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comes chasing; with plastic material, molding. It is a very ancient art, having been employed in Assyria, Babylon, Persepolis, Egypt, and Greece upon chariots, furniture, weapons, and many other objects. It was about 1491 B. C. that Bezaleel, of the tribe of Judah, was specially selected for his skill as a workman in gold, silver, brass, gem cutting and setting, and carving in wood, and was commissioned to execute the work upon the Tabernacle and its furniture. Aholiab, of the tribe of Dan, was his first assistant, and he had other coadjutors not mentioned by name. The Egyptians, among whom Moses, Bezaleel, and others, had been educated, were justly renowned for their skill and taste in carving, as is abundantly shown by their chairs, biers, couches, arms, chariots, musical instruments, and other articles cited under their respective heads in this work. To mention one specially, their chairs left little to be desired or attempted either in comfort, beauty, or upholstering. S
om of the hearth of a blast-furnace. See blast-furnace. Dan. (Mining.) A truck or sled used in coal-mines. Da′naay be said to act by percussion and recoil. A tub-wheel. Dan′dy. 1. (Nautical.) A sloop or cutter with a jigger-mastined in that part of the roller on which the paper rests. Dan′dy-brush. A hard, whalebone-bristle brush. Dan′dy-horsDan′dy-horse. A velocipede. Dan′dy-rig cutter. A peculiarly rigged sloop. See dandy. Dan′dy-roll′er. (Paper.) A sieveDan′dy-rig cutter. A peculiarly rigged sloop. See dandy. Dan′dy-roll′er. (Paper.) A sieve-roller beneath which the web of paper-pulp passes, and by which it is compacted and partially drained of its water. It may Dan′dy-roll′er. (Paper.) A sieve-roller beneath which the web of paper-pulp passes, and by which it is compacted and partially drained of its water. It may be made the means for water-marking the paper. The paper passes thence to the first pair of pressing-rollers. A dandy. DDan′iell's Bat′ter-y. The double-fluid battery invented by John Frederick Daniell, F. R. S., who received the Copley medal kept at the point of saturation. See galvanic battery. Dan′ish Bal′ance. A form o
auf.Halvans. Caunter-lode.Hanging-side. Channeling-machine.Hard pyrites. Charger.Hard salt Cistern.Heading. Claying-bar.Hitch. Coal-boring bit.Hogger-pipe. Coal-breaker.Holing. Coal-cutting machine.Horns Coal-mining machine.Hushing. Coal-screen.Hutch. Coal-washing machine.Jamb. Coffering.Jinny-road. Coffin.Jump. Corbond. Corf. Costeening. Counter. Course. Cow. Cradle. Creaze. Creep. Cribbing. Cribble. Crop. Cross-course. Cross-cut. Cross-lode. Crow-bar. Cutting. Dan. Day-level. Jumper.Shambles. Keeve.Shearing. Kibble.Sheers. Knock-stone.Shift. Launders.Shoad. Lead.Shot. Leader.Sill. Leap.Skip. Ledge.Skip shaft. Ledger.Slicking. Level.Slimes. Lode.Slip. Lorry.Slope. Madrier.Smift. Maundril.Snoft. Measure.Sole. Meir.Sollar. Mine.Sough. Miner's lamp.Spalling. Miner's hammer.Spawl. Miner's pick.Spend. Miner's shovel.Spire. Miner's wedge.Squat. Mining-machine.Stall. Mining-pump.Stannary. Mining-tools.Stemples. Monton.Stone-chann
s, yards, and square sails are shown in the ancient paintings of Eleythya, Egypt. The Bible and other historical authorities agree in giving precedence to the Phoenicians in the matter of maritime navigation. Jacob (1689 B. C.), in assigning prophetically the dwelling of Zebulon, placed him at the haven of the sea, and he shall be for a haven of ships, and his border unto Zidon. Zebulon failed, it may be mentioned, to possess the land assigned to the full extent. The same may be said of Dan, Simeon, and other tribes for a period of nearly five hundred years after Joshua led them across Jordan. The prophecy of Balaam, about 1452 B. C., that Assyria should be destroyed by people who should come in ships from the coast of Chittim, was more than 1,000 years before the accomplishment. The deportation of the Jews to Egypt in ships under the Ptolemies and Titus was foretold by Moses, about 1450 B. C., as the result that follows unfaithfulness on the part of the people whom he led a
age. Caleche.Landau. Camion.Landaulet. Car (varieties; see car).Liquid-manure cart. Caravan.Litter. Cariole.Locomotive-chair. Caroche.Log-sled. Carriage.Lorry. Carryall.Lumber-wagon. Cart.Mail coach. Casemate-truck.Manumotor. Chair. BathMortar-wagon. Chaise.Night-cart. Chaise-cart.Noddy. Chariot.Omnibus. Chariotee.Outside-car. Child's carriage.Palanquin. Clarence.Perambulator. Coach.Petroleum-cart. Corf.Phaeton. Coupe.Pilentum. Curricle.Pony-chaise. Cutter.Post-chaise. Dan.Railway-car. Dearborn.Refrigerating-car. Dennet.Revolving-car. Diligence.Road-locomotive. Dog-cart.Rockaway. Drag.Sailing-carriage. Dray.Sedan. Droitska.Sled. Drosky.Sledge. Dummy-car.Sleigh. Dumping-car.Sling-cart. Dumping-cart.Sociable. Dumping-sled.Spring-wagon. Dumping-wagon.Stage. Earth-car.Stanhope. Fiacre.Steam-carriage. Fire-engine.Street-sprinkling car. Float.Stretcher. Fly.Sulky. Tender.Velocipede. Tilbury.Victoria. Tim-whiskey.Vis-a-vis. Tip-sled.Wagon. T
bling home, in which the ship bulges below, and has less beam at the upper deck than at the water-line. Wall-wash′er. A large plate at the end of a tie-rod to extend the external bearing. They are known as bonnets, stars, S's, according to shape. Wall-washers. Wa′ney. The feather-edge or acute angular edge of a slab-board, cut from a round log without previous squaring, or obtained in the process of squaring. The edges remove the bark and wancy from a board. Want′y. (Dan. Want, cordage.) A rope or strap to bind a load on the back of a horse. Used in hilly countries, and by cavalry when foraging. A surcingle. A wagon-rope. Wapp. (Nautical.) A leader on the end of a pendant, acting as a fair-leader. Ward. (Locksmithing.) a. A curved ridge of metal inside a lock which opposes an obstacle to the passage of a key which is not correspondingly notched. Warded locks were used by the Romans, as the keys found at Herculaneum and Pompeii suffic