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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
rson; Hardaway's (Ala.) battery, Capt. R. A. Hardaway; Jeff Davis (Ala.) Art., Capt. J. W. Bondurant; Jones's (Va.) battery, Capt. William B. Jones; King William (Va.) Art., Capt. T. H. Carter. Reserve Artillery, Brig.-Gen. William N. Pendleton:--Brown's Battalion, First Virginia Artillery. Col. J. Thompson Brown; Powhatan Art. (Dance's battery), Richmond Howitzers, 2d Co. (Watson's battery), Richmond Howitzers, 3d Co. (Smith's battery), Salem Art. (Hupp's battery), Williamsburg Art. (Coke's battery). Cutts's Battalion, With D. H. Hill's division at Sharpsburg. Lieut.-Col. A. S. Cutts; Blackshears's (Ga.) battery, Irwin (Ga.) Art. (Lane's battery), Lloyd's (N. C.) battery, Patterson's (Ga.) battery, Ross's (Ga.) battery. Jones's Battalion, With D. H. Hill's division at Sharpsburg. Maj. H. P. Jones. Morris (Va.) Art. (R. C. M. Page's battery), Orange (Va.) Art. (Peyton's battery), Turner's (Va.) battery, Wimbish's (Va.) battery. Nelson's Battalion, Maj. William Nelson; A
William A. Smith, DD. President of Randolph-Macon College , and Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy., Lectures on the Philosophy and Practice of Slavery as exhibited in the Institution of Domestic Slavery in the United States: withe Duties of Masters to Slaves., Lecture I. Introductory remarks on the subject of African slavery in the United States. (search)
doing that which we would not that others should do to us and ours; and that we pass our disapprobation upon all our friends who keep slaves, and advise their freedom. This doctrine was reasserted after the organization of the Church in 1784, and, with short intervals of time, and unimportant variations of phraseology, the essential features of this doctrine have been adhered to until the present time, by this most numerous body of professing Christians in this country. At an early day, Bishop Coke, of the M. E. Church, openly advocated this doctrine in the pulpits of the country, until silenced by the force of public opinion; yet he did not cease, while he remained in the country, to exert the full amount of his personal influence in private and social circles against the institution of domestic slavery. His example was followed by a large number of his preachers, and many ministers of other Christian denominations, who imbibed the same doctrine and were animated by the same spiri
l Brown and Lieutenant-Colonel Coleman had sought opportunity of use beyond the Chickahominy. The latter accompanied two batteries of the regiment, the Richmond Fayette Artillery, Lieutenant Clopton commanding, and the Williamsburg Artillery, Captain Coke, ordered, on the morning of the twenty-seventh, to report to General Lee at Mechanicsville, as he had requested. These batteries were held as part of the reserve of that portion of the army, and Lieutenant-Colonel Coleman was called to act ase it now awaits orders. The batteries which, during this period, were separated from the command, are the following: Third howitzer, Captain B. H. Smith; Richmond Fayette artillery, Lieutenant Clopton commanding, and Williamsburg artillery, Captain Coke. The first of the Third howitzers, (Captain B. H. Smith,) having been advised to join Featherston's brigade, General Longstreet's division, reached Mechanicsville at ten P. M. on Thursday, June twenty-sixth. On Friday, twenty-seventh, it was
e said to himself, “I'll maul away, And cleave a path before me; I'll hew all black jacks' out of my way, ‘Till the Star of Fame shines o'er me.” I saw him again on a broad swift stream; But the maul this time was a paddle, And I watched the tiny rainbow's gleam, As he made the waves skedaddle. And he said, “I'll paddle away, away, Till space shall flee before me; And I yet shall live to see the day When the Star of Fame shines o'er me.” I saw him again, with his musty books, A-pondering Coke and Story; And little there was in his homely looks To tell of his future glory. But he said, “I'll master, I know I will, The difficult task before me; I'll maul my way through the hard world still, Till the Star of Fame shines o'er me.” I saw him again, when he rose to cope, Hand to hand, with the “Western Giant;” His eye lit up with a beam of hope, On his sinewy strength reliant. “I'll fight him,” he said, “with the maul of Truth, Till he shrink and quail before me, Ti
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 9.91 (search)
h Virginia. Robertson's Brigade. Brigadier-General B. H. Robertson. 2d Virginia. 6th Virginia. 7th Virginia. 12th Virginia. 17th Virginia Battalion. Artillery. Hart's South Carolina Battery. Pelham's Virginia Battery. Artillery. The following artillery organizations were in the Army of Northern Virginia, July 23 and October 4, 1862, but with the exceptions noted, they do not appear in the reports of the battles of Manassas Plains. First Virginia Regiment. Colonel J. T. Brown. Coke's Va. Battery, (Williamsburg Artillery.) Dance's Va. Battery, (Powhatan Artillery.) Hupp's Va. Battery, (Salem Artillery.) Macon's Battery, (Richmond Fayette Artillery.) Smith's Battery, (3d Co. Richmond Howitzers.) Watson's Battery, (2d Co. Richmond Howitzers.) Sumter (Georgia) Battalion. Lieutenant-Colonel A. S. Cutts. Blackshear's Battery, (D.) Lane's Battery, (C.) Patterson's Battery, (B.) Ross's Battery, (A.) Miscellaneous Batteries. Ancell's Va. Battery, (Fluvanna Art.) Cu
