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esident Davis' commentary. spirit of the press and people of the Confederacy. effect of the proclamation in the North. analysis of the Northern elections of 1862. the Democratic protest; against President Lincoln's administration. speech of Mr. Cox in the Federal Congress. supposed design of reconstruction of the Union. how the idea was treated in Richmond. savage denunciations of it. Vice President Stephens' declaration of Independence or death. military operations in the early montpation, they reminded Mir. Seward of his declaration, made on the 10th March, 1862, in a letter to Mr. Adams in London, that such a measure would re-invigorate the declining insurrection in every part of the South. On the 15th December, 1862, Mr. Cox, Democratic member from Ohio, in a speech in the House of Representatives, described the condition of the North, and exhibited a bill of particulars against Mr. Lincoln's Administration, which may be taken as a declaration of the principles and
stained; toward the west side lay a bull, which, maddened by the sound of his own bellowing or by the thunder of the battle, had rushed onto the field to be destroyed. From General McClellan's report we have the following account of the action during the day, upon the left:— The effect of Burnside's movement on the enemy's right was to prevent his further massing of troops on his left, and we held what we had gained. Burnside's corps, consisting of Wilcox's, Sturgis's, Rodman's and Cox's Kanawha division, was intrusted with the difficult task of carrying the bridge across the Antietam at Rohrback's Farm, and assaulting the enemy's right, the order having been communicated to him at ten o'clock, A. M. The valley of the Antietam, at and near the bridge, is narrow with high banks. On the right of the stream the bank is wooded and commands the approaches both to the bridge and the ford. The steep slopes of the bank were lined with rifle-pits, and breastworks of rails and sto
ading from Beacon Street on ye uper side of ye Comon unto Mr Alleus Orchard, Davis lane. The way leading from Beacon street between Capt Allens Land and Madm Shrimptons Pasture, up to Centrey Hill, Centrey street. The street from ye Lower end of School Street Leading Northly as far as Mr Clark ye Pewterer(s) shop, Corn hill. The way Leading from a Tenement of Capt Clark's, nigh ye lower end of School street to Winslows Corner in Joylieffs Lane, Spring lane. The street leading from Coxs ye butchers shop in Cornhill, passing by Major Walleys, as far as Mrs Olivers Corner, Water street. The Alley leading from ye end of Water street through Mrs Olivers land, by Odells onto Milk Street, Coopers alley. The way leading from Water street passing between Major Walleys & M(rs) Bridghams Land into Milk Street, Tanners lane. The Lane passing from Water street in to Milk street, according to ye name by whch it hath been formerly known, Joylieffs lane. The way leading round
three officers,—one, Colonel——, of Alabama (very ill), another just able to sit up, and one, Lieutenant Cox, of Mississippi, only suffering from a bad cold which had threatened pneumonia. My constantied, and at the same time appeared to be struggling between vexation and a desire to laugh. Lieutenant Cox was covered up in bed, rolling and holding his head, seemingly in dreadful agony. Approachi entered the officers' quarters again, except to nurse very sick or dying men. It seems that Lieutenant Cox had received a box from home containing, among other dainties, a bottle of home-made wine. patient and friend of mine, Charlie Gazzan, of Mobile, Alabama, arrived with an apology from Lieutenant Cox, a few words of explanation from Captain Ellis, signed by all the officers in the ward, and r read the note, and in this course I was upheld by Dr. McAllister, who severely reprimanded Lieutenant Cox, and excused me from future attendance upon that ward. I have said that Charlie Gazzan wa<
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Authorities. (search)
. 38 III, 820 Cleburne, Patrick R.: Chickamauga, Ga. 30 II, 157 Coates, James H.: Meridian Expedition 32 i, 331 Cocke, Philip St. George: Bull Run, Va. 51 i, 26 Comstock, Cyrus B.: Forts Caswell and Fisher, N. C. 46 II, 197, 215, 217 Cope, Emmor B.: Boydton Plank Road, Va. 42 i, 435 Hatcher's Run, Va. 46 i, 262 North Anna River, Va. 36 i, 548 Spotsylvania Court-House, Va. 36 i, 547 Wilderness, Va. 36 i, 546; 36 II, 458 Cox, Jacob D.: Blake's Farm, W. Va. 5, 274 Nashville, Tenn. 45 i, 408 Crane, W. T.: Fort Sumter, S. C. 28 i, 597, 601, 603 Crow, George R.: Chickamauga, Ga. 30 i, 737 Chickamauga Campaign 30 III, 120a Cruft, Charles: Chickamauga, Ga. 30 i, 737 Davies, Thomas A.: Corinth, Miss. 17 i, 264-266 Davis, A. W.G.: Gauley Bridge and Camp Dickerson, W. Va. 5, 948 Davis, Jefferson C.: Marietta, Ga. 38 i, 638, 639 Davis, Nelson H.: G
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Authorities. (search)
