Browsing named entities in An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps.. You can also browse the collection for Cobb or search for Cobb in all documents.

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e first to exclaim, from his thorough knowledge of the man, McClellan is the best officer they could select; but they will not keep him long a remark which seemed prophetic. Nor can we forget the part which Davis and his friends instigated Floyd, Cobb, and others to play when Cabinet Ministers to Buchanan — it may seem disreputable, but I don't think so, for self-preservation is the first law of nature. When it became evident that North and South could no longer live amicably together, and tharoportion of arms. The transaction was a secret one, but yet was commented upon by watchful men at the North. It was said, however, that we might soon be engaged with Spain or some other power, and that the South was the best location for them. Cobb, in the Treasury, did many things to embarrass the North, and facilitated all movements as best he could for our welfare and uprising. His financial abilities, or talents of any sort, were not much; but silence and discretion were all that was re
if any thing was to be attempted the work must be quick and desperate! The artillery could not get up in time; hence, trusting to the impetuous valor of his troops, Magruder insisted upon charging the position, no matter what might be the cost! Cobb and others endeavored to explain, and invited Magruder to visit the scene! There was a run of more than six hundred yards up a rising ground, an unbroken flat beyond of several hundred yards, one hundred pieces of cannon behind breastworks, and han important moment, to frustrate all our designs by passion and intoxication! Hundreds are willing to swear that he was unfit to command on that day, and complaints were afterwards made to the War Department regarding him. But to the battle. Cobb was unwilling to slaughter his brigade, and told Magruder so, but added: If you command me to go, I will charge until my last man falls! He was commanded. Gathering his devoted Georgians and Louisianians around him, he explained the situation,
tioned the circumstance, except in ambiguous terms, we had other evidence that the disaster was appreciated by those who were the witnesses and sufferers by it. Prisoners of the better class subsequently confirmed our convictions that the loss was so great, and followed so quickly after their disastrous handling in the Week's campaign, that they dared not inform the North of the destruction of transports and supplies, or of the sudden change of camps during that fearful cannonade. Some of Cobb's legion on picket-duty next day picked up many stragglers, who naively said that the assault was so sudden, fearful, and accompanied with such havoc and disorder, it seemed as if the Last Day had arrived ; for regiments were hurriedly formed and marched away in the darkness, many having no other covering but their drawers. Many thought the occasion presented a fine opportunity for a night attack on the land side, but McClellan's favorite style of planting cannon on high grounds and throwing
on the left included the divisions of Ransom, McLaws, and Picket, Anderson being on Marye's Hill; Cobb being posted behind a strong stone wall at the right base of the latter, commanding all approach ing up to the stone wail which protected that position, and were unmolested in their advance, for Cobb carefully screened his men, and although the Federal batteries covered this movement, their shot ese officers, who took the hint and moved away. I learned that the infantry attack on Hill's and Cobb's positions had been very severe, and was desperately maintained by both sides for some time, butline was again on the alert, when rapid firing broke out at the right base of Marye's Hill, which Cobb had so well defended from behind the stone fence. It appeared that a heavy body of the enemy hadong the killed were General Maxey Gregg, of South-Carolina; and among the wounded, Generals Hood, Cobb, and Jenkins. Burnside's forces, according to Washington reports, amounted to one hundred and