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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 52 0 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 36 0 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 34 0 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 28 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 26 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 24 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 22 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 20 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 20 0 Browse Search
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 20 0 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 1: Margaret Fuller Ossoli — Introductory. (search)
he late Miss Elizabeth Hoar, and lent me by her sister, Mrs. R. B. Storer. To this I may add a store of reminiscences from Margaret Fuller's old Cambridge friends. In the cases where I have used the same written material with the editors of the Memoirs, the selections employed have been wholly different. A few printed books, issued since the publication of the Memoirs, have given some aid, especially Horace Greeley's Recollections of a busy life, Weiss's Life of Theodore Parker, and the Carlyle-Emerson correspondence; but the main reliance has necessarily been placed on material not hitherto made public; and to all the friends who have helped me to this I am profoundly grateful. If my view of Margaret Fuller differs a little from that of previous biographers, it is due to the study of these original sources. With every disposition to defer to the authors of the Memoirs, all of whom have been in one way or another my friends and teachers, I am compelled in some cases to go with
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 4: country life at Groton. (1833-1836.) (search)
in the original. She was considering what were then called the evidences of Christianity, and wrote to Dr. Hedge that she had doubted the providence of God, but not the immortality of the soul. During the few years following she studied architecture, being moved to it by what she had read in Goethe; she also read Herschel's Astronomy, recommended to her by Professor Farrar; read in Schiller, Heine, Alfieri, Bacon, Madame de Stael, Wordsworth, and Southey; with Sartor Resartus and some of Carlyle's shorter essays; besides a good deal of European and American history, including all Jefferson's letters. Mr. Emerson says justly that her reading at Groton was at a rate like Gibbon's. All this continuous study was not the easy amusement of a young lady of leisure; but it was accomplished under such difficulties and preoccupations that every book might almost be said to have cost her a drop of life-blood. Teaching little Fullers, as she called it, occupied much of her time; she had
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 5: finding a friend. (search)
she has ransacked pretty thoroughly, and The friend, with which she should never have done; also a volume of Goethe and one of Scougal, and she asks him on the outside of the note what these two worthies will be likely to say to one another as they journey side by side. She begs to keep for summer two volumes of Milton, two of Degerando, the seventh and eighth of Goethe's Nachgelassene Werke, besides one volume of Jonson and one of Plutarch's Morals. She also subscribes for two copies of Carlyle's Miscellanies. Later she writes (November 25, 1839) to ask him What is the Harleyan (sic) Miscellany ?--an account of a library? and says, I thought to send Tennyson next time, but I cannot part with him, it must be for next pacquet (sic). I have been reading Milnes; he is rich in fine thoughts but not in fine poetry. One of the best passages in these letters of Margaret Fuller, a passage that has in it a flavor of Browning's imaginative wealth, is a little sketch by her of the mela
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 6: school-teaching in Boston and Providence. (1837-1838.) (search)
ow to go forward! This package, said she, I label, obtained a hope. She went for occasional brief visits from Providence to Boston, and it may be well to insert a passage from one of her letters to Mr. Emerson, in which she gives a glimpse of the gay world of that city forty-seven years ago. The picture of Daniel Webster and Theodore Parker moving among the jeunesse doree in a ball-room seems like one of the far-fetched improbabilities of an historical novel. The Gigman allusion is to Carlyle's afterwards hackneyed phrase about the respectability that keeps a gig. It is possible that the entertainment may have occurred just before her actual removal to Providence. Last night I took my boldest peep into the Gigman world of Boston. I have not been to a large party before, and only seen said world in half-boots; so I thought, as it was an occasion in which I felt real interest, to wit, a fete given by Mrs. Thorndike for my beautiful Susan, I would look at it for once in satin
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, chapter 7 (search)
tables where it nestles. Of the plants which, though they grow in the dark, only make long shoots, and refuse to seek their flower. There was a time when one such fact would have made my day brilliant with thought. But now I seek the divine rather in Love than law. Ms. (W. H. C.) If even these simpler thoughts show a tendency to link themselves with something a little farfetched and fantastic, we must remember that this was a period when German romance was just invading us; when Carlyle was translating the fantasy-pieces of Tieck, Hoffmann, and Musaeus; and when some young Harvard students spent a summer vacation in rendering into English the mysteries of Henry of Ofterdingen, by Novalis. Margaret Fuller took her share in this; typified the mysteries of the soul as Leila, in the Dial, and wrote verses about herself, under that name, in her diary:-- Leila, of all demanding heart By each and every left apart; Leila, of all pursuing mind From each goal left far behind; St
