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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 5
vice to the armies in the field. Also, a bill to organize a company of siege artillery from the 36th regiment of North Carolina troops. By Mr. Gilmer, of N. C.--A bill in relation to four per cent bonds held by the disbursing officer of common schools in North Carolina. By Mr. Atkins, of Tenn.--A bill to authorize Confederate District Judges to hold their Courts out of their districts in certain cases. By Mr. McCullom, of Tenn — A bill amending the impressment laws. Also resolution instructing the Military Committee to report a bill legalizing the organization of Mallett's battalion of North Carolina troops, which, on motion, was referred to that committee. Mr. J. T. Leach, of North Carolina, introduced a serieNorth Carolina, introduced a series of joint resolutions declaring the supremacy of civil over military law, which were referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Foote, of Tenn, introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 5
e, of Miss — Of passing a law for the relief of postmasters whose business has been increased by the presence of large military forces. By Mr. Witherspoon, of S. C.--Of permitting persons who have failed to make a support of provisions during the past year to retain their tax in kind upon the payment of the prices fixed by the Commissioners under the impressment act. By Mr. Ayer, of S. C.--Of levying an export duty on cotton, tobacco, and naval stores, for the payment of the interest and principal of the six per cent, bonds. By Mr. Miles, of S. C.--Of allowing by law to seamen and marines some increase of the privileges now enjoyed by them in S. C.--Of allowing by law to seamen and marines some increase of the privileges now enjoyed by them in the purchase of clothing and "small stores." The following bills were introduced and referred. By Mr. J. M. Smith, of Ga.--A bill to encourage the production of provisions and to allow compensation for tithes in certain cases. By Mr. Fuller, of N. C.--A bill to provide for transfers from local and special service to
United States (United States) (search for this): article 5
Confederate States Congress. The Senate met at 12 o'clock M. yesterday. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Minnegerode, of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Jemison, of Ala, introduced a bill to facilitate the settlement of the claims of deceased soldiers. Referred. Mr. Watson, of Ala., submitted a resolution instructing the Military Committee to inquire into the expediency of so amending the conscript act, as to exempt from military service necessary officers of steamboat captains, engaged in transportation for the Government. Agreed to. House Joint resolution, responsive to the resolutions of the General Assembly of Virginia, "asserting the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State of Virginia over her ancient boundaries," was considered and passed. House amendment of Senate bill, to amend the several acts in regard to Chaplains was concurred in, and the bill passed. Senate bill to amend the act to establish an Invalid corps, was reported back, from the Military Committee.
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 5
the settlement of the claims of deceased soldiers. Referred. Mr. Watson, of Ala., submitted a resolution instructing the Military Committee to inquire into the expediency of so amending the conscript act, as to exempt from military service necessary officers of steamboat captains, engaged in transportation for the Government. Agreed to. House Joint resolution, responsive to the resolutions of the General Assembly of Virginia, "asserting the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State of Virginia over her ancient boundaries," was considered and passed. House amendment of Senate bill, to amend the several acts in regard to Chaplains was concurred in, and the bill passed. Senate bill to amend the act to establish an Invalid corps, was reported back, from the Military Committee. Laid on the table. Joint resolution to rescind the joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment, was taken up and postponed. On motion of Mr. Burnett, of Ky., the Senate adjourned.
nt incumbent of the Treasury Department should no longer be retained in said Department, but that some other individual of proper ability as a financier, more likely to be successful in administering the affairs of said Department, and more likely to command the public confidence, should be appointed in his place. Mr. Barksdale, of Miss, moved to lay the resolution upon the table. Mr. Foote demanded the ayes and noes, and the House refused to lay on the table — ayes 87, noes 45. Mr. Swan, of Tenn, offered an amendment, declaring that it is the prerogative of the President, by and with the consent of the Senate, to make such appointments as he shall see proper in the several Departments. The resolutions were postponed and ordered to be printed. The House, in Committee of the Whole, (Mr. Sexton in the chair,) resumed the consideration of the bill to amend the tax laws, and continued the debate until 3 o'clock, at which hour the House took a recess until 8 P. M.
