Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903. You can also browse the collection for Benjamin Franklin or search for Benjamin Franklin in all documents.

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read so widely, are as follows: In Leisler's Times, In No Man's Land, Storied Holidays, The American Indian, The Story of the American Sailor, The American Soldier, Chivalric Days, The True Story of the United States of America, The True Story of Christopher Columbus, A Boy of the First Empire, The Century Book for Young Americans, The Children's Lives of Great Men, The True Story of George Washington, The True Story of Abraham Lincoln, The True Story of U. S. Grant, The True Story of Benjamin Franklin, The True Story of Lafayette, The Story of New York, In Blue and White, The Boy Life of Napoleon, Great Cities of the World, Out of Doors with Tennyson, and Longfellow Remembrance Book. Some of his latest books were Under the Allied Flags: A Boy's Adventures in China During the Boxer Revolt; With Lawton and Roberts; In Defense of the Flag: A Boy's Adventures in Spain and Cuba in the War of 1898; The Story of the Nineteenth Century; and The Story of Our War with Spain. In a conve
from Broadway to Milk. Sycamore, from Broadway to Medford. Derby, from Broadway to Medford Turnpike. Walnut, from Broadway to Bow. Cross, from Broadway to Medford. Rush, from Broadway to Pearl. Glen, from Broadway to Flint. Franklin, from Broadway to Cambridge. Mount Vernon, from Broadway to Perkins. Mount Pleasant, from Broadway to Perkins. Pearl, from Cross. Medford Turnpike leads from Charlestown to Medford, through the eastern part of Somerville. Park, from Bond to Broadway. Bond, from Park to Derby. Heath, from Park to Derby. Perkins, from Franklin to Charlestown. Cambridge Street leads from Charlestown to Cambridge, through the southern part of Somerville. Tufts, from Cambridge to Cross. Joy, from Cambridge to Poplar. Linden, No. 3, from Cambridge to Milk. Boston, from Cambridge to Walnut over Prospect Hill. Linden, from Milk to Walnut. Prospect, from Cambridge to Cambridgeport. Dane, from Cambridge to Milk.
rs, H. F., b. merchant, h. Spring. Boynton, Samuel, laborer, h. Franklin. Blodgett, Alfred, laborer, h. Franklin. Blodgett, Nathan, bFranklin. Blodgett, Nathan, brickmaker, h. Cambridge. Bradbury, Charles, h. Medford turnpike. Bradbury, George, carpenter, h. Medford turnpike. Bradshaw, Samuel Cleb, mason, h. Milk. Buddrow, Joseph, Somerville Omnibus Agent, Franklin. Cades, W. H., b. apothecary, h. Franklin. Casey, Michael, mFranklin. Casey, Michael, mason, h. Garden court. Calahan, John, yeoman, h. Milk. Carlin, John, laborer, h. Cambridge. Casey, Michael, bleachery, h. Garden cour English, Mrs., h. Medford. Evans, Benjamin, b. baggage wagon, Franklin. Everett, Erastus D., b. dry goods, h. Beech. Farmelow, John h. Church. Farmelow, George, laborer, h. Church. Fairbanks, Franklin, b. merchant, h. Elm. Farnsworth, John C., b. jeweller, h. Mt. Samuel, pump maker, h. Cambridge. Ham, William, blacksmith, h. Franklin. Hall, John G., merchant, h. Summer. Hall, John, b. sash and
S., b. spring maker, h. Walnut. Henderson, Franklin, repairs railroad, h. Central. Hersey, DavBroadway. Holt, Charles, b. auctioneer, h. Franklin. Holbrook, George, b. accountant, h. Broadh. Leland. Horton, Reuben, trunk-maker, h. Franklin. Hoyt, John, brickmaker, h. Medford. Ho Prospect. Page, Philip C., nail-maker, h. Franklin. Palmer, Theodore, laborer, h. Joy farm. oadway. Prescott, Solomon D., b. clerk, h. Franklin. Prescott, Gustavus G., merchant, Perkins.. Bow. Smith, William A., depot master, h. Franklin. Smith, Orlando, laborer, bleachery. Smpear, Albert (Spear and Downing), omnibus, h. Franklin. Spalding, Ebenezer, brickmaker, h. Broadwn. Stockbridge, William, b. auctioneer, h. Franklin. Stevens, Edward I., b. accountant, h. Proll's, Church. Shattuck, John, teamster, h. Franklin. Shattuck, William, b. broker, h. Church. y. Sherwin, A. W., b. furniture dealer, h. Franklin. Shute, James M., b. type founder, h. No. [3 more...]
Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903, Somerville Soldiers in the Rebellion. (search)
ntry, soon after its organization, became colonel of the Seventeenth Maine during the war, serving with great distinction. He died last year at Athol, Mass. William W. Wardell, of the First Massachusetts Cavalry, was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant in that regiment, and died from wounds May 28, 1864. He was a very fine officer. Charles D. Elliot, appointed civil engineer in the Army November 23, 1862, and assigned to the Department of the Gulf, was on duty on staffs of Generals Franklin, Ashboth, and Grover, and under fire in the battle of Bisland, siege of Port Hudson, and expedition to Sabine Pass. He retired from the army on account of malarial sickness, and was especially commended in letters from General Grover and Major D. C. Houston, chief engineer Department of the Gulf. The Engineer Corps of the regular army was a privileged class, influential enough to prevent those of equal ability from civil life, whose aid was indispensable, from being commissioned; but
. Mrs. Dr., II.—23. Flagg, Submit, II.—25. Fogg Family, The. I.—8. Forced March. The, III.—24. Ford. J. B. & Co., I.—8. Ford of the Mistick, II.—9. Forster, Charles E., III.—21. Fort Marshall. IV.—24. Fort Maverick, IV.—9. Fort McHenry, IV.—24. Fort No. 1, I.—8. Fort No. 3, I.—23. Foss, Sam Walter, I.—11, 14. Foss, Sam Walter, hymn by, I.—20. Foster, George, II.—20. Foster, Major General John G., IV.—24. Franklin Academy, Pa., II.—29. Franklin, General, IV.—30. Franklin Street, III.—14, 15, 17, 20. Franklin-street Church, III.—17. Fredericksburg, IV.—25, 26. Free Academy, N. Y., I.—8. French and Indian War, I.—23. Frost Family, The, II.—26. Frost, Samuel Tufts, I.—24. Frost, Samuel Tufts, house of, I.—24. Frost. Samuel Tufts, relics of, I.—24. Gage, General, Expedition of, IV.—12. Galletly, Frederick A., IV.—28. Galletly, James. IV.—28. Games'