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This breastwork connects an elegant redoubt of considerable magnitude, and another breastwork of the same description connects another redoubt beyond, still further to the left. On this redoubt there had been mounted a number of columbiads and Dahlgren naval guns, with one siege howitzer. It is now occupied by the Fortieth New-York regiment, whose banners are streaming from the walls. In front of these works there is an immense area of open ground which is completely commanded by their guns.t at midnight. A rear-guard was left, which at last retired in the greatest haste. The first gun on this large work, mounted on the left, looking towards the river, was an eight-inch columbiad, and next in their order were mounted a nine-inch Dahlgren, a ten-inch columbiad, three nine-inch Dalhgren guns. Directly underneath, in the water-battery, there were four eight-inch columbiads and an old forty-two-pound carronade. On the large work above, besides these I have already mentioned, there
s, and cannot particularize individual instances of good conduct. As a general thing, the troops bore their fatigue and hardships with cheerfulness. Great credit is due to Brigadier-Generals Cooper and Slough, commanding the First and Second brigades respectively, for their untiring exertions during the five days and nights' siege. Also, to Col. D. S. Miles, commanding the railroad brigade, and his aids, Lieuts. Binney and Reynolds, as well as to my own personal staff, Capt. George Merrill, Assistant Adjutant-General; Capt. J. C. Anderson and U. Dahlgren, additional aids-decamp; Major George W. Bruin, volunteer aid, and Mr. Thorndyke, of the Eighth Missouri regiment, who volunteered his services on this occasion. Lieut. Daniels, with his naval battery of Dahlgren guns on Maryland Heights, two thousand feet above the level of the sea, did splendid service throughout the entire siege. Very respectfully, your obed't serv't, R. Saxton, Brigadier-General United States Volunteers.
ave been used without stint. I cannot give your readers a better idea of the armament of the Fort than by making the following transcript from my memorandum — book. Passing along the line of water-batteries, about half a mile in extent, beginning at the upper end, I made the annexed entry: 1 128-pounder, rifled, casemated. 1 heavy 10-inch gun. 1 8-inch Parrott. 1 24-pounder, dismounted. 1 32-pounder, burst. 1 24-pounder, burst. 1 32-pounder, burst. 1 64-pounder, (Dahlgren,) burst. 1 32-pounder, dismounted. 1 heavy 8-inch columbiad, burst. 1 heavy 10-inch columbiad, burst. 1 13-inch mortar, burst. 1 128-pounder, dismounted. On the bluff but eight guns and two mortars had been mounted, of which six only remained, as follows: 2 32-pounders, dismounted. 1 64-pounder, (rifled,) burst. 1 10-inch Parrott, dismounted. 2 10-inch mortars, spiked. All these guns, except the mortars, had been heavily loaded, and fires were built around t
from our view. 4.20 P. M.--The tug Spitfire, a little, wee craft tender, seventy-five feet long, with a twelve-pound Dahlgren howitzer on her bow, under Lieutenant Bishop, Pilot Bixby, and a boat's crew, starts after her. The race is exciting, ofof forty-two pounds, (rifled,) heavy shot, weighing eighty-four pounds. Gunner, N. B. Willets. No. 2--Seven nine-inch Dahlgren shells. Gunner, P. Dwyer. The third shot from this gun cut the head out of the steam-drum of the Little Rebel. No. 3--Five rounds of nine-inch Dahlgren shell. Gunners, Lieut. Bishop and William Martin, gun captain. No. 4--Fourteen rounds of forty-two-pounders, rifled. Edward C. Brennan, gun captain. No. 5 (port gun)--One shot, a forty-two-pounder, rifled. after-gun)--Nine rounds, fifty-pounders, rifled, by Lieut. Joshua Bishop, U. S.N. No. 6--Two rounds, fifty-pounders, Dahlgren, rifled, by same. We have not yet found time to visit the other gunboats, and ascertain correctly the number or effec
idential. The letter is not dated: Colonel Dahlgren, etc. dear Colonel: At the last momentother account. The column of Yankees under Dahlgren took on their route two prisoners, Captain Deeresting accounts of Dahlgren's excursion. Dahlgren came down the Westham plank-road, with eight se name we could not learn. Subsequently Colonel Dahlgren, in command of the party, ordered the relappears that the credit of the capture of the Dahlgren party is mainly due to Captain William M. MagC. Babcock who sent Hogan on his own horse to Dahlgren? If found, he should certainly be sent headl Presuming the documents found on the body of Dahlgren to be authentic, the whole question of the retions found upon the body of the lamented Colonel Dahlgren, they have interpolated words of their ow see objects at a distance, except in woods. Dahlgren being so near Gloucester, probably consideredow puerile appear the indignities heaped upon Dahlgren's body! It was the old fable of kicking the [13 more...]
