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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 35: Massachusetts and the compromise.—Sumner chosen senator.—1850-1851. (search)
in caucus and in the house, proved as faithful to the Compromise as his predecessor. Whigs of all shades, with very rare exceptions, abstained from public demonstrations against the Compromise. In the autumn of 1850 a large meeting was held in Faneuil Hall to protect persons claimed as fugitive slaves. C. F. Adams presided; Rev. Dr. Lowell offered a prayer; R. H. Dana, Jr., read resolutions; the venerable Josiah Quincy, sent a letter, giving the authority of his name to the cause; Frederick Douglass pleaded for his race; and a committee of vigilance was appointed; but Boston Whigs were conspicuous by their absence. The Webster Whigs undertook to exclude from public life all who continued their protests against the Compromise. They were unable to reach Fowler and Scudder, whose districts were remote from Boston; but they defeated Mann's renomination in a district contiguous to the city. With the support of the Free Soilers, and of Whig friends led by George R. Russell, he was
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 38: repeal of the Missouri Compromise.—reply to Butler and Mason.—the Republican Party.—address on Granville Sharp.—friendly correspondence.—1853-1854. (search)
Your speech is the theme of universal commendation; all admire it, and above all your work. Your devotion to your duty receives the praise of all men. Whittier wrote:— I am unused to flatter any one, least of all one whom I love and honor; but I must say in all sincerity that there is no orator or statesman living in this country or in Europe whose fame is so great as not to derive additional lustre from such a speech; it will live the full life of American history. Frederick Douglass sent thanks for the noble speech for freedom and the country. Robert Carter wrote from Cambridge: Your speech is worthy of your reputation, or of any man's reputation. I hear but one sentiment expressed about it, and that is admiration of its force and eloquence, and thankfulness that Massachusetts has a senator in Congress so ready and so able to represent her opinions and defend her rights. Mr. Everett has fallen lower than I ever dreamed possible. The change of tone in thi
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 43: return to the Senate.—the barbarism of slavery.—Popular welcomes.—Lincoln's election.—1859-1860. (search)
here ever been such tributes from the heart. As many as two hundred and fifty approving letters came to Sumner within a month, and were placed among his files, from some of which extracts are given in notes to the speech. (Works, vol. v. pp. 146-174.) Among the writers were S. P. Chase, J. R. Giddings, Carl Schurz, George W. Julian, John Jay, William Curtis Noyes, Hiram Barney, Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, Gerrit Smith, Rev. George B. Cheever, Prof. Benjamin Silliman. J. Miller McKim, Frederick Douglass, John G. Whittier, Josiah Quincy (the elder), Rev. R. S. Storrs (the elder), Rev. John Pierpont, Rev. Henry M. Dexter, Prof. William S. Tyler, John A. Andrew, Francis W. Bird, Henry L. Pierce, Amasa Walker, Lydia Maria Child, Henry I. Bowditch, Neal Dow, and Chief-Justice John Appleton. The Legislature of Massachusetts, then in session, formally approved the speech in a resolution, in promoting the passage of which two members of the House—J. Q. A. Griffin and H. L. Pierce—took the le