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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 30 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Badeau, Adam, 1831-1895 (search)
Badeau, Adam, 1831-1895 Military officer; born in New York, Dec. 29, 1831; served on the staff of General Sherman early in the Civil War; was severely wounded at Port Hudson; joined General Grant, and became his military secretary, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, in January, 1864; and was made aide-de-camp to the general of the army, with the title of colonel, in March, 1865; and retired in 1869, holding the rank of captain, U. S. C., and brevet brigadier-general, U. S. V. He was consul-general in London in 1870-81; accompanied General Grant on his journey around the world in 1877-78; and was consul-general in Havana in 1882-84. After General Grant's death Badeau lost a suit against the heirs for compensation for alleged services in the preparation of General Grant's Memoirs. He published Military history of Ulysscs S. Grant; Grant in peace, and several romances. He died in Ridgewood, N. J., March 19, 1895.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barnard, John gross, 1815-1882 (search)
1865; and colonel of the corps of engineers, regular army, Dec. 28, the same year. During the war with Mexico he fortified Tampico, and made surveys of the battle-fields around the capital. In 1850-51 he was chief engineer of the projected Tehuantepec Railroad; and in 1855-56 he was superintendent of the United States Military Academy. He was chief engineer of the Army of the Potomac, 1861-62; also chief engineer of the construction of the defences of the national capital from September, 1862, to May, 1864. He was chief engineer of the armies in the field on General Grant's staff, from May, 1864, until Lee's surrender at Appomattox in April, 1865. At the close of the war he was brevetted major-general, U. S. A. He published The Gyroscopc and Problems in rotary motions, which evince profound mathematical investigation; also other works concerning the Civil War and its operations. The degree of Ll.D. was conferred upon him by Yale College. He died in Detroit, Mich., May 14, 1882.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Belmont, battle at. (search)
Belmont, battle at. Just before Fremont was deprived of his command (see Fremont, John C.) he ordered General Grant to move a co-operative force along the line of the Mississippi River. It was promptly done. A column about 3,000 strong, chiefopposite. At the same time another column, under Gen. C. F. Smith. marched from Paducah to menace Columbus in the rear. Grant went with McClernand. The troops landed 3 miles above Belmont, Nov. 7, 1861, and while they were pushing on the gunboatsam. Then he crossed over himself, with two regiments, making the whole Confederate force about 5,000 men. They fell upon Grant, and a desperate struggle ensued. Grant fought his way back to the transports under cover of a five from the gunboats, aThey fell upon Grant, and a desperate struggle ensued. Grant fought his way back to the transports under cover of a five from the gunboats, and escaped. The Nationals lost about 500 men, and the Confederates over 600, killed, wounded, and missing.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bentonville, battle of. (search)
ttle of Bentonville, ended. It was one of the most notable battles of the Civil War. The main forces of the Union and of its enemies were then concentrating at one point for a desperate last struggle — sherman and Johnston in North Carolina, and Grant and Lee in Virginia. Had Johnston won at that time the consequence probably would have been the loss of the whole of Sherman's army and the quick and fatal dispersion or capture of Grant's before Petersburg and Richmond. On the night after the Grant's before Petersburg and Richmond. On the night after the battle reinforcements came to the left of the Nationals. The Confederates prepared for another onset, but when Johnston heard of the actual connection of three National armies in the vicinity of Goldsboro, he perceived that all chance for success against Sherman had vanished. There had been hard fighting all day (March 20, 1865), and that night, after having his only line of retreat severely menaced by a flank movement under General Mower, Johnston withdrew and went towards Smithfield in such
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Big Black River, battle at. (search)
oss the stream; so they burned both bridges — cutting off the retreat of their comrades, who were yet fighting. They fled pell-mell towards the defences around Vicksburg. the assailed garrison, about 1,500 strong, was captured, with seventeen guns, several thousand small-arms, and a large quantity of stores. They lost, in killed and wounded, 262 men. General Osterhaus, of the Nationals, was wounded, View on the Big Black River. and the command of his troops devolved upon Brig.-Gen. A. L. Lee. Sharp-shooters in the works on the high banks across the river covered the retreat of the Confederates, and for hours kept the Nationals from constructing floating bridges. Grant's pontoon train was with Sherman, who had been making his way from Jackson to another point (above) on the Big Black River. The Confederates at the bridge fled to Vicksburg. A floating bridge was constructed, and at the same time (May 18, 1863) the three corps crossed the river, and began the siege of Vicksbur
