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: Ireland assisting to people America, and America to redeem Ireland. The inhabitants of Ireland were four parts Boulter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, i. 210: There are, probably, in this kingdom five Papists to at least one Protestant. Durand to Clloiseul, 30 July, 1767. Angleterre T. 474, la proportion est au moins de quatre contre un. So Arthur Young: 500,000 Protestants, two million Catholics. Tour in Ireland, II. 33. in five, certainly more than two parts in three, Burke say inclose them, nor build solid houses on them. If in any way he improved their productiveness, his lease was forfeited. It was his interest rather to deteriorate the country, lest envy should prompt some one to turn him out of doors. Compare Durand, of the French Embassy in London, to Choiseul, 30 July, 1767. French Archives, Angleterre, CCCXXIII. In all these cases the forfeitures were in favor of Protestants. Even if a Catholic owned a horse worth more than five pounds, any Protestant m
le 7 Avril, 1764. But Choiseul himself saw futurity better. He who would not set his name to the treaty of peace with Great chap. X.} 1764. April. Britain, issued the order Le Due de Choiseul à M. d'abbadie, à Versailles le 21 Avril, 1764. in April, 1764, for the transfer of the island of New-Orleans and all Louisiana to Spain. And he did it without mental reserve. He knew that the time was coming when the whole colonial system would be changed; and in the same year, Choiseul to Durand, 15 Sept. 1766. Les idees sur l'amerique, soit militaires, soit politiques, sont infiniment changes depuis 30 ans. while he was still minister of the marine, he sent de Pontleroy, a lieutenant in the navy of the Department of Rochefort, to travel through America, under the name of Beaulieu, in the guise of an Acadian wanderer; and while England was taxing America by act of parliament, France was already counting its steps towards independence. Depeche de M. le Cte. de Guerchy à M. le Due