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er zig-zag mode of corkscrewing into the country, or resume the direct line for Manassas' but whatever his purposes, the letter-writers know nothing of them, and only speak at random. Whatever they may be, he has to encounter the vigilant eyes of such Generals as Beauregard and Johnston, the unfaltering courage of such men as met and overcame the greatest odds at Bethel, Bull's Run, and Manassas, and, above all, that Divine Providence whose interposition from the first in behalf of the Southern cause has been manifest and undeniable, and without whose aid no human skill and energies can prosper. We have no disposition to underrate Gen.McClellan's abilities, but he will find more than his equal in Johnston and Beauregard; and the hundred and fifty thousand men, even if not all men in buckram, will probably find the Southern army increased in sufficient proportion to repeat the scenes and results of the 21st, even if the invaders are lucky enough to find us acting on the defensive.
The Daily Dispatch: August 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Cease defences — marine and water batteries. (search)
, forts and floating batteries, that we need mostly to address our attention at the present juncture; and what we seek to do, in this respect, should be done quickly. We shall have little time to lose between this and the first of October. The Mercury also contains a communication of considerable length in relation to the late Gen. Gaines, and his views on the subject of national defences. Seeing that the introduction of steam power was destined to work a great change in the art of war, Gen, Gaines came to the conclusion that "the invasion and occupation of any inhabited portion of the interior sections of this country by a hostile army, is a thing so utterly impossible and preposterous that no war minister in Europe would like to be suspected of entertaining the idea." Hence, he inferred that "all the great battles that will ever be fought on our own soil in such wars, will be upon or near the entrances of our principal seaport towns and inlets." In accordance with this conclus
his mind. He remarked that then he could not rely upon Kentucky. I suggested, however differently he may have thought the action of Kentucky would be in such an event, that in my opinion a conflict would arise which would operate very prejudicially, if not disastrously, to the cause of the Government in Kentucky, and hoped that nothing but an urgent military necessity would force him to send troops into or through Kentucky. After further, conversation upon irrelevant subjects, you and Gen, McClellan finally agreed as to the course which each should pursue. You were to use the forces of the State to drive from the soil of Kentucky any troops of Tennessee or of the Confederate States who might trespass thereon, and in the even of your inability to do so, you were to call upon Gen. McClellan for assistance.--Upon your giving this assurance, Gen. McClellan replied that he would give you any aid you might require and that as soon as the object should be accomplished of driving the
illery under Capt. Rosser, and a detachment of 1st Cavalry under Capt. Patrick, met and routed at least three times their numbers of infantry, artillery and cavalry without loss. This handsome affair should remind our forces that numbers are of little avail compared with the importance of coolness, firmness, and careful attention to orders. If our men will do themselves justice, the enemy cannot stand before them. By order Brig. Gen. Longstreet. Peyton T. Manning, A. D. C. and A. A. Adj't Gen't. Headq'rs army of the Potomac, Sept. 10, 1861. General Order, No.19. The commanding General has great satisfaction in making known the excellent conduct of Col. J. E. B. Stuart and of the officers and men of his command in the affair of. Lewinsville on the 11th instant. On this occasion Col.Stuart, with Major Terrill's Battalion (13th Va. Vols.,) two field pieces of the Washington Artillery, under Captain Rosser and Lieut, Sincomb, and Captain Patrick's company of cav
to Meadow Bluff, which is on this side of the Sewell, but further to the West, in the direction of Summerville. The position they now occupy is upon what is called the Wilderness road, leading into Greenbrier county from Summerville, along which Gen, Rosescranz is approaching with a part of eleven regiments. It was with a view to meet him on his march that Generals Floyd and Wise have proceeded up the Wilderness road to Meadow Bluff. If the movement of Gen Rosencranz be correctly reported, ilderness road to Meadow Bluff. If the movement of Gen Rosencranz be correctly reported, we may expect to hear of another battle in that direction in a few days. The enemy considerably outnumbers us, and the fight will come off, if at all, before the reinforcements just ordered on to Gen. Floyd will be able to reach him; but, notwithstanding these circumstances, we are very confident that our brave little army, whose mettle has been twice tried and proved, will give a good report of itself.
