Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 23, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hannibal or search for Hannibal in all documents.

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the art of war would be gathered. They are the eight campaigns of Alexander, the seventeen of Hannibal, the thirteen of Julius CÆsar in ancient times, the three of Gustavus Adolphus, the eighteen ofh regard to the Russian campaign, that it was an impossible enterprise? Let us now come to Hannibal. In the year 218 before Christ, he left Spain, passed the Pyrennees, crossed the Rhone and the Think of that, when we are told about the losses Napoleon sustained before he entered Moscow. Hannibal spent five months in this march, which was a march of 1200 miles, leaving no garrisons in his rsince all the Greek towns in lower Italy opened their gates, and Capua itself surrendered. Now Hannibal did precisely what Napoleon did in all his campaigns. He kept his troops together. He had oneoman Colonies, or at Cannæ, three hundred miles from, Cis-Alpine Gaul, with all the country ready to rise on his rear, what would not such military critics as condemn Napoleon have said of Hannibal?