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ld augur, That they would run from Lookout Mount, Who fought so well at Chickamauga! Round many a smoky camp-fire were sung clever songs, whose humor died with their gallant singers, for want of recording memories in those busy days. Latham, Caskie and Page McCarty sent out some of the best of the skits; a few verses of one by the latter's floating to mind, from the snowbound camp on the Potomac, stamped by his vein of rollicking satire-with-a-tear in it: Manassas' field ran red with gly enough, with a people whose nerves were kept at abnormal tension, reaction carried the humor of the South largely into travesty. Where the reality was ever somber, creation of the unreal found popular and acceptable form in satiric verse. Major Caskie--who ever went into battle with a smile on his lips-found time, between fights, for broad pasquinade on folly about him, with pen and pencil. His very clever parody of a touching and wellknown poem of the time, found its way to many a camp-fi
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 10: Sharpsburg and Fredericksburg. (search)
[an old Arlington servant] is very willing, and I believe does as well as he can. You know he is very slow and inefficient, and moves very like his father Lawrence. He is also very fond of his blankets in the morning — the time I most require him. I hope he will do well when he leaves me, and get in the service of some good person who will take care of him. On the 8th of January he again makes reference to the Arlington servants, and says: I executed the deed of manumission sent me by Mr. Caskie, and returned it to him. I perceived that John Sawyer and James's names among the Arlington people had been omitted, and inserted them. I fear there are others among the White House lot which I did not discover. As to the attacks of the Northern papers, I do not mind them, and do not think it wise to make the publication you suggest. If all the names of the people at Arlington and on the Pamunkey are not embraced in the deed I have executed, I should like a supplementary deed to be draw
nce. Kilpatrick's party visited the premises of Mr. John P. Ballard, about three miles from the city, and stole from his stables a pair of valuable carriage-horses. Richmond Dispatch, March 1st and 2d. Another account. Richmond, March 2, 1864. Our last notice of the movements of the enemy closed with their appearance at Frederickshall, on the Central Railroad, and the approach of another column toward Charlottesville. The latter, we learn, were met by our cavalry under Colonel Caskie, and repulsed. At Frederickshall they tore up the track for a considerable distance, and, it is trustworthily reported, captured and brought off several of our officers and eight pieces of artillery stationed there, besides doing considerable damage by destroying the carriages, and otherwise rendering it unserviceable for immediate use. Leaving Frederickshall on Monday, they crossed the Central Railroad and divided into two detachments, one moving in the direction of James River Cana
Generals Taliaferro and Winder with their brigades and portions of the batteries of Wooding and Caskie. Colonel Munford, with cavalry and some artillery, advanced about three miles beyond the other as the enemy had become very bold and annoying. My regiment was thrown to the right and rear of Caskie's battery, on the left of the road coming up the Valley, one company acting on my flank. Here tside of the turnpike, to support a battery there in position, which would check the enemy whilst Caskie's battery was retiring. In executing this order, after we had gone but a few hundred yards, to atteries of Captains Courtnay, Lusk, Brockenbrough, Rice, and Raines, while those of Cutshaw and Caskie were held in reserve. As I got up, I found Captain Courtnay's battery withdrawing from the fielwere finally routed, the pursuit was continued by parts of the batteries of Captains Wooding and Caskie, with just spirit and serious effect, and the enemy forced to abandon the only gun they were see
igade, parallel to the road, in rear of the batteries of Poague, Carpenter, and Caskie, (then being placed near the road, under the direction of Major Andrews, chief division, engaged in the action, were those of Captains Carpenter, Poague, and Caskie. The officers and men of these batteries behaved well. Captain Caskie was wouCaptain Caskie was wounded. Captain Wooding's battery was not engaged; he himself acted for a time with the General commanding. I have the honor to enclose herewith the reports of brigwo rifles were from Captain Poague's battery, and the others from those of Captains Caskie and Carpenter. Their fire was directed against the enemy's batteries in o brigade, to the front, when we were halted to allow the Hampden artillery, Captain Caskie's battery, to pass to the front, during which time a shell from the enemy'son the field and near the centre, passing through the gate at which I found Captain Caskie's battery, which had converged the fire of the enemy to a point necessary t