War news and rumors — the army of the Kanawha — heavy skirmishing — movements on the Potomac — the news from Missouri. The city was full of rumors yesterday, many of them, as usual, being entirely destitute of truth. Gen. Wise arrived from the army of the Kanawha on Saturday evening, and brought highly interesting intelligence from the troops lately under his command at Big Sewell Mountain. The enemy attacked him on Monday in heavy force, numbering, it is supposed, 9,000 men, and Gen. W., with but 1,700, made such a gallant defence of his position, that the enemy was repulsed. Heavy skirmishing continued throughout the two succeeding days, the Hessians fighting under cover of trees and bushes, and endeavoring to ascertain the position of our guns. Meanwhile Gen. Lee arrived with four regiments of Gen. Floyd's Brigade, thus swelling the force at Big Sewell to 4,000 men. Our loss in the three day's skirmishing was two killed and three wounded, Gen. Wise states that the shot,
The Daily Dispatch: October 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], [correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] (search)
Richmond Dispatch.] the recent battle on Cole River — Federal Hirelings robbing H. N-Roosts — prisoners taken by them and subsequently released by our forces, &c. Lewisburg. Va., Oct. 3, 1861. No infantry whatever took any part in the fight; it was altogether cavalry. The companies that left Wise's camp for Cole river, were as follows. Capts. Pate's, Phelps's, Jordan's, Pogue's, and on their march through Fayetteville were joined by Caskie's Rangers, all as Invincible, as Gen, Cox expressed himself about this company. In the morning they could be seen on the summits of Cotton hill, fighting like devils, and, in twenty-four hours after, attacking his commissariat wagons some where in the neighborhood of Peytona; the companies that left for this expedition performed the journey in less than twenty-four hours, fording the forks of Cole ninety-two times, the distance being ninety miles. Col. Davis being in command, upon learning that about two or three hundred of old
Adjt. And Inspect. Gen's office, Richmond, Oct. 15th, 1861. special order.--All Officers of the Confederate States or Provisional Army, and who may from time to time arrive here, except only those permanently stationed in this city, will report at the office of Brigadier General Winder, corner of Broad and 9th streets. By command of the Secretary of War. S. Cooper, oc 16--6t Adjutant and Inspector General.
serious conclusion he must fall back on Camp Lookout or Gauley,--Therefore the First Brigade, Gen. Benhafats, which consisted only of the Tenn Regiment, Maj. Burke commanding were back; the twelfth being at Camp Lookout, and the Thirteenth at Gauley. The boys of the Tenth were terribly mortified when ordered back; I never in my life saw men more eager or anxious for a fight than they were. This fight will not be easily forgotten by them, indeed, it was one of the most foolish movement Gen. did over since his advent into Western Virginia, and, if I mistake not, it was all caused by the inactivity and blundering of Gen. Cox and a few others of the same like. They represented things in a manner that led General Rosencranz to believe that a victory would be easily achieved.--When our army came within ten miles of Camp Sewell, the roads were almost impassable, so much so that some of the wagons and ambulances were broken to atoms: To a cosmopolitan journalist, the menacing attitud
Quincy. General Seigel was as far South as General Price's rebel army, but some twenty-five miles east of him, and evidently aiming for Springfield, to cut off his retreat South, while General Lane was only two day's march north of him. Gen, Lane's forces were at Osceola, and Gen. S gis's entire command was but one day's march behind. Fremont is at Pommedette River, en route for Quincey. Gen. Pope was marching on Leesville, via Sedalia. A detachment of U. S. cavalry broke Gen. S gis's entire command was but one day's march behind. Fremont is at Pommedette River, en route for Quincey. Gen. Pope was marching on Leesville, via Sedalia. A detachment of U. S. cavalry broke up a rebel camp at Buffalo Mills on Tuesday night, killing seventeen and wounding a large number, also taking ninety prisoners and a large number of horses. Capture by a privateer — the Brig Granada taken by the Sallie. From the New York Post, of the 24th of October, we take the following: The brig Granada, Captain Pettingill, from Nuevitas to New York, was taken as a prize by the privateer Sallie, off Charleston, on the 13th inst., in latitude 33, longitude 71, at midnight.
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