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 9: a literary club and its organ. (search)
Shelleywere eagerly read in the United States; and Carlyle found here his first responsive audience. There was. i. 15. our master, Goethe; and Emerson writes to Carlyle (April 21, 1840), I have contrived to read almost every volume of Goethe, and I have fifty-five. Carlyle-Emerson correspondence, i. 285. To have read fifty-five or of a Life of Savonarola, and described in one of Carlyle's most deliciously humorous sketches as a loquaciou now when I find he cannot pronounce the h's. When Carlyle once quoted to him the saying of Novalis, that the at I am doing, answered the aspiring, unaspirating. Carlyle-Emerson correspondence, i. 276, 277. Nothing wa-who, upon a far higher plane of character, as even Carlyle would have admitted, was engaged in the same rathermy Public! On March 18, 1840, Emerson writes to Carlyle: My vivacious friend, Margaret Fuller, is toill be written with a good will, if written at all. Carlyle-Emerson correspondence, i. 270. Again he says,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 10: the Dial. (search)
rious fact that the only early Dial to which Parker contributed nothing was that which called down this malediction from Carlyle:-- The Dial, too, it is all spirit-like, aeriform, auroraborealislike. Will no Angel body himself out of that; nond a coat on his back? Carlyle-Emerson Correspondence, i. 352 Yet Theodore Parker was a good deal more stalwart than Carlyle, had more color in his cheeks, and wore a more presentable coat on his back; and he had written an exceedingly straightfoarding-house with as infirm a head as mine, and none to ward off interruptions, sick or well. Emerson wrote thus to Carlyle (March 31, 1842) in regard to the final transfer of editorship to himself: I should tell you that my friend Margarannot believe it? Carlyle-Emerson Correspondence, i. 366. It is to be noticed that Emerson in his printed letters to Carlyle habitually speaks of the magazine as Margaret Fuller's, and speaks of giving his lectures to her for publication rather
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 11: Brook Farm. (search)
was the profoundest moral element, on the whole, but a multitude of special enterprises also played their parts. People habitually spoke, in those days, of the sisterhood of reforms, and it was in as bad taste for a poor man to have but one hobby in his head as for a rich man to keep but one horse in his stable. Mesmerism was studied; gifted persons gave private sittings for the reading of character through handwriting; phrenology and physiology were ranked together; Alcott preached what Carlyle called a potato gospel; Graham denounced bolted flour; Edward Palmer wrote tracts against money. In a paper published in the Dial for July, 1842, on the Convention of friends of universal reform in Boston, Emerson says of that gathering:-- If the assembly was disorderly, it was picturesque. Madmen, madwomen, men with beards, Dunkers, Muggletonians, Come-outers, Groaners, Agrarians, Seventh-Day Baptists, Quakers, Abolitionists, Calvinists, Unitarians, and Philosophers — all came succ
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 12: books published. (search)
o English-speaking readers. For one, I can say that it brought him nearer to me than any other book, before or since, has ever done. This volume was published at Boston, by Hilliard, Gray & Co., in 1839,--her preface being dated at Jamaica Plain on May 23 of that year,--and I suspect that she never had any compensation for it beyond the good practice for herself and the gratitude of others. Her preface contains some excellent things, giving a view of Goethe more moderate than that which Carlyle had just brought into vogue, though she still was ardent and admiring enough. But she points out very well — though perhaps emphasizing them too much — some of the limitations of Goethe's nature. She does not even admit him to be in the highest sense an artist, but says, I think he had the artist's eye and the artist's hand, but not the artist's love of structure, --a distinction admirably put. From the subject of Goethe followed naturally, in those days, that of Bettina Brentano, whos
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 14: European travel. (1846-1847.) (search)
ller], 6 State Street, Boston, which day you will come. I should like to take the letter to Carlyle, and wish you would name the Springs in it. Mr. S. has been one of those much helped by Mr. C. haps. Head of Catharina of Russia. Colossal and Ideal head of Beethoven. Early letters of Carlyle, written in the style of the Life of Schiller, occasionally swelling into that of Dr. Johnson. h, De Quincey, Joanna Baillie. Browning, just married, had gone to Italy. Her descriptions of Carlyle are almost as spicy as Carlyle's own letters, and she dismisses Lewes in almost as trenchant a Carlyle's own letters, and she dismisses Lewes in almost as trenchant a manner as that in which Carlyle dismissed Heraud. Best of all for her, she made acquaintance with Mazzini, whom she was soon to meet again in Italy. She was very cordially received, her two volumesCarlyle dismissed Heraud. Best of all for her, she made acquaintance with Mazzini, whom she was soon to meet again in Italy. She was very cordially received, her two volumes of Miscellanies having just been favorably reviewed by the English press; she was inundated with invitations and opportunities, and could only mourn, like so many Americans since her day, that thes