troops, which, on motion, was referred to that committee. Mr. J. T. Leach, of North Carolina, introduced a series of joint resolutions declaring the supremacy of civil over military law, which were referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Foote, of Tenn, introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of adopting a preamble and resolutions declaring, in substance, that the present incumbent of the Treasury Department should no longer ier, more likely to be successful in administering the affairs of said Department, and more likely to command the public confidence, should be appointed in his place. Mr. Barksdale, of Miss, moved to lay the resolution upon the table. Mr. Foote demanded the ayes and noes, and the House refused to lay on the table — ayes 87, noes 45. Mr. Swan, of Tenn, offered an amendment, declaring that it is the prerogative of the President, by and with the consent of the Senate, to make such a
James Dupre (search for this): article 5
ll in relation to four per cent bonds held by the disbursing officer of common schools in North Carolina. By Mr. Atkins, of Tenn.--A bill to authorize Confederate District Judges to hold their Courts out of their districts in certain cases. By Mr. McCullom, of Tenn — A bill amending the impressment laws. Also, a bill to increase the pay of commissioned, non commissioned officers, and privates. By Mr. Murray, of Tenn.--A bill to amend the act to reduce the currency. Mr. Dupre, of La, offered a joint resolution of thanks to Major General Richard Taylor, and the officers and man of his command, which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Smith, of N. C., offered a resolution instructing the Military Committee to report a bill legalizing the organization of Mallett's battalion of North Carolina troops, which, on motion, was referred to that committee. Mr. J. T. Leach, of North Carolina, introduced a series of joint resolutions declaring
iction and sovereignty of the State of Virginia over her ancient boundaries," was considered and passed. House amendment of Senate bill, to amend the several acts in regard to Chaplains was concurred in, and the bill passed. Senate bill to amend the act to establish an Invalid corps, was reported back, from the Military Committee. Laid on the table. Joint resolution to rescind the joint resolution fixing the day of adjournment, was taken up and postponed. On motion of Mr. Burnett, of Ky., the Senate adjourned. House of Representatives.--Prayer by the Rev Dr Jeter, of the Baptist Church. Various memorials were presented and referred. The following resolutions of inquiry were introduced and referred to the appropriate committees: By Mr Lester, of Ga — Of so amending the act of April 2, 1863, as to require the discharge of a soldier or the acceptance of the resignation of an officer, who may have been or may be elected by the people to the office
J. M. Smith (search for this): article 5
, bonds. By Mr. Miles, of S. C.--Of allowing by law to seamen and marines some increase of the privileges now enjoyed by them in the purchase of clothing and "small stores." The following bills were introduced and referred. By Mr. J. M. Smith, of Ga.--A bill to encourage the production of provisions and to allow compensation for tithes in certain cases. By Mr. Fuller, of N. C.--A bill to provide for transfers from local and special service to the armies in the field. Al-A bill to amend the act to reduce the currency. Mr. Dupre, of La, offered a joint resolution of thanks to Major General Richard Taylor, and the officers and man of his command, which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Smith, of N. C., offered a resolution instructing the Military Committee to report a bill legalizing the organization of Mallett's battalion of North Carolina troops, which, on motion, was referred to that committee. Mr. J. T. Leach, of North Ca
J. T. Leach (search for this): article 5
Mr. Murray, of Tenn.--A bill to amend the act to reduce the currency. Mr. Dupre, of La, offered a joint resolution of thanks to Major General Richard Taylor, and the officers and man of his command, which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Smith, of N. C., offered a resolution instructing the Military Committee to report a bill legalizing the organization of Mallett's battalion of North Carolina troops, which, on motion, was referred to that committee. Mr. J. T. Leach, of North Carolina, introduced a series of joint resolutions declaring the supremacy of civil over military law, which were referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Foote, of Tenn, introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of adopting a preamble and resolutions declaring, in substance, that the present incumbent of the Treasury Department should no longer be retained in said Department, but that some other individual of prope
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