Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 8, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Caskie or search for Caskie in all documents.

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Mayor's Court --Recorder Caskie presiding.--Burrill, a slave, the property of Mr. Mc, of Hanover, was arraigned yesterday to answer the charge of driving a cart over a child of Mr. Lorge, on 17th street, last Saturday. A witness testified that he saw the negro driving at a rapid rate, and observing two children in the street just ahead, called upon him to stop. The negro replied that he wouldn't stop for anybody, and directly afterwards drove over one of the children. The injuries inflicted are severe, but not dangerous. By way of a preventive in future, the Recorder prescribed thirty-nine lashes. John Wade, who was arrested Saturday night for shooting Wm. Mott, was called up, out a message having been received from Dr. Jackson that the wounded man was unable to appear at present, the investigation was postponed until the 15th inst., and the prisoner committed to jail. Nicholas Powers made his third appearance for drunkenness, and his bloated visage indicating that
Whitewashing. --Some persons have strange ideas of the duties pertaining to the office of Mayor of the city. A citizen appeared before Acting May or Caskie yesterday morning, and with much solemnity began to relate a story of how a free negro had whitewashed a room, and received pay therefore, while the job was so badly done as to leave a doubt on complainant's mind whether any whitewash had been used at all. The magistrate, of course, was somewhat puzzled. No warrant was asked for, sinch had been used at all. The magistrate, of course, was somewhat puzzled. No warrant was asked for, since the peace of the city had not been violated. The object, for ought one could see to the contrary, was to make a public expose of the swindling propensities of the negro artist; and after explaining, in few words, the routine of the Mayor's business, Mr. Caskie advised the complainant to go to the High Constable's office, where a more lucid explanation of the transaction might be elicited.