rke's brigade, with the batteries of Brockenbrough, Wooding, Poague, Carpenter, Caskie, and Raines. Major-General Stuart, with his cavalry, cooperated during the exprously replied to by the batteries of Poague, Carpenter, Brockenbrough, Raines, Caskie, and Wooding. About sunrise, the Federal infantry advanced in heavy force to the batteries of the division, Poague's, Carpenter's, Brockenbrough's, Raines's, Caskie's, and Wooding's. It was during this almost unprecedented iron storm that a shelying around Sudley Mills. This I proceeded to do, leaving five pieces of Captains Caskie's and Cutshaw's batteries on the opposite side of the Catharpin Run, in poall back through the swamp, it being the only mode of escape. Captain C.'s and Caskie's companies were on picket. In the skirmish Captain Clement lost six men and eight horses, supposed to have been captured. Lieutenant Doyle, of Captain Caskie's company, having absented himself from camp since the skirmish, I cannot be positiv
ar the Bernard cabins, were posted twenty-one guns of the batteries of Captains Davidson, Raine, Caskie, and Braxton, all under the immediate direction of Captain Davidson. To the right, and some two526 Taliaferro'sJones'48th Virginia 77 Taliaferro'sJones'Raine's Battery 11 Taliaferro'sJones'Caskie's Battery 33 Taliaferro's3d, Col. Warren48th Alabama 55 Taliaferro's3d, Col. Warren23d Virginittery, and Lieutenant Lambie, Carpenter's battery, all of whom were severely wounded; and of Captain Caskie, Lieutenants McKendree, Hunton, Statham, Early, and Donald. It is with great pain I have of six rifles, two Napoleons, and one six-pounder, of the batteries of Captains Davidson, Raine, Caskie, and Braxton,--all under the immediate direction of Captain Davidson. Some two hundred yards iners of longer range. About this time two of our rifle-guns, belonging to Captains Wooding's and Caskie's batteries, were disabled, by their axles breaking from the recoil of the gun, and had to be wi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of the crater, July 30, 1864. (search)
ll state here that an army correspondent of the Richmond papers, in a letter published a day or two after the battle, gave the credit of repelling the enemy to Major Caskie's battalion, of Virginia. The account was never publicly corrected, and I suppose some future historian will seize upon the files of papers containing that letter as the best evidence to be obtained as to the artillery engaged. The truth is Major Caskie's battalion of artillery was to the left of Wright's battery; it could not reach the attacking columns of the enemy, and did not fire a single gun that I know of. I know that Major Caskie, having nothing to do in his front, spent some Major Caskie, having nothing to do in his front, spent some time with me in Wright's battery, as being the best position for obtaining a view of the battle. So much for the material out of which history is made up. I think Wright's battery did most effectual work, for the following reasons: 1st, it was erected for the special purpose of defending the salient; 2d, it was nearest the crater
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 9.91 (search)
T. Johnson. 21st Virginia. 42d Virginia. 48th Virginia. 1st Virginia Battalion. Third Brigade. Colonel A. G. Taliaferro. 47th Alabama. 48th Alabama. 10th Virginia. 23d Virginia. 37th Virginia. Fourth Brigade. Brigadier-General W. E. Starke. Colonel Leroy A. Stafford. 1st Louisiana. 2d Louisiana. 9th Louisiana. 10th Louisiana. 15th Louisiana. Coppens's Louisiana Battalion. Artillery. Major L. M. Shumaker. Brockenbrough's Maryland Battery. Carpenter's Virginia Battery. Caskie's Va. Battery, (Hampden Artillery.) Poague's Va. Battery, (Rockbridge Artillery.) Raine's Virginia Battery, (Lee Artillery.) Wooding's Va. Battery, (Danville Artillery.) Hill's light division. Major-General Ambrose P. Hill. Branch's Brigade. Brig. Gen. L. O'B. Branch. 7th North Carolina. 18th North Carolina. 28th North Carolina. 33d North Carolina. 37th North Carolina. Gregg's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. Maxey Gregg. 1st South Carolina. 1st South Carolina Rifles. 12th South Carolina
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Organization of army of Northern Virginia. (search)
nder, A. L. Long and R. L. Walker were made brigadier-generals and assigned respectively to the First, Second and Third corps]. First corps---Colonel J. B. Walton.   20-lb. Parrotts.10-lb. Parrotts.3-inch Rifles.Napoleons.12-lb. Howitzers.24-lb. Howitzers.Other Guns. Col. H. C. CabellMcCarty  22    Major HamiltonManly  22     Carlton 2 11    Fraser 11 1  Blakely.1 9 rifles; 5 Naps.; 2 Hows.         Major DearingMacon 2 4    Major ReedBlount211      Stribling   4     Caskie   4    6 rifles; 12 Napoleons.         Major HenryBachman   4     Rielly 222     Latham   21  Blakely.1  Gordon   31   5 rifles; 11 Naps.; 2 Hows.         Col. E. P. AlexanderJordan  4     Major HugerRhett3        Moody   2 4   Parker 13      Taylor   4    11 rifles; 6 Naps.; 4 Hows.         Major EshlemanSquiers         Miller   21    Rich
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