lot of indifferent coal, on shore, which could be purchased at about double its value, but nothing could be done until the council moved; and it is proverbial that large bodies like provincial councils, move slowly. The Attorney-General of the Colony, and other big wigs got together, however, after due ceremony, and, thanks to the fact, that the steamer is an infernal machine of modern invention, they were not very long in coming to a decision. If there had been anything about a steamer, in Coke upon Littleton, Bacon, or Bracton, or any other of those old fellows who deal in black letter, I am afraid the Sumter would have been blockaded by the enemy, before she could have gotten to sea. The pros and cons being discussed—I had too much respect for the calibre of certain guns on shore, to throw any shells across the windows of the council-chamber—it was decided that coal was not contraband of war, and that the Sumter might purchase the necessary article in the market. But though she
g it into yarn is similar to that pursued with hemp. Coir cordage is lighter than hemp, is pliable, and has a strength, compared with hempen rope, of 87 to 108 with large rope, and 60 to 65 with small rope. It is well adapted for hawsers, as it is light enough to float in sea-water, and also for runningrigging, but is not so well adapted for standingrigging, owing to its contractibility. Coir is also made from the long, fibrous, black, cloth-like covering of the Borassus gonnutus. Coke. Charred pitcoal. It is carbonized in heaps, in ovens, or in the retorts of the gas manufactory. It may be remarked that the production of the best coke and the best gas from the same coal is incompatible; the bulk of the mass is increased by coking, the weight diminished from 30 to 55 per cent, according to the mode of conducting the process. As the distillation of wood leaves a solid residue of charcoal, so is coke the residue of the distillation of coal. 2,240 pounds, a long ton
e-handle used to make a hole in the ground to receive seed. In the East of England wheat-crops are put in by this means. It is slow, but sure. A man takes a dibble in each hand, and goes backward across the field; children following him drop the grains into the holes. It is economical of seed, but the principal motive is to condense the soil around the seed, so that it may retain moisture in that sandy country which once was a rabbitwarren, and where a certain duchess told the proprietor, Coke of Norfolk, that she saw two rabbits quarreling for one blade of grass. Dib′bling-ma-chine′. One used for making holes in rows for potato sets, for beans, or other things which are planted isolated in rows. It may be adapted for corn by instituting the proper proportion between the parts; corn requiring a greater distance apart in the rows, unless it is only to be tended one way. The machine shown is adapted to be pushed by one man, and may be a useful adjunct to gardening. Dibble
y of 47° B., flashes at 86° Fah. An oil which will not flash below 100° may be made by running off the naphtha to 58° B., and exposing the oil in shallow tanks to the sun or a strong light for a day or two. The average yield of crude Pennsylvania oil is stated to be : — Gasolene1 1/2 Refined naphtha10 Benzine4 Refined petroleum or kerosene55 Lubricating oil17 1/2 Paraffine2 Loss, gas, and coke10 —— 100 By cracking it can be made to yield, — Crude naphtha20 Burning oil66 Coke and loss14 —– 100 Oil-safe. A storage-vessel for oil, protected from access of fire, and measurably from the heat of the surrounding atmosphere. It consists of a vessel of sheet-metal with soldered joints in a box of wood with an intervening material which is a poor conductor of heat. Oil is poured in at the top and discharged by pipe and faucet at the bottom. Oil-skin. Cloth treated with oil to make it water and perspiration proof. Oil-still. A still for hydr
hot blast, the quantity of materials necessary for the production of one ton of pig-iron was, — Calcined ore1 3/4 tons Coke3 tons Limestone1/2 ton. In 1831, when the system was coming into use, the blast being warm, — Calcined ore2 tons Coke2 tons Limestone1/2 ton. In 1839, with a hot blast, — Calcined ore1 3/4 tons Coke1 3/4 tons Limestone1/2 ton. the saving in fuel being nearly one half. In addition may be mentioned the fact that anthracite coal and black band ore aCoke1 3/4 tons Limestone1/2 ton. the saving in fuel being nearly one half. In addition may be mentioned the fact that anthracite coal and black band ore are intractable under the cold blast, but the former yields an intense heat, and the latter a rich percentage of good iron with the hot blast. The Calder Works, in 1831, demonstrated the needlessness of coking when the hot blast is employed. Exp Coal, anthracite1.436-1.640 Coal, cannel1.238-1.318 Coal, Cumberland, Md.1.355 Coal, Newcastle1.270 Coal, Welsh1.315 Coke1.000 Corundum3.710-3.981 Cryolite2.692-3.077 Diamond, Oriental3.521-3.550 Diamond, Brazilian3.444 Dolomite2.800 Eart<
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