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e at the capital. In a letter written to Lieutenant Johnston that winter she says: Our street is filled with members and their families, and we are all gay. Our house has already the name of The neutral ground, where all parties meet, and must, of course, be polite to each other. Parties innumerable, weddings, and grand dinners, fill up all the evening; visits and visitors, all the morning. In this brilliant and polished society, in which moved Clay and Calhoun, Webster, Benton, Everett, and Scott, Lieutenant Johnston had his first experience of the great world; but it made slight impression on a soul bent upon martial enterprise, and impatient for strenuous action. Mrs. Johnston exerted herself to make his stay agreeable, and he shared in all the pleasures of the cultivated society in which she was an acknowledged leader. The following popular piece of verse, written in her honor by the Hon. Warren R. Davis, of South Carolina, a wit and a poet, as well as a politici
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Mr. Lincoln and the force bill. (search)
ll you frankly what I think of the policy of this bill — to ask your opinion of it, and to invoke your influence in having it defeated. While I was making these remarks, Mr. Lincoln listened to me with patient politeness, and when I paused for a reply, he said: You must allow me the Yankee privilege of answering your questions by first asking a few myself. During the late Presidential canvass, were you not chairman of the National Executive Committee of the party that supported Bell and Everett? Yes, said I, of the Constitutional Union party. The campaign motto or platform of which, he continued, was The Union, the Constitution, and enforcement of the laws? It was, I replied; and I think that it was not only the briefest, but about the best and most comprehensive platform that could have been adopted for that canvass. And you still stand by it, of course 2? said he. I certainly do, was my reply. Then, he remarked, there is no reason why we should not be of th
paration in advance, but trusted to the hour for its inspiration and to Providence for his supplies. In the matter of letter-writing I wish you would learn of Everett what he would take, over and above a discharge, for all trouble we have been at to take his business out of our hands and give it to somebody else. It is impossible to collect money on that or any other claim here, now, and although you know I am not a very petulant man, I declare that I am almost out of patience with Mr. Everett's endless importunities. It seems like he not only writes all the letters he can himself, but he gets everybody else in Louisville and vicinity to be constantly writing to us about his claim. I have always said that Mr. Everett is a very clever fellow, and I am very sorry he cannot be obliged; but it does seem to me he ought to know we are interested to collect his claim, and therefore would do it if we could. I am neither joking nor in a pet when I say we would thank him to transfer his
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 89 (search)
n marching to or near Acworth, Ga., coming upon the enemy on the 14th. Took position on main line, expending — shot, 18; shell, 26; case, 11; total, 55 rounds. 15th and 16th, moved on Marietta road. 17th, came upon the enemy near Pine Hill, Ga.; took position with Third Di-vision, Fourth Army Corps; expended-shot, 27; shell, 17; total, 44 rounds. 18th, pursued the enemy, driving him, and expending-shot, 121; shell, 113; case 90; total, 324 rounds; Private Hersh killed; Privates Craig and Everett wounded severely; one spare wheel destroyed by shell. 19th, moved on Marietta road. 20th, took position on main line near Kenesaw Mountain, and remained until July 2, expending rounds of ammunition as follows: June 20, 457. June 22, 44. June 23, 155. June 27, 5 shot. July 1, 3 shot, 8 shell, 9 case; total, 20. July 2, 11 shot, 20 shell, 27 case; total, 58. July 3, left camp and pursued the enemy, coming up with him on the 5th near Chattahoochee River; took position on main line; remai
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 1: the political Conventions in 1860. (search)
oke out, in the spring of 1861, Mr. Bell was one of the earliest, if not the very first. of the professed Unionists of distinction who joined the enemies of his country in their attempt to overthrow the Constitution and destroy the nationality of the Republic. The renowned scholar, statesman, and diplomat, the late Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, was selected for the office of Vice-president. In the canvass that followed, the adherents of these gentlemen were popularly known as the Bell-Everett party. The greatest harmony prevailed in this Convention. Not a word was said about Americanism, or other old party issues, nor was there a whisper on the subject of Slavery, excepting an ejaculation of Neil S. Brown, of Tennessee, who thanked God that he had at last found a Convention in which the nigger was not the sole subject of consideration. The great topic for speech was the Constitution, which they thought would be imperiled by the election of either Douglas, Breckinridge, or t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 2: preliminary rebellious movements. (search)
