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s Office--Messrs. Shannon, Woodhouse, Bayse, Coleman of Nelson, Mallory, Blue, Ward, Clarke, Laidly, Vaden, Lively. Library--Messrs. Edmunds, Minor, Sheffey, Gordon, Mallory, Anderson of Botetourt, McKinney, Burke, Baker, Cazenove, Crochett, Gilmer, Dabney, Nelson of Louisa, Garrison. Armory--Messrs. Blue, Carter, Wright, Shannon, West, Lynn, Lockbridge, Cecil, Fletcher, Ewing, Huntt, McLaughlin, Thrash, Taylor, Boggs. Clerk's Office--Messrs. Reid, Thomas, Baskerville, Lynn, Gratoss a law legalizing the issue of $300,000 worth of small notes made by them in pursuance of an ordinance passed April 19, 1861, The following special committee to confer wit the Confederate authorities in reference to the proposed railroad extension between Danville and Greensboro, N. C., was announced by the Speaker. Messrs, Buford, Wooten, Sheffey, Steger, Gilmer, Lively, McKinney, Kile, Riddick, Clark, Nelson of Fluvanna, and Richardson. On motion, the Houses then adjourned.
discharge his duty in the face of such difficulties as no other President had as yet encountered.-- From that time forward it was his lot to administer the Government in the midst of some of the severest party struggles ever known in the history of the country, without the cordial support of either of the Cost political divisions of the day. But in of this support he had the sagacity to around him, in his Cabinet, some of the best intellects in the land. Calhoun, Their Upshur, Legare, and Gilmer, aided to conduct one of the most marked and administrations in the history of American affairs. It was this administration which added Texas, an empire in ter to the Confederacy, and which closed in the Ashburton Treaty, a long and complicated negotiation between the U and Great Britain, upon certain points of affirence between them. It was in this that Mr. Calhoun's cele- letter to Mr. King, for the first time made a public demonstration before the world, of the right of the slave
The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1862., [Electronic resource], "Sawery" Bennett's opinion of old Abe. (search)
--Messrs. Baker, Barbour, Baskervill, Bouldin, Brooks, Buford, Burks, Carter, Cazenove, Cecil, J. J. Coleman, M. N. Coleman, Crockett, Custis, Dabney, J. D. Davis, R. J. Davis, Eggleston, Evans, Fleming, Fletcher, Flood, Forbes, Friend, Garrison, Gilmer, Gordon, Huntt, Irby, Jones, Jordan, Kyle, Lundy, Lynn, Mallory, Matthews, McCamant, McGruder, McKinney, McLaughlin, Montague, Murdaugh, R. E. Nelson, Newton, Prince, Reid, Riddick, Rives, Robertson, Rowan, P. C. Saunders, R. C. Saunders, Sheffeyessrs. F. T. Anderson, Barbour, J. J. Coleman, Ewing, Harrison, Noland, Reid, Richardson, Vaden, Walker, Williams — total 11. For Mr. Floyd--Messrs. Bayse, Clarke, Dunn, Ewing, Grattan, Richardson, Shannon — Total 7. For Mr. Daniel--Messrs. Gilmer and Nelson. For Mr. Wise--Mr. Speaker. For Mr. Mason--Mr. James. For Mr. Barbour--Mr. Carpenter. Recapitulation. R. M. T. Hunter, 105; Wm. Ballard Preston, 67; Charles W. Russell, 39; William C. Rives, 11; John B. Floyd
some or the intolerable burdens under which she now labored. The previous question having been ordered, the bill was put on its passage, with the following result: Ayes--Messrs. John T. Anderson, Francis P. Anderson, Baker, Baskerville, Bass, Blue, Bouldin, Bradford, Burke, Carter, Carpenter, Cazenove, Cecil, J. J. Coleman, Crockett, Curtis, Dabney, Daniel, John D., Davis, R. J. Davis, Dice, Eggleston, Ewing, Fleming, Fletcher, Forbes, Friend, Garrison, Gatewood, George, Gillespie, Gilmer, Grattan, Green, Hopkins, Hunter, Kerby, James, Johnson, Jordan, Kaufman, Kyle, Lively, Lockridge, Lynn, Mallory, Matthews, McCamant, A. W. McDonald, McKinney, McLaughlin, Minor, Montague, R. E. Nelson, Newton, Noland, Orgald, Payne, Pitman, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Rives, Robertson, Robert C. Sanders, Sheffey, Sady, Steger, Tate, Taylor, Thomas, Thrash, Tredway, Walker, Ward, Williams, S. Wilson, Woodson, Woottorn Worsham, Wright, Wynne, and Mr. Speaker.--Total 83. Nays.--Messrs. Bro
ectually; but the supply of ammunition was very small, and soon gave out, when, of course, they retreated as best they could up the river. Three escaped, one was burnt, one taken, and one sunk. When the ammunition at the battery gave out, Commodore Lynch, with his men, retreated through the woods After going a short distance, a ball struck a large limb, which fall and killed two men. After the enemy had passed the battery, Gen. Henningeen, at the request of the citizens, sent a detail to burn the town. They had succeeded in burning twenty or thirty houses, when Sergeant Soruggs, who was in charge, saw a steamer heave to the wharf, and, taking it for one of our fleet, requested the men to assist him in the discharge of his duties. It turned out to be one of the Yankee beats, and of course he was immediately seised — Our forces lost but few things--one baggage wagon, a caisson, and Lieut, Gilmer (Aid to the General) lost a horse, The exact loss of men on the fleets I cannot tell,
