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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 3: military operations in Missouri and Kentucky. (search)
cKinstry in the front, by Generals Sigel and Lane in the rear, and by General Asboth on the east, from the Fayetteville road. General Hunter arrived at Headquarters at midnight, and Fremont, after informing him of the position of affairs, laid before him all his plans. The order for battle was countermanded, Price seems not to have moved his army from Pineville, but his scouts penetrated to the front of the National troops, and thus caused the alarm. and nine days afterward Major-General H. W. Halleck was appointed to the command of the Missouri Department. On the morning of the 4th, Fremont and his Staff left the army for St. Louis. The parting with his devoted soldiers was very touching, and his reception in St. Louis Nov. 8 1861. was an ovation like that given to a victor. Crowds of citizens greeted him at the railway station and escorted him to his Headquarters. An immense torch-light procession passed through the streets that night in honor of his arrival; The G
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
to Fort Hamilton, where he had larger liberty. He was released on the 16th of August, by an order from the War Department, sent by telegraph. He immediately applied for orders to active duty; and on returning to Washington he searched in vain in the office of the Adjutant-General and of the War Department for the order for his arrest; the law requiring the officer issuing such order to give a statement in writing, signed with his own name, and noting the offense, within twenty-four hours. Halleck, then General-in-Chief, knew nothing about it. Stone then went to the President, who said he knew nothing about the matter, but kindly remarked, I could never be made to believe General Stone was a traitor. In endeavors to give to his country his active services in the war he was thwarted, and it was not until May, 1863, that he was allowed to enter again upon duty in the field, when he was ordered to report to General Banks, then the commander of the Department of the Gulf. He served fai
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
d. On the 9th of November, 1861, General Henry Wager Halleck, who had been called from Californiters were at St. Louis. General Hunter, whom Halleck superseded, was assigned to the command of thrprise with strong hopes of success. Henry Wager Halleck. Halleck's first care was to establon to the Confederates from within his lines, Halleck issued some very stringent orders. The earliating to masters and slaves, Letter of General Halleck to General Asboth, December 20, 1861. in gave great satisfaction to all loyal people. Halleck complimented him on his brilliant success, ano, in the shape of invaders from Texas. Like Halleck and Hunter, he attacked the monster quickly a River, and upon these the combined armies of Halleck and Buell prepared to move. These fortificatHeadquarters; R, officers' quarters. General Halleck, as we have seen, had divided his large Dcked soon. The latter sent the report to General Halleck. Hearing nothing from their chief for [17 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 8: the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. (search)
ctory to Cairo, from which it was telegraphed to General McClellan by General George W. Cullum, Halleck's Chief of Staff, then at Cairo, saying: The Union flag floats over Donelson. The Carondelet, glorious achievement. The women of St. Louis, desirous of testifying their admiration of General Halleck, in whose Department and by whose troops these victories had been achieved (and because of of March, 1862, by Mrs. Helen Budd, who spoke in behalf of the donors. In his brief reply, General Halleck assured the women of St. Louis that it should be used in defense of their happiness, their behalf of justice. The weapon was an elegant one, richly ornamented with classical designs. Halleck's sword. spreading with speed of lightning over the land, produced intense joy in every loyal ounded; an army has been annihilated; and the way to Nashville and Memphis is opened. and General Halleck, who had drawn from General Hunter's Kansas Department some of the re-enforcements which he
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
Nashville. Six days after the formal surrender of that city, General Halleck telegraphed to General McClellan from St. Louis, March 4. Col(who was in command at Paducah), accompanied by General Cullum, of Halleck's staff. The flotilla left Cairo before daylight on the morning ong Green, and Polk was trembling in his menaced works at Columbus, Halleck was giving impetus to a force destined to strike a fatal blow at tle perseverance of the Americans. Report of General Pope to General Halleck, April 9, 1862. Statement of General Hamilton to the author, another of the so-called Confederate States. On the same day, General Halleck sent a thrill of joy to every loyal heart, by telegraphing to ri cavalry partook. Several of them died, and all suffered much.--Halleck's dispatch to McClellan, Feb. 27, 1862. and, setting fire to Confer a Southern Confederacy. General Curtis's second report to General Halleck. Van Dorn's preliminaries were followed by vigorous measures.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 10: General Mitchel's invasion of Alabama.--the battles of Shiloh. (search)
