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ioned between said Brooks and Whitmore, and from that in a straight line to a stake standing up in the line between said Brooks and Stephen & John Francis' 2 a. of Clay land, then from said stake to a little black oak, and from that to an old shed within a rod of said Brooks' Meadow, then from said shed to a little black Oak bush by the River, upon a straight line, said Shed is the S. or S. W. corner of the 2 a. of Clay land above-mentioned, where the line is now staked out and agreed upon. Upon the condition of placing the line as above-mentioned, it is agreed that the said Brooks is to have a landing place of four cords of wood front upon the River, bege land of Stephen & John Francis. Also it is agreed that Stephen & John Francis shall have a convenient highway through Thomas Willis' land, into the said 2 a. of Clay land, the said highway to come into Thomas Willis' land to be upon the S. E. corner of John Whitmore's field, from a highway that goes from a landing place at or n