5-25, 1863 37, 5 Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6-8, 1862 79, 6 Vicksburg, Miss., Jan. 20-July 4, 1863 36, 2 Yorktown, Va., April 5-May 4, 1862 14, 1 Conrad, Joseph: Bentonville, Ark., to Cassville, Mo., March 4-7, 1862 10, 4 Cope, Emmor B.: Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14, 1863 45, 7 Chancellorsville Campaign, April 27-May 6, 1863 39, 3 Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863 40, 2 Corley, James L.: Mine, the (Petersburg, Va.), July 30, 1864 78, 5 Cox, Jacob D.: Columbia, Tenn., Nov. 24-29, 1864 105, 4 New Berne to Kinston, N. C., March 1-20, 1865 105, 5 Wilmington, N. C., Feb. 9-22, 1865 105, 8 Cram, Thomas J.: Fort Monroe to Williamsburg, Va. 18, 1 Crocker, Marcellus M.: Corinth, Miss., Oct. 3-4, 1862 23, 9, 10 Cullum, George W.: Columbus, Ky., 1862 5, 2 Curtis, Samuel R.: Big Blue, Mo., Oct. 22, 1864 66, 2, 3 Charlot, Mo., Oct. 25, 1864 66, 5 Keetsville, Mo., to Fayetteville
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
-A; 138, F13; 171 Cape Henry, Va. 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 137, G12; 138, A1; 171 Cape Lookout, N. C. 40, 4; 117, 1; 135-A; 138, H11; 139, A14; 171 Caperton's Ferry, Ala. 97, 1; 149, D9 Capitol, Richmond, Va.: View 126, 1 Carlisle, Pa. 43, 7; 116, 2; 135-A; 136, B8; 171 Carmel Church, Va. 100, 1 Carnifix Ferry, W. Va. 9, 1, 9, 3; 141, C11 Engagement, Sept. 10, 1861 9, 1 Carolinas, Campaign of the: Army Corps, routes and positions— Cox's (J. D.) Provisional 105, 5 Twentieth 80, 1-80, 9; 86, 1-86, 16 Fort Anderson, N. C., Feb. 19, 1865 135-B, 4 Army of the Tennessee 79, 3; 120, 2 Averasborough, N. C., March 16, 1865 79, 5; 80, 11; 133, 1 Bentonville, N. C., March 19-21, 1865 68, 5; 79, 2, 79, 4; 80, 10; 133, 2 General operations 76, 2 Rivers' Bridge, S. C., Feb. 3, 1865 76, 3 Wilmington, N. C., Feb. 9-22, 1865 105, 8 Carpenter, Redoubt, Tenn.: Sketch 112, 8
with the advance. Reconnoissances of the eastern shore had meanwhile been ordered by Grant, and resulted in the discovery that there was but one point between Warrenton and Grand Gulf, where a good road existed from the river to the bluffs, the whole country being still overflowed on the left bank of the river. This dry point was at a place called Congo Island, and was so strongly protected by natural defences, that it was not judged advisable to attempt a landing there. The road led to Cox's farm on the Big Black river, and to use this landing would have necessitated crossing the Big Black in the face of the enemy. The Seventeenth corps, under McPherson, had followed McClernand closely, and Grant, after consuiting with Admiral Porter, now determined to attack the works at Grand Gulf. The Mississippi, at this place, has cut away the alluvium to the foot of the highland, and forms a large semi-circular bay or gulf. The bluff rises into a bold promontory, and commands a full
iven early in the day to destroy this bridge with artillery, but the national gunners were unable to reach it, and at mid-day Grant directed Butler: If your troops do not reach Richmond this afternoon, my opinion is that it will be unsafe to spend the night north of the enemy's lower bridge. I think it advisable to select a line now to which the troops can be brought back to-night, if they do not reach Richmond. This was accordingly done, and a position taken up, extending from the river at Cox's ferry, to the Darbytown road, where Kautz had pushed on to the line of redoubts nearest Richmond. Thus the success of the day was limited to the capture of Fort Harrison in the morning, and a later advance on the right, by which no especial result was attained. The advantage gained by Ord had not been properly pushed at the instant; the enemy was warned and prepared for the second assault; and although the captured work was important, a rebel line of great strength still intervened betw
each Spring Hill in advance of Schofield, they would be able either to cut off his retreat, or strike him in flank as he moved. Schofield at once sent Stanley with two divisions of infantry to occupy Spring Hill and cover the trains, directing Cox to hold the crossings at Columbia, while the remainder of the infantry was faced towards Hewey's Mills, where the rebel army was crossing. Wilson was cut off, and no communication could be had with the cavalry. Stanley reached Spring Hill just ied the enemy repeatedly, with heavy loss. At about three P. M. Schofield became convinced that Hood would make no attack at Columbia, but was pushing his principal columns direct upon Spring Hill. He thereupon gave orders for the withdrawal of Cox's force at dark, and pushed on himself with Ruger's troops to open communication with Stanley. The head of the main column followed close behind. Schofield struck the enemy's cavalry at dark, about three miles south of Spring Hill, brushing the
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