Browsing named entities in Col. J. J. Dickison, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.2, Florida (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Cobb or search for Cobb in all documents.

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nd at the time of the accident was lying at anchor 25 miles above Apalachicola. On May 30th Commander John J. Guthrie was informed that nine Federal launches had come up the river and captured the schooner Fashion, loading with cotton, and he immediately ordered steam up to go to the assistance of the schooner. In a few moments the boilers of the gunboat exploded, sinking the vessel, killing 16 persons and severely scalding many others. Among those who lost their lives was Midshipman Mallory, who had distinguished himself by pushing his way first aboard the frigate Congress at Hampton Roads, after she had struck her colors to the Virginia. The guns of the Chattahoochee were taken off and mounted in battery on the shore, and reinforcements being sent down by General Cobb, then in command in that district, the enemy was prevented from taking advantage of the disaster. In a short time the gunboat was raised and repaired so that she was of service thereafter in defending the river.
eated to Jackson, where General Johnston reported that on the 12th of July a party of skirmishers of the First, Third and Fourth Florida, Forty-seventh Georgia and Cobb's battery, struck the enemy's flank, and captured 200 prisoners, and colors of the Twenty-eighth, Forty-first, and Fifty-third Illinois regiments. On August 26,described in the reports of the colonels commanding. Colonel Dilworth wrote: On the morning of the 19th inst. I was left with my regiment and a section of Cobb's battery at Glass' mill, with instructions from MajorGen-eral Breckinridge to dispose of my command so as to repel any attack of the enemy, and remain until I shoe First regiment Florida cavalry was composed of companies commanded by Captains Haddock, Roberts, Coxe, Cone, Summerlin, Clarke, Hughes, Footman, Hull, Harvey and Cobb, mustered in at different times and places from the 12th of May to the 1st of July, 1861. About the middle of August the regiment was stationed at Camp Davis, 6
He declined to be sent to the rear to take train until all his wounded men were embarked, and narrowly escaped capture through the faithfulness of a driver who took him in a commissary wagon after the last train had left. He was unfit for duty during the subsequent campaigns of General Hood. Soon after the army was ordered to North Carolina, his wound being partially healed, he started to rejoin his brigade; but his progress being interfered with by the Federal movements, he reported to General Cobb at Columbus, and was assigned to duty. When Wilson's Federal troops entered Columbus he made his escape with General Toombs to Eufaula, and soon afterward hostilities ceased. General Finley then returned to Florida and lived for a time in Lake City. In 1875 he removed to Jacksonville. He served in Congress from 1875 to 1879. In 1879 he was again elected but the seat was contested and given to his opponent. In 1887 he was appointed by Governor Perry to fill a vacancy in the United St