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North Carolina Elections. Raleigh, Nov. 13. --The 1st, 2d, and 9th Congressional Districts are still in doubt. Leach is elected in the 3d, Fuller in the 4th Turner in the 5th, Gilmer in the 6th, Christian in the 7th, Ramsay in the 8th, and Logan in the 10th. Smith is thought to be elected in the first. The official vote will be required to decide the result in the 2d and 9th Districts.
From the Rapidan. Orange C. H., Feb. 10. --It is not true that the enemy have fallen back to Centreville.--They are still occupying the same line as before the movement of Sunday week. On Thursday last Gilmer's cavalry threw a train of cars off the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, six miles above Harper's Ferry, capturing and paroling fifty Federal officers and soldiers and getting some booty. Re-enlistments are still going on in all portions of the army.
The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1864., [Electronic resource], The capture of an Express train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. (search)
pture of an express train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, on Thursday week. The capture of this train was made by Major Gilmer's battalion of independent rangers, at a point in Jefferson county known as Brown's Shop, about midway between Harper'as a heavy force of the enemy, and, after the capture of the train was discovered, detachments were sent out to intercept Gilmer's band. The train was the Express from Baltimore, and on board of it were eighty armed Yankee's, all of whom, with their arms fell into Gilmer's hand. Major G.'s force consisted of but twenty-eight men. Among the passengers on board the train was ex-Senator Bright, of Indiana, who is reported to have rather enjoyed his capture by our forces. The results of the ca 100 fine revolvers, a large lot of sabres, several gold watches, and many other articles of value. Being closely pursued by a heavy column of the enemy, Maj. Gilmer found it necessary to let the prisoners off, which he did with great regret.
The Yankee force on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. From gentlemen from the Lower Valley we learn the Yankees have a large force in that region, strung along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, from Harper's Ferry to Martinsburg. This force is estimated at from 15,000 to 20,000. Since the raid of Gilmer's cavalry, in which an express train was captured, the enemy have been much more vigilant in guarding the road, increasing their pickets at every station, and posting forces on every avenue leading to the read.
any crime in the matter. The evidence sustained her denial, and showed that Mrs. Dounella, the complainant, loaned Miss White the articles which she was charged with stealing Whereupon the Mayor promptly discharged her. Miles R. Bohannon, a former well known resident of this city, was arrested on Sunday last, charged with forging a check for $500 on the Farmers' Bank at Lynchburg, Va., purporting to have emanated from B. Akins &--. When the case was called, the prisoner's counsel, Messrs. Gilmer and Crane, asked a postponement in order to procure the attendance of Mr. Bohannon's father in-law, whose evidence would show that he had authorized the accused to draw the check upon him. The witness lived in Lynchburg, and had since the arrest of Mr. B. paid the check. The Mayor continued the matter till Friday next. Eliza, slave of E. Thornton, Amanda, slave of L. L. Moncure, and Sophia, slave of E. Goldsmit, charged with entering the store of E. Goldsmit, on Saturday last, and
Affairs at Mobile. --General Gilmer passed through Macon Sunday last from Mobile. He reports that Commodore Farragut has abandoned the bombardment of Fort Powell and left for parts unknown. Two thousand shells were discharged at the fort without damage to the fortification, and with the loss of only one man killed and one slightly wounded. There would have been no loss of life on our side but for imprudent self exposure, contrary to orders. So ends another futile movement of the enemy. The Mobile papers report that the loss of the enemy must have been considerable, as seven were known to have been buried from one vessel. Truly, the current of events runs prosperously for our cause. The Macon Telegraph says Gen. G. was in high spirits, and disposed to take the very brightest views in regard to the result and duration of the war.
ncan. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Danean. A communication from the President was received, and referred. A report of the Secretary of the Treasury was made, submitting certain estimates for the support of the Government. Referred. Also, a communication from the Secretary of the Navy, in relation to the sum of thirty thousand dollars, which was raised by the ladies of South Carolina, to be expended in building a gunboat, but still remained unexpended. Referred. Mr. Gilmer, of N. C., submitted a bill, to so amend the law as to impose a fine of five hundred dollars on such persons as may fall to deliver their tithes. Referred. A memorial was presented from the Virginia Volunteer Navy Company, asking exemption from taxation. Referred. Also, another memorial requesting permission to select sailors and marines from the conscripts. Referred. Mr. Hanly, of Ark., submitted a bill for the consolidation of regiments reduced below the legal standard. Refe
man's property — we fight not for conquest, but for our rights: the independence of the States, our equality, our civil and religious liberties. Resolved. That such terms of peace as are agreed to by the Commissioners ought to be endorsed by the President and Senate, and submitted to the people for their ratification or rejection. Those who voted against laying the resolutions upon the table were: Messrs, Atkin, Bell, Cruiksbank, Echols, Foote, Faller, A. H. Garland, R. K. Garland, Gilmer, Lamkin, J. M. Leach, J. T. Leach, Logan, Marshall, Ramsey, W. F. Smith, W. N. H. Smith, W. R. Smith, Triplett, and Turner.--Some of these gentlemen explained that by voting against the proposition to lay upon the table they by no means endorsed the sentiment of the resolutions, but thought it due to the dignity of the State which the mover represented that they should be referred to a committee. Mr. Hilton, of Florida, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill to increas
w enjoyed by them in the purchase of clothing and "small stores." The following bills were introduced and referred. By Mr. J. M. Smith, of Ga.--A bill to encourage the production of provisions and to allow compensation for tithes in certain cases. By Mr. Fuller, of N. C.--A bill to provide for transfers from local and special service to the armies in the field. Also, a bill to organize a company of siege artillery from the 36th regiment of North Carolina troops. By Mr. Gilmer, of N. C.--A bill in relation to four per cent bonds held by the disbursing officer of common schools in North Carolina. By Mr. Atkins, of Tenn.--A bill to authorize Confederate District Judges to hold their Courts out of their districts in certain cases. By Mr. McCullom, of Tenn — A bill amending the impressment laws. Also, a bill to increase the pay of commissioned, non commissioned officers, and privates. By Mr. Murray, of Tenn.--A bill to amend the act to reduce the
Burglarious robberies. --From the number of robberies which were committed on Saturday night, it would seem that there was a preconcerted plan between all the housebreakers in Richmond to turn out. We give the following record: Between one and two o'clock the storeroom of John H Gilmer's residence, on 6th street, between Marshall and Clay, was broken into, and about $300 worth of molasses, crockery, "c, carried off. The Male Orphan Asylum, in the western part of the city, was visited between twelve o'clock and daybreak by thieves, who forced the outside window shutter from the basement room, in which the provisions were kept, and carried off everything which was on hand. Not satisfied with depriving this institution of the bacon, flour, &c, which had been collected for the support of the helpless orphans, the graceless rascals forced their way into an adjoining room, where was kept a lot of crockery, sliver spoons, &c, and besides taking away the most valuable of the c
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