eld. Our force in the field exceed ten thousand on, while from what I saw of the enemy's force and from information derived from prisoners, we are sure he had from thirty to forty thousand on the field. I must acknowledge my obligations to Major Gilmer, engineer, for the especial and valuable services rendered me in laying off the works, and the energy displayed by him in directing their construction, and for his counsel and advice. I likewise acknowledge my obligations to Col. Jno. C. Burc, my volunteer aids decamp; to Major Hays, my assistant commissary, major Jones, my assistant quartermaster, for the prompt manner in which they executed my orders under trying circumstances through out the long and continued conflicts, and to Major Gilmer, who accompanied me throughout the entire day. Also, to Capt. Parker of my staff, whom I assigned to the command of Capt. Ross's field battery with new recruits as gunners, and who fought and served them well. Col. Brandon was severely wounde
Letter from Mr. Yancey. A committee of citizens of Montgomery having addressed a letter to Hon. Wm L. Yancey; requesting to "see and hear" from him, he replied as follows: Plantation House, Near Montgomery, March 22, 1862. Gentlemen: Your note of the 2st inst has been handed to me by my friend Mr. Gilmer. This expression of the confidence and esteem of my fellow townsmen — this desire to seem upon the occasion of my arrival at home, after a lengthened absence upon public duty, to give some public exhibition of that feeling — called for and receives my most sincere thanks and profound grating. You have, I think, properly characterized the cloud over our public affairs, as but a "present cloud" It was almost a necessary result of the conflict between the North and the South that in its beginning the superiority of the first in population — in commercial and mechanical resources — and in the fact of its returning the organization of the old Government, and the p
d a thousand bombs suddenly exploded in the midst of our courageous population, greater consternation could not have been produced. Into word, a decided panic was upon us. A courier next came up with a detailed report of the facts of the case Capt. Gilmer, (cavalry,) with 40 men, was being pursued by 250 Yankee cavalry. The chase commenced near Front Royal, and had continued through yesterday and to-day. At Hugnes's river, eight miles distance from here, the Captain made a stand and offered ble, vallied to the rescue, and to the retreating Gilmer; but before their arrival as the scene of "blood and slaughter." it was ascertained that the pursuing Yankees were only two companies of Confederate cavalry traveling the same road with Captain Gilmer and the halled to give battle, the supposed to throw down some fences which impeded their progress. If ever you saw "flat." looking people, you can imagine the looks of same of our gallant defenders as they returned from ways and hed
uartermaster's Department. Lieut.- Col. Ferguson, A. D. C., early on Monday was assigned to command and direct the movements of a brigade of the 2d corps. Lieut. Col. Glimer, Chief Engineer, after having performed the important and various duties of his place with distinction to himself and material benefit to his country, was wounded late on Monday. I trust, however, I shall not long be deprived of his essential services. Captain Lockett, Engineer Corps, Chief Assistant to Colonel Gilmer, after having been employed in the duties of his corps on Sunday, was placed by me on Monday in command of a battalion without field officers.--Captain Fremeaux, Provisional Engineers, and Lieuts. Steel and Helm also rendered material and ever dangerous service in the line of their duty. Major General (now General) Braxton Bragg, in addition to his duties of Chief of Staff, as has been before stated, commanded his corps — much the larges, in the field — on both days with signal capa
port of yesterday's proceedings. The Senate resolution in respect to the sequestration law was referred to the Committee on Courts of Justice. The Senate resolution relative to officers of the army of Virginia, looking to their retention in the Confederate service under the same circumstances attendant upon their position in the State army before it had been turned over to the Confederate Government, was referred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs Baskerville, Bouldin, and Gilmer. Mr. Rutherfoord, from the Committee on Courts of Justice, reported a bill prescribing punishment for persons who may purchase property falsely, representing that they have authority to impress the same. The Speaker laid before the House a letter of resignation from Charles F. Collier, Esq., the delegate from the city of Petersburg, now representative elect for the Petersburg District in the Confederate Congress, which being accepted. Mr. Rives offered resolution, which was a
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