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to take it with the least possible blunt shed, and are hurrying forward men to that and. If fifty disciplined and uniformed militia regents were to-morrow to offer themselves for three months service, we feel confident that all would be promptly accepted. Burnside's Opinion A dispatch from Washington date Friday, June 13, says: Gen. Burnside Was in town yesterday returning to Fort Monroe, by the afternoon boat. His reports from the Peninsula, where he spent several hours with Gen, McClellan, are favorable, He sees no reason why, with good weather, our army should not be in Richmond within a very few days. He does not think that the rebels are strengthened by their-forced levies, but believes that undisciplined members endanger an army which they apparently reinforce, as was the case at Newbern, when the few North Carolina militia threw the whole rebel forces into a panic. Gen Burnside sees some signs of loyalty in the old North State, but is not so sanguine of i
From the Valley. From the most direct information we have from the Valley, we infer that matters are bright for the Confederate cause. We published a few days ago based upon intelligence received gentleman who came through from last week. We have since been permitted from a letter received by a gentleman in a member of the cavalry corps now by Gen, B. H. Robertson. This letter all that has previously been stated with the frequent desertions from the Fed. of the Valley and the disinclination of Yankee troops there to engage our forces. The of the writer may be regarded an the character of a man of . He says: a Yankee are leaving the Valley rapidly. They have a considerable amount of supplies at and we will either capture or of them. Our presence, too, induces and they flock to rapidly. came up to Powell's day be five in another. Four hundred regiment at Front Royal the leaving nothing but officers. There is and in the Yankee army and if their m
The battle of the Seven Pines.General Johnston's Official report. Richmond, June 24, 1861. Gen'l S Cooper, Adj't and Gen'l: sir --before the 30th May; that ascertained from trusty corps was encamped on this of the near the Williams that day Mag-Gen, D. H. ported immediately in his front. On receiving this report, determined to attack them next morning be able to defeat Keys's corps completely in its more advanced position before it could be reinforced. Written orders dispatched to Major Generals Hill, Huger, and G. W. Smith, being near my headquarter received, verbal Instructions the receipt of orders was acknowledged. General supported by the division of General. Longstreet (who had the direction of operations on the right to advance by the Williamsburg road to attack the enemy in front; General Huger, with his division was to move down the Charles city road, in order to attack in flank the troops who might be engaged with and unless he found i
nsends of the rebel Government, to negotiate a general exchange of prisoners. They faired, and went back to the Confederates to give themselves up. Gen. Dix subsequently was directed to accept the Confederate proposition, which only required that Gen, Buckner should be included by the National Government of prisoners to be surrendered. this news reached Petersburg, Col. Millor and Major-Stune, at the instance of the rebel so prisoners on both are twenty thousand Union of the South, and mostly men, have shipped to It is understood that Duff Green's Row is to be prepared and converted into a hospital. Charges against Gen. Mitchell. The Washington Star says: We learn that Col. Norton, recently in the service under Gen, Mitchell, having reached here some days ago bearing the formal charges against Gen. Mitchell, was yesterday examined at length before the Committee on the Conduct of the War with reference to them. It is said to day that these charges alleg
his appeal to you, I feel it my duty to remark, that you must not for an instant suppose that the thousands who will be utterly unable to leave, upon this short notice, and the many who will thus be forced to take the hateful oath of allegiance to a despised Government, are thus to be converted into loyal citizens of the United States, or their affections weaned from our glorious young Confederacy; and while to " threaten" were unsoldierly, yet to worn is kindness, and therefore, General, I would say, beware of the curses and oaths for vengeance, which the fifty thousand brave Tennesseeans, who are still in our army, will register in heaven against the persecutor of helpless old men, women and children, and the General who cannot guard his own lines. The bearer of the flag and this letter, Capt. E. R. Porter, C. S. A., is authorized to agree with you on the paints asked in the foregoing. Yours, respectfully, M. Jeff. Thompson, M. S. G., Brig-Gen on Special Service, C. S. A.
