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The battle of Friday last, and particulars Connected Therewith.

The following interesting account of the operations of the corps commanded by Gen. Jackson, from Monday the 25th to Friday the 29th, including the severe fight on the latter day, has been furnished us by one who actively participated in that engagement;

On Monday, at daybreak, Gen. Jackson's corps, consisting of Gen. Ewell's division, Gen. Hill's division, and Gen. Jackson's old division, under command of Gen. Taliaforro, and a force of cavalry under Gen. Stuart, marched from Jeffersontown, in Culpeper county, and crossed the Rappahannock eight miles above that place, and marched via Orleans to Salem, in Fauquier. The next day they passed through Thoroughfare Gap., of Bull Run mountains, to Bristow and Manassas Stations, in the Orange and Alexandria railroad, effecting a complete surprise of the enemy, capturing a large number of prisoners, several trains of cars, and immense commissary and quartermaster stores, and several pieces of artillery. The distance marched in these two days was over fifty miles. On Wednesday, Manassas Station was occupied by Jackson's old division, whilst Ewell occupied Bristow, and Hill and Stuart dispersed the force sent from Alexandria to attack what the enemy supposed to be only a cavalry force. The General commanding this force of the enemy lost his leg, and had his brigade nearly annihilated.

At 3 o'clock P. M. the enemy attacked General Ewell at Bristow, and that General, after a handsome little fight, in which he punished the enemy severely, retired across Muddy Run, as had previously been agreed upon, to Manassas Junction.--Pope claims to have captured a thousand prisoners and a baggage train on Wednesday. Not a prisoner was captured, and not a wagon was on that side of Muddy, Run, and no wagon was ever captured.

After sunset on Thursday General Jackson accomplished one of the most beautiful and masterly strategic movements of the war. He found himself many miles in advance of the rest of our Army The enemy might throw his immense columns between him and LongstreetAlexandria and Washington was to his rear when he turned to attack the enemy. He determined to throw himself upon the enemy's flank, to preserve the same nearness to Alexandria, to place himself within support of the remainder of our army, and to occupy a position from which he could not be driven, even if support did not arrive in time. All this he accomplished that night, after destroying the stores, buildings, cars, &c., and burning the railroad bridges over Muddy Run and Bull Run. He marched at night with his entire force from Manassas Station to Manassas battle-field, crossing the Warrenton Turn pike, and placing his troops in such position that he could confront the enemy should they attempt to advance by the Warrenton pike or by the Sudley road and ford, and have the advantage of communicating by the Aldie road with Longstreet, should be not have passed the Thoroughfare Gap, and at all events gain for himself a safe position for attack or defence. At 7 o'clock A. M. on Friday, General Stuart encountered the enemy's cavalry near Gainesville, on the Warrenton pike, and drove them back; and during the morning the 2d brigade of Gen. Taliaferro's division, under Colonel Bradley Johnson, again repulsed them. It was new ascertained that the enemy's column was advancing (or retreating) from Warrenton, along the line of the railroad and by way of the Warrenton turnpike, and that they intended to pass a part of their force over the Stone Bridge and Sudley ford. Gen. Jackson immediately ordered Gen. Taliaferro to advance with his division to attack their left flank, which was advancing towards Sudley Mill. Gen. Ewell a division marched considerably in rear of the 1st division. After marching some three miles it was discovered that the enemy had abandoned the idea of crossing at Sudley, and had left the Warrenton pike to the left, beyond Groveton, and were apparently cutting across to the railroad through the fields and woods. In a few minutes, however, he advanced across the turnpike to attack us, and Jackson's army was thrown forward to meet him.

The encounter occurred near the village of Groveton, the right resting just above and near the village, and the left upon the old battle-field of Manassas. The conflict was terrific. Our troops were advanced several times during the fight, but the enemy fought with desperation, and did not retire until 9 o'clock at night, when they sullenly left the field to the Confederates., The fight was commenced by Gen. Taliaferro's division — the 3d brigade, Col. Taliaferro, on the right, the 1st (Stone wall, brigade, Col. Baylor, next on left, the 4th brigade, Gen, Starke next, and the 2d brigade, Col. Johnson, on the left. The heroism displayed by these troops, and especially by the 1st brigade, was magnificent, and the loss terrible. Gen. Ewell's division, particularly the brigades of Gens. Early, Lawton, and Trimble, engaged the enemy very soon after Jackson's division, and to the left, and fully sustained the reputation this veteran division had heretofore achieved. The battle raged fiercely until 9 o'clock at night, when our troops rested upon the battle-field.

Gen. Ewell was shot through the knee. Gen. Trimble it is said in the foot. Gen. Taliaferro in the arm, neck and leg the first wound, being the only one of any consequence, disabling him. Col, Neff, 33d Va., was killed. Col. Botts, 2nd Va., severely wounded. Col. Griggsly, 27th, wounded. Maj, Nuelenbonach and Col. Rowan, 2nd, severely wounded. Maj. Terry, 4th; Maj. Scott, 25th; Capt Fulton Lieut. Meade Lieut Arnett and a number of other officers wounded, and many killed whose names were not reported at the time our inform and left.

Gen. Longstreet's forces were seen debouching from the Thoroughfare Gap during the fight.

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