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r cutting the curd to expedite the separation of the whey. (b, Fig. 1557.) Another form of curdcutter (a) is a hoop with a diametric knife having an arched stem and wooden handle. It is used by an upand-down motion, the curd being in a tub. Curl′ing-iron. A heated rod, or a tube with an internal heater, around which hair is bent and pressed to curl it. The curling-iron of the Romans was hollow, and named calamustrum, from its resemblance to a reed (calamus)). The use was common amonssellini, Champollion, etc. The beards of the kings of Nineveh and other kingdoms of the basin of the Euphrates and Tigris were no doubt indebted to the curling iron or tongs; their beards fell in splendid ringlets over the throat and chest. Curl′ing-tongs. A tongs having one round member and one semi-tubular, between and around which hair is wound to curl it. Cur′rent. The fall or slope of a platform or sheet-metal roof, to carry off the water. Gutters usually have a current of <