions? Up to this time the rebel government indulged the pleasing hope that Lincoln would give up the for and save them the dreaded ordeal of war. Justice Campbell had ingeniously misreported the sense and purport of Seward's conversations; and the commissioners and their Washington cronies, with equally blind zeal, sent rosy despatches on the strength of exaggerated street-rumors. So confident were they of such a result that Governor Pickens, Secretary Walker, and General Beauregard found some difficulty in settling among themselves the exact conditions upon which they would permit Anderson and his garrison to depart when the order to evacuate S
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 6: the call to arms. (search)
lis, and its assumption of territorial independence as a free city. The firing on the Star of the West, in January, had in a slight degree touched the national pride, and somewhat checked the gathering current of seditious utterance; but there was no lack of cliques and coteries in the great cities of the North who secretly nursed plots and projects contingent on possible insurrectionary commotions and chances. One of the rebel commissioners to Washington, in the interim during which Justice Campbell relieved them of their labors of diplomatic intrigue, visited New York, where he was waited upon by the spokesman of one of these Northern cabals, who poured into the ears of his credulous listener the recital of a most marvellous scheme of local conspiracy. Two hundred of New York's best citizens, he said, were at that moment elaborating a plan to secede from both the Union and the State, seize the navy yard at Brooklyn, and the forts in the harbor, and declare New York a free city.
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
; its effects, 206, 208 Burnside, General A. E., 174 Bunker Hill, Va., 163 Butler, General B. F., 92 et seq., 108 C. Cabinet, decision of, with regard to Fort Sumter, 51 Cadwalader, General, 157 Cairo, 128, 132, 134 Campbell, Justice, 54; his treachery, 35, 57, 69 Carrick's Ford, 152 et seq. Case, General, Secretary of State, 24; resigns, 26; supports the Union cause, 76 Centreville, Va., 177 Charleston, S. C., situation of, 20, 79 Cheat River, 146, 152ter of, 8; cabal in Washington, 17, 23, 36 Seventh Regiment, N. Y. State Militia, 92 et seq. Seward, Secretary, opposes relieving Fort Sumter, 51; his idea of the conspiracy, 52; his reply to the rebel commissioners, 54; interview with Judge Campbell, 54, 94 Shepherdstown, 160 Sherman, General W. T., 174 Slavery, false assumption of the South with regard to, 7; the corner-stone of the Confederacy, 43 Slidell, Senator, 37, 40 Slemmer, Lieutenant, 38 Small's Pennsylvania B