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893 (search)
ime he became powerful in the Republican organization of the State. His service in the national House of Representatives extended from 1863 to 1876, and in the United States Senate from 1876 to 1881. Blaine was among the most aggressive of the party leaders, was a ready debater, and an expert in parliamentary law. From 1869 to 1875 he was speaker. In 1876 he was one of the chief candidates for the Presidential nomination, but he and Bristow, the leaders, were set aside for Hayes. In 1880 Grant and Blaine were the candidates respectively of the two great wings of the party, and again a dark horse, Garfield, was selected. President Garfield appointed Senator Blaine Secretary of State, which post he resigned in December, 1881, soon after the accession of President Arthur. In 1884 Mr. Blaine received the Presidential nomination on the fourth ballot. An extraordinary campaign followed between his adherents and those of Gov. Grover Cleveland, the Democratic candidate, and the electio
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Boker, George Henry, 1823-1890 (search)
Boker, George Henry, 1823-1890 Poet and dramatist; born in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 6, 1823; was graduated at Princeton College in 1842; studied law, but did not engage in practice. After a tour in Europe he applied himself to literary work. In 1871 President Grant appointed him United States minister to Turkey, and in 1875 he was transferred to Russia. He returned home in 1879. His poetical works include The lesson of life; Plays and poem's; Poems of the War; Street lyrics; and The book of the dead; and chief among his dramatic works are Calaynos; Anne Boleyn; Francesca da Rimini; The widow's marriage; and The betrothal. He died in Philadelphia, Jan. 2, 1890.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bradley, Joseph Philo, 1813-1892 (search)
Bradley, Joseph Philo, 1813-1892 Jurist; born in Berne, N. Y., March 14, 1813; was graduated at Rutgers College in 1836; admitted to the bar in Newark, N. J., in 1839; appointed by President (Grant justice of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1870; became the fifth member of the Electoral Commission created by Congress in 1877, and by his concurrence in the judgment of the Republican members of the commission, Rutherford B. Hayes (q. v.) became President. He died in Washington, D. C., Jan. 22, 1892.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bragg, Braxton, -1876 (search)
d and lied without giving a blow, the Nationals pressing hard upon his rear. Having the advantage of railway communication, the retreating forces very easily kept ahead of their pursuers; and passing rapidly over the Cumberland Mountains towards the Tennessee River, they crossed that stream at Bridgeport, destroying the bridge behind them, and made a rapid march to Chattanooga. The expulsion of Bragg from Tennessee alarmed and disheartened the Confederates, and they felt that everything depended upon their holding Chattanooga, the key to eastern Tennessee and northern Georgia. Towards that point the Army of the Cumberland pressed on slowly; and late in August it had crossed the mountains, and was stretched along Washington's headquarters on the Brandywine. the Tennessee River from above Chattanooga many a league westward. General Bragg was relieved of his command soon after his defeat by General Grant at Missionary Ridge in November. He died in Galveston, Tex., Sept. 27, 1876.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 1823- (search)
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 1823- Military officer; born in Kentucky in 1823; was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1844; was Assistant Professor of Ethics there for two years, and then engaged in the war with Mexico. in which he was wounded, and brevetted captain. After that war he was again a tutor at West Point; resigned in 1855: practised law in Kentucky: and became one of the most prominent Knights of the Golden circle (q. v.) in that State. After the Civil War began he became commander of the Kentucky State Guard, and adjutant-general of the State. He soon joined the Confederate army, and surrendered the fort and garrison of Fort Donelson (q. v.) in February, 1862, when he was sent a prisoner to Fort Warren. After his release, he continued in the Confederate service until the close of the war. He became a lieutenant-general in the army; was selected by General Grant to be one of his pall-bearers; and was elected governor of Kentucky in 1887.