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Grover (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
atever use of them you think best. I am, very respectfully yours, Wade Hampton, Major-General. Major General Stuart, Commanding Cavalry. The official report, to which reference is made in the foregoing letter, was sent in a few days after this, and is as follows: headquarters, March 8th, 1864. Major,—At 11 o'clock A. M. on the 29th ultimo I received a dispatch from one of my scouts, conveying information which I embodied in the following dispatch to Major-General Stuart, dated Millford, 11:30 A. M. Sergeant Shadbourne reports enemy moving. Gregg moved to front Thursday. Tuesday whole army paid off, and prepared to march last night. Kilpatrick receiving marching orders. Three days rations passed Sheppard's, near Madden's, supposed to be coming to Ely's Ford. Part of Second Corps on same road. Whole army seems in motion. Sutlers and women ordered to rear. Acknowledge receipt of this. At 12:30 I sent the following message to General Stuart: Citizens report to Genera
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
towards Central Road. No reports from pickets. Not hearing from General Stuart, at 10:30 P. M. the following message was sent to him: Enemy were at Beaver Dam at seven o'clock. North Carolina brigade has moved down with artillery. Have ordered Maryland cavalry to join me. Young at Spotsylvania Courthouse. Have received nothing from you. These dispatches gave all the information I had received of the movements of the enemy. As soon as I could learn what direction he had taken, I sent all the horses, pointing their pistols at the windows. They then dismounted, came in, and took us all prisoners. I recollect of our party Colonel Hilary P. Jones (now teaching at an academy in Hanover county), Captain David Watson, Captain Dement, of Maryland, and there were some others whose names I have forgotten. At the time of our capture Colonel Dahlgren had about six hundred cavalry under his command. As soon as we were captured we were mounted and carried off by the enemy. Towards eveni
Gloucester Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
t Hungary Station, from there to the Brooke pike, and finding from a citizen that Kilpatrick was in retreat down the Peninsula, he determined to cross through King William county and King and Queen county, and try and reach Butler's lines at Gloucester Point. We crossed the Pamunkey at Hanovertown Ferry. The Mattaponi at Dabney's (Walkerton) Ferry, having at this place a little skirmish with bushwhackers. I would here state that coming round the city part of our column got separated from the al Fitz. Lee: General,—Early on the morning of the 2d I received information from my scouts that the portion of the column which attacked Richmond on the 1st March was attempting to escape through King William and King & Queen counties to Gloucester Point. I immediately sent a dispatch to Captain Magruder (Forty-second battalion) to join me, and started in pursuit with the remainder of my company (about twenty-five men), having sent the rest to scout and picket the numerous roads and ferries
Orange County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
in full a letter written by General Lee to the Historical Magazine, New York, and published in that Magazine in 1870: The death of Colonel Dahlgren. * * * * In compliance with your request, and solely because it seems to be an unprejudiced one, I transmit my recollections of Colonel Dahlgren's raid, that they may be placed within the reach of those who respect the truth for its own sake. February, 1864, found General Lee's army wintering along the line of the Rapidan, in Orange county, Virginia. General Meade's opposing army was in winter quarters, in Culpeper county, on the line of the Rappahannock. During the latter part of that month, General Kilpatrick, a cavalry division commander of the latter, essayed a coup de main upon Richmond, the objective point of his commander-in-chief. Colonel Dahlgren was a subordinate officer on that expedition. Kilpatrick's idea was, secretly leaving his army, to clear General Lee's right flank well, and, by a forced march, with pic
Rapidan (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
lard's skilful dispositions and to his activity it is mainly owing that Dahlgren was killed and his party captured. J. E. B. Stuart, Major-General. headquarters Army of Northern Virginia,> 14th April, 1864. >Respectfully forwarded for the information of the War Department. R. E. Lee, General.> Received, A. & I. G. Office, April 15, 1864. Statement of Judge Henry E. Blair. In the winter of 1863-1864 the Army of Northern Virginia was in winter quarters on the south side of the Rapidan and Rappahannock rivers, the cavalry and infantry occupying the front of our lines and the artillery in the rear. I was First Lieutenant of the Salem Artillery, Captain C. B. Griffin. Our company at that time was attached to the First Virginia regiment of artillery, Colonel J. Thompson Brown commanding. We were stationed near Frederick's Hall in the county of Louisa. A court-martial, of which I was a member, was being held in a house about one mile from our camp, and on the 29th day of
Dunkirk (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
