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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 1: effect of the battle of Bull's Run.--reorganization of the Army of the Potomac.--Congress, and the council of the conspirators.--East Tennessee. (search)
nd legislated accordingly. Acting upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Treasury (Mr. Chase), Congress authorized a loan of $250,000,000, for which bonds and Treasurynotes were to be iss was also made for levying a tax on the excess of all incomes above eight hundred dollars; but Mr. Chase's suggestion concerning excise duties, and other taxes on special articles of personal propertlus earnings of the loyal people amounted to over $400,000,000. In the month of September, Mr. Chase sent forth a patriotic appeal to the people, in behalf of the subscription to the authorized loan. The war, said Mr. Chase, made necessary by insurrection, and reluctantly accepted by the Government, must be prosecuted with all possible vigor, until the restoration of the just authority ofcasion offers, hereafter notice the working of the Treasury Department under the management of Mr. Chase. When Congress had finished the business for which they were called together, they adjourne
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 3: military operations in Missouri and Kentucky. (search)
laid for him by Nelson. Seeing his danger, he fled to the fastnesses of the mountains at Pound Gap, carrying with him a large amount of cattle and other spoils. General Nelson entered Pikeville on the 10th, where he found Colonel Sill and his division, who, after fighting on the way, had arrived the previous evening, and given Williams's troops a few shot and shell when they departed. On the same day Nelson had the pleasure of saying to his troops, in an order issued from Camp hopeless Chase, that In a campaign of twenty days, you have driven the rebels from Eastern Kentucky, and given repose to that portion of the State. He alluded to their privations, and then said: For your constancy and courage, I thank you, and, with the qualities which you have shown that you possess, I expect great things from you in the future. The East Tennessee patriots were compelled to wait and suffer longer. Bright hopes had been excited among them by the repulse of Zollicoffer at Camp Wild-Cat
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
pound.--reached Washington, an order went forth for its secure preservation and preparation for market. Agents were appointed for the purpose, and the military and naval authorities in that region were directed to give them all necessary aid. Measures were taken to organize the negro population on the islands, and to carry forward all necessary work on the abandoned plantations. This business was left in the control of the Treasury Department, and was efficiently and wisely managed by Secretary Chase, who appointed Edwin L. Pierce as a special agent for the purpose. At the beginning of February following, 1862. Mr. Pierce reported that about two hundred plantations on fifteen of the South Carolina coast islands were occupied, or under the control of the Union forces, and that upon them there was an aggregate negro population of about eight thousand, exclusive of several thousand colored refugees at and around Hilton Head. The industrial operations in this region under the control
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 14: movements of the Army of the Potomac.--the Monitor and Merrimack. (search)
e same evening, Jan. 11. when McDowell and Franklin, being in general agreement as to the necessity now of moving directly upon Manassas, recommended such movement. But there was a difference of opinion in the Cabinet. The Postmaster-General (Montgomery Blair) strongly urged McClellan's plans of moving at some future time by way of the Peninsula, because of the great obstacles of bad roads and immense forces to be encountered on the other route; to which the Secretary of the Treasury (Mr. Chase) replied that it was probable that, after losing much time and millions of money, there would be found as many obstacles to success on the newly proposed route. The Secretary of State (Mr. Seward) thought that a victory by the Army of the Potomac somewhere was desirable, it mattered not where.--McDowell's Notes. Two days afterward there was another meeting of those officers with the President and his Cabinet. General McClellan was present, but took no part in the discussion. He seem
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 15: the Army of the Potomac on the Virginia Peninsula. (search)
to Richmond, urged the Government to allow him to attempt the capture of Norfolk, and thus make the breaking up of the blockade of the James an easy matter. But it was not until after the evacuation of Yorktown, when President Lincoln and Secretaries Chase and Stanton visited Fortress Monroe, that his suggestions were favorably considered. He then renewed his recommendations; and when, on the 8th, May, 1862. he received positive information that Huger (who, with Burnside in his rear and McCerprise was abandoned for the timer but information that reached Headquarters a few hours later revived it. On the following day General Wool, with Colonel T. J. Cram (his Inspector-general, and an accomplished topographical engineer) and Secretary Chase, made a reconnaissance toward Willoughby's Point, and along the coast toward the sea, when it was decided to land five thousand troops at a summer watering-place called Ocean View, by which the works on Sewell's Point could be taken in rever