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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 17: White women. (search)
being too much for bar and bench! One day last week, General Cobb, a lawyer of repute, was shot down in Washington Street Hi and Hop Lee, Chinese launderers in Jackson Street. Mrs. Cobb, one of the relieving ladies, heard her story from the lilady, with a family of her own, she begged her husband, General Cobb, to look into the case. Cobb thought he saw his way, bCobb thought he saw his way, but lawyers like to touch their fees, and Hannah Smythe was poor. Having no choice of means, she made over to Cobb her bit oCobb her bit of land in trust, understanding that he was to pay all expenses for her, and to hold the property till she had paid his bill.ed the poor washerwoman into the grade of heroine. Whether Cobb will Iive or die is not yet known. Kind-hearted Mrs. Cobb Mrs. Cobb may be a widow, and her children fatherless; but whether Cobb survives the deed or not, his client runs no risk. Hannah SmytCobb survives the deed or not, his client runs no risk. Hannah Smythe is a woman, and a San Francisco jury will not take a woman's life.