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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 4 (search)
attacks with the view of turning that flank. These attacks were made with constantly increasing pressure, and bore heavily on Hooker. That officer had taken care to open communication with the Yorktown road, on which fresh troops were to come up; yet, notwithstanding the repeated requests made by him for the assistance he sorely needed, none came. It is due to mention, however, that, about one o'clock, Peck's brigade came up and took position on Hooker's right, and, being re-enforced by Devin's brigade, held the centre of the Union line with much firmness against several attacks. Couch: Report. He was therefore compelled to engage the enemy during the whole day; and, between three and four o'clock, his ammunition began to give out, so that some of his shattered brigades were forced to confront the enemy with no other cartridges than those they gathered from the boxes of their fallen comrades. Hooker: Report of Williamsburg. During the action, five guns of Webber's battery (i
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 13 (search)
rected General Merritt to send the first division, Brigadier-General Devin commanding, to gain possession of the Five Forks, neral Davies' brigade of his division to the support of General Devin. Gregg's brigade, of Crook's division, was held on tthe previous day, he, on the morning of the 31st, directed Devin's division again towards Five Forks. Finding that this bod. With his two brigades Crook held this body in check, and Devin and Davies moved upon and seized Five Forks, which at the mon Davies' brigade forced it back against the left flank of Devin's division, thus partially isolating all this force from Shppeared to the Confederates a forced retreat on the part of Devin, and, deceived by this, they made a left wheel, and were prs to face by the rear rank and give up the movement against Devin, who was thus enabled to rejoin the main body. Against thi's division gained the road, and the divisions of Crook and Devin coming up to its support, four hundred wagons were destroye
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, Index. (search)
n not a surprise, 133; Sumner ordered to cross the Chickahominy to support Heintzelman, 136; Couch's force bisected by G. W. Smith, 136; Sumner reaches Couch in rear of, 137; Confederates finally driven back by Sumner, 138; the fighting next day skirmishing only, 139. Final campaign, 1865,565; Five Forks' battle—see Five Forks and Retreat. Fisher's Hill, Early's retreat to after battle of Winchester, 558; the battle of, 559. Five Forks, Sheridan's movement to wards, 591; captured by Devin and Davies, 591; Lee sends two divisions to, 592; Union cavalry driven to Dinwiddie Courthouse, 592; Lee's weakness discovered— Sheridan puts his whole force in motion, 594; Five Forks and Petersburg, 595; situation of the opposing forces, 595; Sheridan's feint on Lee's right, and attack on left on White Oak road, 596; the desperate position of the Confederates, 598; remnant of Lee's troops at, fled westward, 599; the battle over—see now Petersburg, 600. Fleetwood, cavalry action at, 313.<