When Border-State patriots like Judge Holt shall be ready to say decisively, "Save the nation, though Slavery perish," the aspects of the struggle will be radically changed. We only outeat that they do not hesitate too long, and that, when the Government does speak, it shall so clearly express itself as to leave no slave of a Rebel in doubt that, by openly adhering to and serving the Republic, he will earn its protection and secure his own freedom. General Twiggs's swords returned by Gen, Butler. Gen. Butler has sent to Lincoln the following characteristic letter, giving the history of the seizure of the swords of Gen. Twiggs: Headq'rs, Departm't of the Gulf, New Orleans, July 1, 1862. To the President: Sir --I have the honor to send you with this note three swords, with the equipments, formerly belonging to David E. Twiggs, late General in the army of the United States. They are all presentation swords; one given him by resolution of Congress, which bears
The Daily Dispatch: August 4, 1862., [Electronic resource], The cavalry Exploit in Nicholas county. (search)
e, but fought well for about two hours, when they displayed a white flag, laid down their arms, and surrendered unconditionally. Their loss in killed was eight, wounded twenty-five, and prisoners sixty-two. Of Major Balley's command not a man was killed, and only three slightly wounded. Ordnance and commissary stores were found in great abundance, all of which were destroyed except five hundred Enfield rifles, which were placed in wagons and safely brought back to the Salt Sulphur Springs. The notorious Dr. Wm. H. Rucker, who holds a Lieutenant Colonel's commission in the Yankee army, is reported to have committed excesses, such as shooting prisoners in cold blood, burning bridges, &c., that will entitle him to more severe treatment than is usually accorded to prisoners of war. On his arrival at the Salt Sulphur, Gen, Loring had him placed in irons, and then dispatched a messenger to Allegheny county for evidence of his former crimes. His trial was to have taken place last week.
Capture of a Distinguished Prisoner. --The Warrenton (Va) correspondent of the New York Herald, says: Among the prisoners captured at Orange Court-House on Saturday last was a Captain from this town, named A. Murat Willis, who, from his family connections, appears to be quite an important personage. Besides being immensely rich, he boasts (or his friends boast for him) that his oldest sister married the son of Marshal Murat, and is now a Princess by virtues of a decree of the present Napoleon, though still living in Florida; and another sister is the wife of Commodore Dallas, formerly of the United States Navy. Capt. Willis was an Aid de-Camp to Gen, Early at the battle of Bull Run, and received special mention in that officer's official report for gallantry and bravery. Afterwards he raised a company of cavalry and joined Ashby's famous regiment, and became one of the most dreaded scouts in this section of rebeldom.
The Daily Dispatch: September 6, 1862., [Electronic resource], The battle of Friday last, and particulars Connected Therewith. (search)
t resting just above and near the village, and the left upon the old battle-field of Manassas. The conflict was terrific. Our troops were advanced several times during the fight, but the enemy fought with desperation, and did not retire until 9 o'clock at night, when they sullenly left the field to the Confederates., The fight was commenced by Gen. Taliaferro's division — the 3d brigade, Col. Taliaferro, on the right, the 1st (Stone wall, brigade, Col. Baylor, next on left, the 4th brigade, Gen, Starke next, and the 2d brigade, Col. Johnson, on the left. The heroism displayed by these troops, and especially by the 1st brigade, was magnificent, and the loss terrible. Gen. Ewell's division, particularly the brigades of Gens. Early, Lawton, and Trimble, engaged the enemy very soon after Jackson's division, and to the left, and fully sustained the reputation this veteran division had heretofore achieved. The battle raged fiercely until 9 o'clock at night, when our troops rested upon
Gen. Buell resigned. --It is reported, (and the source from which we receive it inclines us to believe the report,) that Gen, Buell has resigned his commission, and has left Tennessee. The cause assigned is, the return of the Federal General, Mitchell, to his command in Tennessee, notwithstanding the charges by Gon, Buell against him.--Atlanta Intelligencer.
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