fear the enemy. U. Dahlgren, Colonel Commanding. It might be supposed that the Richmond authorities would have attempted some substantial retaliation, in view of these murderous and incendiary disclosures, and would have treated those of Dahlgren's raiders who had been captured as the felons they really were. But President Davis was weak and melodramatic on the subject of retaliation; a distinct victim had never yet been exacted for innumerable murders and massacres committed by the eneiny from which the public, without such appeals to their interest and sympathy, would have turned with aversion. Indeed so far did the misrepresentation and hypocrisy of the North go on this subject, that the authenticity of the papers found on Dahlgren was denied, and with that singular disposition of Northern newspapers to interpret as heroism, and entitle as fame, the worst villainies of the war, and its most ruthless and comprehensive works of destruction, the name of Ulric Dahlgren was wri
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid against Richmond. (search)
uch documents were found on the person of Colonel Dahlgren. That this charge should be made by a pae war is not to be wondered at. But Rear-Admiral Dahlgren, in a memoir of his son, published in pers. We quote from an article written by Mrs. Dahlgren, but have verified the quotations by refer After the news had reached Richmond that Colonel Dahlgren had fallen, and that the handful of men w the orders alleged to have been found on Colonel Dahlgren after he fell, which were said to have diged to have been found upon the person of Colonel Dahlgren is utterly discredited by the fact that te document is signed U. Dahlgren, whereas Colonel Dahlgren invariably signed himself Ulric Dahlgren,ographs mispells the name—Dalhgren instead of Dahlgren—we have only to say that this is not true. Al Society Dear sir,—I send you the copy of Dahlgren's address which Mr. McDaniel gave me for the riting of which so corresponds to that of Colonel Dahlgren that any competent expert would testify t[7 more...
D Da Costa, B. VII., 226. Dabney, R. G., X., 103. Dabney's Mills, Va., III., 342. Dacotah,, C. S. S., VI., 48, 109. Daguerre, L. J., and his daguerreotype, I., 38. Dahlgren, J. A.: I., 100; II., 342; III., 227, 236; VI., 23, 43, 120, 173; and staff, VI., 126; VIII., 334, 335: IX., 334. Dahlgren, U.: I., 113; II., 350; IV., 96, 121 seq., 122, 123, 124; guns, V., 33, 308; VI., 60. Dahlia,, U. S. S., VI., 228. Daily life of the soldier in 1861, VIII., 88. D. A. January, U. S. hospital ship, VII., 318, 319. Dallas, Ga., III., 114, 116, 322. Dallas, Mo., I., 350. Dalton, Ga.: I., 128, 136; II., 177, 274, 283, 314, 318; III., 16, 195, 106, 122, 126, 130, 218, 332; entrenchments, Confederate, at, V., 208, Atlanta campaign, VII., 266; VIII., 325. Dan, the horse of Gen'l McClellan, IV., 304. Dana, E. L., II., 324. Dana, N. T. J., X., 217. Dandelion,, U. S. S., III., 236. Dandridge, S. IV.
More of the raid.--the Yankee Colonel Dahlgren killed — important papers found upon his person.-- King William, and ascertained that night that Dahlgren, with about two hundred of his deluded followt once opened upon them; but their leader, Col. Dahlgren, relying perhaps upon his numbers, or stunand one hundred and fifty horses. The body of Dahlgren also fell into their hands, and on his personthe Almighty, and do not fear the enemy. U. Dahlgren, Colonel Commanding. Special orders a a private memorandum of the programme, which Dahlgren had made to enable him to keep his work clear was enclosed in an envelope directed to "Col. U. Dahlgren, &c., at Gen. Kilpatrick's Headquarters, fidential." The letter is not dated: Col. Dahlgren, &c, &c:Dear Col. --At the last momen and has late information." The body of Dahlgren. We understand that the body of this cold the statement. He was hung on Tuesday after Dahlgren discovered that there was a probability of th
. Davis and Cabinet killed! " The "address" setting forth these objects, and signed by Col. Dahlgren, on whose body it was found, appeals to the men under his command, to engage heartily in thee lot of the braves, "who swept through the city of Richmond!" And the pious as well as "brave" Dahlgren, concludes his address to his cut-throat followers thus--"Ask the blessing of the Almighty, and do not fear the enemy!" And they came and the Almighty blessed them not; but Dahlgren is dead and gone to answer for his crimes, while several hundred of his partners in the plot, concocted so delibeainly hung for his services!--The three columns were to have been led by Kilpatrick, Gregg, and Dahlgren. But as no part of the command crossed the river, the two last named brought their men in one night and repulsed! And thus concluded the grand plot which was to have achieved results that Dahlgren assured his men would "write their names on the hearts of 'their' countrymen in letters that ca