d's company, of the advance of the enemy. I immediately sent orders to my lieutenants to assemble my company at King & Queen Courthouse with orders to come up to Dunkirk. I started for Dunkirk immediately; when within half a mile of the place, learned that the Yankees had swam the river at Aylett's, four miles below, when I returDunkirk immediately; when within half a mile of the place, learned that the Yankees had swam the river at Aylett's, four miles below, when I returned and went to the Courthouse, having sent a dispatch to Captain Bagby, of the Home Guards, to keep me advised of the movements of the enemy. On my arrival at the Courthouse found about seventy men present from different commands. I went into ambush just below the Courthouse, having received information of the advance. ReceivedI got information from my scouts that the enemy were crossing into King William moving towards King & Queen. I immediately started with my company to meet him at Dunkirk, the only ferry at which a boat had been left on the river, but he secured a wood boat at Aylett's several miles lower down the river and crossed his men, swimmin
South Anna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
Thirty miles to Richmond—March towards Kilpatrick for one hour and then as soon as dark cross the river, reaching Richmond early in the morning. (Monday.) One squadron remains on north side, and one squadron to cut the railroad bridge at Falling Creek, and join at Richmond—eightythree miles. General Kilpatrick—cross at 1 A. M. Sunday—ten miles. Pass river 5 A. M. (resistance.) Childsburg—fourteen miles 8 A. M. Resistance at North Anna—three miles. Railroad bridges at South Anna—twenty-six miles—2 P. M. Destroy bridges—Pass the South Anna and feed until after dark—then signal each other—After dark move down to Richmond, and be in front of the city at daybreak. return—In Richmond during the day—feed and water men outside. Be over the Pamunkey at daybreak—feed and water, and then cross the Rappahannock at night, (Tuesday night), when they must be on the lookout. Spies should be sent on Friday morning early, and be ready to cut. Aut
Gloucester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
gress from his present position, not, of course, including that by water. He may, under cover of a feint from the Peninsula, endeavor to pass by Hanover Courthouse, across Little Page Ferry, and thence to the Rappahannock; or he may cross into Gloucester, go to Urbanna, cross the river there and escape by the Northern Neck. A judicious disposition of a proper force of infantry can defeat either attempt to escape. The Mattadaquin and the Totopotomoy creeks, with very little work, would make mo Perhaps, too, a battery on the lower Rappahannock might be of great service in preventing transports from approaching Urbanna. I advise that scouts should be sent from my command to obtain reliable information of the movements of the enemy at Gloucester and Yorktown. The boats on the Pamunkey and the Mattapony should be removed. Whilst at Tunstall's Station I made a reconnoissance of the positions there and up to Hanover Courthouse. The Mattadaquire Creek can be forded only at two places
Salem, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
, and treated like a brother until I was sufficiently recruited to go up to Richmond. And so ended my capture and ride with Dahlgren on his raid around Richmond. Colonel Dahlgren was a gallant and dashing soldier, a man of polish and education, but of unbounded ambition, which induced him to undertake the desperate adventure he was on. He treated me and the other prisoners with all proper courtesy and consideration, shared his rations with us, and conversed quite freely. Henry E. Blair. Salem, Va., August 22d, 1874. The Dahlgren papers. The following is a copy of the papers which were found on the person of Colonel Dahlgren, after he was killed, which excited such indignation among the Confederates, and the authenticity of which (though denied with such persistency) we shall establish beyond peradventure: [Published in the Richmond, Virginia, Dispatch of March 5th, 1864.] Address to the officers and men. The following address to the officers and men of the command wa
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 39
ren's staff, which appeared in the Detroit Free Press of March 11th, 1882. Statement of Lieutenant Bartley, of the United States signal corps. The expedition of General Kilpatrick and Colonel Ulric Dahlgren to Richmond in the spring of 186. we came out on the hill at Dover Mills, on the farm of John A. Seddon, who was then Secretary of War of the Confederate States of America. Up to this, our success had been remarkable—two nights and one day in the Confederate lines and not a sholic that he had captured and destroyed Richmond and killed Jeff. Davis and Cabinet on the spot, the Presidency of the United States would have been but meagre compensation for him in the hearts of the masses of the people. Personally, as a man edantly denied by Colonel Dahlgren's friends. Respectfully, your obedient servant, Albert H. Campbell, Late Major Confederate States Engineers, In charge Topographical Department, Department of Va. As for the charge that the signature in these
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