ere of action had just been enlarged. On hearing of his glorious victory at Fort Donelson, General Halleck had assigned Feb. 14. him to the command of the new District of West Tennessee, which embrrant was taking vigorous measures to accomplish this desirable end, when an order came from General Halleck, March 4. directing him to turn over his forces to his junior in rank, General C. F. Smithied. He was unconscious of acts deserving of the displeasure of his superior, and he requested Halleck to relieve him entirely from duty. That officer, made satisfied that no fault could justly be s person had made Grant's consultation with Buell at Nashville seem like an offense against General Halleck, his immediate chief; and the march of General Smith's forces up the Cumberland from Fort Den Pittsburg Landing and Savannah. The latter was made the depot of stores, to which point General Halleck at St. Louis continually forwarded supplies of every kind. From the time of Grant's arri
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 11: operations in Southern Tennessee and Northern Mississippi and Alabama. (search)
s operations in the direction of Chattanooga Halleck moves cautiously toward Corinth, 291. the Comanders quiet of the National Army under General Halleck, 295. operations on the Mississippi thed menaced the Confederate left. On the 20th, Halleck's whole army was engaged in regular siege-opehin a thousand yards of Beauregard's left. Halleck expected a sanguinary battle the next morninge the Mobile and Ohio railway in his rear. Halleck's expectations were not realized. All night did all this mean? I cannot explain it, said Halleck to an inquiry by Sherman; and then ordered thhat, if he had remained in St. Louis a week Halleck's Headquarters at Corinth. this was the dwrtifications at Corinth were much weaker than Halleck supposed, and were indeed unworthy of Beaureg at the latter place; and very soon afterward Halleck was called to Washington, to occupy the importry was overflowed; and, being soon called by Halleck to Shiloh, Foote was left to prosecute the wo[12 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
any moment to be overturned, and buried in the mud beyond reach. Patiently the work was carried on under the supervision of General Gillmore, who was in chief command, and on the 9th of April eleven batteries, containing an aggregate of thirty-six guns, were in Siege of Fort Pulaski. readiness to open fire on the fort. These were batteries Stanton and Grant, three 10-inch mortars each; Lyon and Lincoln, three columbiads each; Burnside, one heavy mortar; Sherman, three heavy mortars; Halleck, two heavy mortars; Scott, four columbiads; Sigel, five 30-pounder Parrott, and one 48-pounder James; McClellan, two 84-pounders and two 64-pounders James; Totten, four 10-inch siege mortars. Totten and McClellan were only 1,650 yards from the fort; Stanton was 8,400 yards distant. Each battery had a service magazine for two days supply of ammunition, and a depot powder magazine of 8,000 barrels capacity was constructed near the Martello tower, printed on page 125, which was the landing-pl
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 14: movements of the Army of the Potomac.--the Monitor and Merrimack. (search)
gn relations; the critical situation of National affairs in Missouri and Kentucky since Fremont left the Western Department; the lack of co-operation between Generals Halleck and Buell, and the illness of the General-in-Chief, which then, it was said, confined him to his house. He said he was in great distress under the burden ofc, until otherwise ordered, he is relieved from the command of the other Military Departments, he retaining the command of the Department of the Potomac. To General Halleck was assigned the command of the National troops in the Valley of the Mississippi, and westward of the longitude of Knoxville in Tennessee; and a Mountain Department, consisting of the region between the commands of Halleck and McClellan, was created and placed under the command of General Fremont. The commanders of Departments were ordered to report directly to the Secretary of War. The notable events in Hampton Roads, that modified McClellan's plans for marching on Richmond, occurr
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
een fighting Fremont and Shields near the upper Shenandoah, See pages 396 and 397. so that these forces were yet withheld from Lee. But already McClellan had telegraphed June 10. the dampening intelligence--I am completely checked by the weather. The Chickahominy is in a dreadful state; we have another rain-storm on our hands. In the same dispatch there was a sentence ominous of an indefinite delay. It ran thus--I present for your consideration the propriety of detaching largely from Halleck's army [in the Mississippi Valley] to strengthen this --an operation that would require two or three weeks at least. The Secretary of War gave him cordial assurance of his desire to give him every possible aid, and informed him that preparations were made for sending to him the remainder of McDowell's corps, that officer being directed to co-operate fully with him. But the terms of that co-operation, which was simply that McDowell should retain an independent command, were so offensive to
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