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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of the Third Battery of Maryland Artillery. (search)
sign of smoking camp fires, or other evidences of an enemy's presence. With some reluctance the two observers withdrew, to report to General Reynolds the result of their reconnoissance. Again on the 6th of June, the brigade proceeded to Chattanooga, Tennessee, and thence to Morristown and Loudon, in the same State. After a few days a march was made to Blain's Cross Roads, where the brigade remained till the 1st of August, 1862. The camp here was called Camp Hatton, in honor of General R. Hatton, who was killed near Richmond in June of the same year. During this encampment the battery received fifty recruits from Georgia. The next movement was to Tazewell, in East Tennessee, where the enemy was met, defeated, and driven back to Cumberland Gap. On the night of the 16th inst., General Reynolds advanced within four miles of the Gap, driving in the outposts of the enemy and seizing a range of hills on their front. This position was maintained till the 23d, when General Reyno
1861.Dec. 13, 1861. Commanding Army of the District of the Mississippi. 5Gustavus W. SmithKentucky Sept. 19, 1861.Sept. 19, 1861.Dec. 13, 1861. Resigned February 17, 1863; assigned to the command of the Second corps Army of the Potomac; afterwards in command of the First division in General J. E. Johnston's Army of Virginia; subsequently relieved General Holmes of the command at Fredericksburg; at Yorktown commanded division composed of the brigades of Whiting, Hood, Hampton, Pettigrew and Hatton, &c., &c. 6Theophilus H. HolmesN. Carolina Oct. 7, 1861.Oct. 7, 1861.Dec. 13, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant-General October 10, 1862; assigned to the command of Confederate forces in North Carolina; subsequently in command of the District of Arkansas, &c., &c.; at one time in command of Daniel's, Walker's and Wise's brigades, Army of Northern Virginia. 7William J. HardeeGeorgia Oct. 7, 1861.Oct. 7, 1861.Dec. 13, 1861. Promoted Lieutenant-General October 10, 1862; commanding Third corps, Army o
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Brigadier-Generals of the Confederate States Army, alphabetically arranged. (search)
ent, Polignac's division, Trans-Mississippi Department, 189Harrison, RichardTexasMaj. Gen. Loring1865.1865.  Was Colonel of Terry's Texas cavalry regiment and succeeded General J. A. Wharton in command of his brigade of Texas cavalry; afterwards in command of brigade in Stewart's corps. 190Harrison, ThomasTexasGen. B. BraggJan'y, 1865.Jan'y, 1865.  Brigade composed of the 8th and 11th Texas, the 4th Tennessee, the 3d Arkansas and the 1st Kentucky regiments cavalry, Wharton's command. 191Hatton, R.TennesseeGen. J. E. JohnstonMay 23, 1862.May 23, 1862.  Killed at Edwards' Farm June 1, 1862; commanded 5th brigade, 1st division, 1st corps, Army of Virginia. 192Hawes, J. M.KentuckyGen. BeauregardMarch 14, 1862.March 5, 1862.March 14, 1862. Assigned to the command of the cavalry of General A. S. Johnston's army just prior to the Battle of Shiloh. 193Hawthorn, A. T.ArkansasGen. T. H. HolmesFeb. 23, 1864.Feb. 18, 1864.May 11, 1864. Brigade composed of the 17th, 21st and 23d Tennessee and
VIII., 33. Hatch, E., III., 338; X., 205. Hatch, J. P., V., 34; X., 221. Hatcher's Run, Va.; III., 278, 287, 293, 338, 340, 342; V., 264. Hatchie River, Miss. and Tenn., II., 160. Hats: various styles of, worn by soldiers, VIII., 95. Hatteras, N. C., VI., 103, 104, 163, 283. Hatteras,, U. S. S., VI., 294, 316. Hatteras Fort, N. C. (see also Fort Hatteras, N. C.), VI., 269. Hatteras Inlet, N. C., VI., 100, 104, 115, 125, 268, 269. Hatton, R., I., 364; X., 149. Haupt, H.: II., 125; V., 91, 275: working as foreman on the military railroad, V., 277, 278, 282, 284, 289, 294, 296. Havana, Cuba, V., 160; VI., 291. Harclock, C. S. VI., 119. Hawes, J. M., X., 267. Hawes shop, Va., III., 322; IV., 203, 247. Hawkes, surgeon Fiftieth N. Y. Inf., VII., 265. Hawks, W. J., X., 103. Hawk's Nest, Lookout Mountain, Tenn., VIII., 325. Hawk's Nest, W. Va. I., 350. Hawkins, R. C., II.,
Gen. Anderson, of Tennessee. Brigade Headquarters,Third Brigade Tennessee Volunteers. May 27th, 1862. At a meeting of the officers of this Brigade, at Brigade Headquarters, on motion of Lieut. Col. Howard, Brig. Gen. R. Hatton was called to the Chair, and Captain Hickman Johnson was appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting was announced to be the adoption of appropriate resolutions concerning the recent resignation of General Samuel R. Anderson, of Tennessee, as Brigadier of this command: Whereupon the following were presented by Colonel Peter Turney, and unanimously approved: Whereas, Brig.-Gen. Samuel R. Anderson, impelled by failing strength, and continued physical exhaustion, consequent upon an arduous campaign of more than eight months in Northwestern Virginia, and more recently on the Peninsula, has separated himself from as through a formal resignation of his commission: Therefore, be it. Resolved, That in this separation we are much pained, and in
The battles Saturday and Sunday. --Gen. Jos E Johnston. Commander-in-Chief, was wounded slightly by a spent ball in the groin. The slaughter amongst medical officers has been severe, no doubt owing to their freely exposing themselves on the filed Surgeon E. S. Gaillard, Chief Surgeon of General G W. Smith's division, has fled his right arm battered by a Minnie ball, and will lost it. Hatton's brigade (Tennessee) has lost one surgeon and three assistant ditto. The brigade was terribly shattered.
shelled the ambulance train on the York River road. Operations along the line yesterday, were not of very important nature, the enemy being intent upon preparing for their main attack to-day, (Monday.) We are sorry to say that our officers suffered severely in the two days operations, and among others we would add that Gen. Garland had three horses shot under him, and was severely hurt before relinquishing his command in the field. Gen. Pettigrew was killed, Col Lomax, (3rd Ala.,) Col. Hatton, (7th Tenn,) and others, and as to the number of subordinate officers the list is a long and fearful one. Time and space precludes the possibility of further details — to-day is big with Fate! may Providence aid us in our cause, and may historians yet chronicle a second Marathon. Later in the evening the enemy appeared in force near the battle field of the morning which was then held by our men. Gen. Mahone's brigade still occupied the advance and were drawn up in line of battle, p