nted had expanded, and budded, and blossomed, and now promised abundant fruit. There was intense excitement at Columbia, on the morning after the election. Governor Gist was the recipient of many messages by telegraph:--The Governor and Council are in session, said one from Raleigh, North Carolina. The people are very much excited. North Carolina is ready to secede. --Large numbers of Bell men, said another, from Montgomery, Alabama, headed by T. H. Watts, Thomas H. Watts was a Bell-Everett elector, but espoused the cause of the conspirators at the very beginning of their open career. He was elected Governor of Alabama in 1868, and used his official power to its utmost in favor of the rebellion. have declared for secession, since the announcement of Lincoln's election. The State will undoubtedly secede.--The hour for action has come, said a message from Milledgeville, Georgia. This State is ready to assert her rights and independence. The leading men are eager for the busi
, ‘63 1st Mass. Battalion         17 17 17       Light Batteries.                   Oct., ‘61 1st Mass. Porter's   6 6   15 15 21 Slocum's Sixth. July, ‘61 2d Mass. Nim's Reenlisted.   4 4   26 26 30 Grover's Nineteenth. July, ‘61 3d Mass. Martin's 1 9 10   10 10 20 Griffin's Fifth. Nov., ‘61 4th Mass. Trull's Reenlisted.   1 1   50 50 51 Emory's Nineteenth. Sept., ‘61 5th Mass. Phillips's Reenlisted. 1 18 19   11 11 30 Griffin's Fifth. Feb., ‘62 6th Mass. Everett's Reenlisted.   6 6 1 50 51 57 Augur's Nineteenth. May, ‘61 7th Mass. Davis's Reenlisted.   3 3 1 36 37 40 Grover's Nineteenth. June, ‘62 8th Mass. Cook's Six months service.   1 1   10 10 11 Willcox's Ninth. Aug., ‘62 9th Mass. Bigelow's 2 13 15   4 4 19 Art'y Brigade Fifth. Sept., ‘62 10th Mass. Sleeper's 2 6 8   16 16 24 Art'y Brigade Second. Jan., ‘64 11th Mass. Jones's   3 3   12 12 15 Potter's Ninth. Dec
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 8: from Hatteras to New Orleans. (search)
lt Fort St. Philip from the rear, and the fleet was to assist us from the river. There had been a wonderful omission by the rebels of any preparation of defence for Fort St. Philip in the rear; they had mounted no guns to cover the side towards the Gulf. True, it was for several miles a marsh covered with water and short shrubbery, but still, troops who were in earnest could get through it, as Lieutenant Weitzel informed us. Under the cover of night, in a boat from the Saxon, I sent Captain Everett, of my Massachusetts battery, to reconnoitre in the rear of St. Philip from one of the many little bayous [guts] which run out from the river into the Gulf. The first night he went in he explored enough to find that he could get anywhere he wanted to in the rear of the fort without being noticed. The next night he took a slightly heavier boat and some men, and went behind Fort St. Philip again. He ascertained that there were no guns mounted which would prevent our boats coming up the
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 9: taking command of a Southern City. (search)
nto the city, especially under the circumstances, the city having been occupied by armed forces for many months and being in a horrible condition as to cleanliness, he saw no reason why the disease would not spread with irresistible fury, as so many unacclimated persons were confined there. I asked him if he had any authorities upon the peculiarities of the disease. He said that the best book he knew of was the description of the rise, progress, and decline of the disease in 1853, by Professor Everett, who had written upon the matter very intelligently. I asked him if he would loan me the treatise and he assented. I asked him if he would attach himself to my headquarters as a physician. He said to me that it would be his ruin to do such a thing. My medical director had been chosen for me and sent down to serve under me. He was a gentleman of very high family and respectable acquirements, but had had no long service in the army or elsewhere. I talked with him about this diseas
nding the expeditionary corps, then at Baton Rouge, had gone up the river to make a demonstration on Camp Moore with the Thirtieth Massachusetts, the Ninth Connecticut, the Seventh Vermont, the Fourth Wisconsin, Nims' battery and two sections of Everett's, which would make his force about thirty-five hundred effective men. War Records, Vol. XV., p. 836. Upon the suggestion of the flag-officer, on the 6th of June, I had issued an order as follows:-- headquarters Department of the Gulf, New Orleans, La., June 6, 1862. Brigadier-General Thomas Williams, Commanding forces, Baton Rouge, La.: General:--I am directed by the major-general commanding to say that he will send you the remainder of Everett's battery, with its horses and harnesses, the Thirty-First Massachusetts and the Seventh Vermont Regiments, and Magee's cavalry, with transportation, ammunition, and forage for all. With this force the general will expect you to proceed to Vicksburg with the flag-officer, an
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