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John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 2: Charleston Harbor. (search)
ditions of reinforcement or attack. On January 12th, therefore, I. W. Hayne, the Attorney-General of South Carolina, proceeded to Washingtonate upon the adjustment of its relations with the United States. Hayne had, however, scarcely reached his destination when a superior inflhis committee began and carried on a dilatory correspondence with Mr. Hayne and with the President, which they managed to prolong into Februa ended. On February 6th, Secretary Holt wrote for the President to Hayne, that neither the proposed sale of Fort Sumter, nor its relinquishme highest national importance. This closed the correspondence, and Hayne went home to report the second failure to obtain the forts by diplotness; while on the other hand, on February 4th, two days preceding Hayne's dismissal, the Provisional Congress of the rebel States assembledssaulted by the rebels, or preparations were made to do so. The Hayne business disposed of, there was once more a little flurry of war co
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
Gosport Navy Yard, destruction of, 96 et seq. Grafton, 142 et seq., 146 Grant, General U. S., 134 Great Bethel, Va., engagement at, 172 Green, Captain, 117 Griffin, Captain, 188, 191, 192 Guthrie, Colonel, 131 H. Hagerstown, Md., 157 Hamlin, Hannibal, 76 Harney, General, 119 et seq. Harper's Ferry, United States Armory at, 83; capture of, by rebels, 95, 98; retaken from the rebels, 157; weakness of, 158; destroyed by Johnston, 161 Harrisburg, 100 Hayne, I. W., 35, 37 Heintzelman, General S. P., commands Third Division on advance to Manassas, 174 Henry House, the, 187 Hickman, Ky., 134 Hicks, Governor, 83, 88 et seq., 94 Houston, Governor, his scheme of independent sovereignty for Texas, 13; deposed from office, 14 Holt, Secretary, 33, 37, 84 Howard, General O. O., 174 Hughes, Archbishop, 76 Hunter, General, David, commands Second Division, 174 Hunter, R. M. T., U. S. Sen.,Va., 25 Huttonsville, 147 I. Il
Jan. 15. Major-General Sandford tendered the whole of the First Division New York State Militia to the Commander-in-Chief, to be ready for service in an hour's notice. Colonel Hayne, a Commissioner of South Carolina to Washington, was received by the President, and demanded the withdrawal of the garrison of Fort Sumter. He was requested to submit a written demand. The United States Coast Survey schooner Dana, was seized by the Florida State authorities.--The World.
Jan. 31. The State of South Carolina, by her attorney-general, I. W. Hayne, offered to buy Fort Sumter, and declared that, if not permitted to purchase, she would seize the fort by force of arms. The United States, in reply, asserted political rights superior to the proprietary right, and not subject to the right of eminent domain. --Times, Feb. 9. The United States branch mint, and the custom-house at New Orleans, seized by the State authorities. In the mint were government funds to the amount of $389,000, and in the sub-treasury, $122,000--(Doc. 29.)--Louisville Journal, Feb. 2.
. Another commissioner (the Hon. I. W. Hayne) was sent to Washington by the governor of South Carolina to effect, if possible, an amicable and peaceful transfer of the fort, and settlement of all questions relating to property. This commissioner remained for nearly a month, endeavoring to accomplish the objects of his mission, but was met only by evasive and unsatisfactory answers, and eventually returned without having effected anything. There is one passage in the last letter of Colonel Hayne to the President which presents the case of the occupancy of Fort Sumter by the United States troops so clearly and forcibly that it may be proper to quote it. He writes as follows: You say that the fort was garrisoned for our protection, and is held for the same purposes for which it has been ever held since its construction. Are you not aware, that to hold, in the territory of a foreign power, a fortress against her will, avowedly for the purpose of protecting her citizens, is per
forms me that he has no authority to do what I required, but he desires a reference of the demand to the President of the United States. Under the circumstances now existing, and which need no comment by me, I have determined to send to you Hon. I. W. Hayne, the Attorney-General of the State of South Carolina, and have instructed him to demand the delivery of Fort Sumter, in the harbor of Charleston, to the constituted authorities of the State of South Carolina. The demand I have made of Major me with the duty of replying thereto. In the communication addressed to the President by Governor Pickens, under date of the 12th January, and which accompanies yours now before me, his Excellency says: I have determined to send to you the Hon. I. W. Hayne, the Attorney-General of the State of South Carolina, and have instructed him to demand the surrender of Fort Sumter, in the harbor of Charleston, to the constituted authorities of the State of South Carolina. The demand I have made of Ma
from Cape Romain to Pensacola is about 1,100 miles. The Brooklyn will probably be at Pensacola by Friday evening. Mr. C. T. Haskell has been dispatched on a special mission to Washington, with important dispatches and instructions from Col. I. W. Hayne. Mr. Haskell, it is thought, will reach the above city to-day. Mr. Hayne will await the receipt of these before taking any final action on the subject with which he is charged. Union and compromise meeting in Detroit, Michigan. DetrMr. Hayne will await the receipt of these before taking any final action on the subject with which he is charged. Union and compromise meeting in Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, Mich., Jan. 30. --A large meeting of citizens favorable to the plan of the Border State Committee assembled in the City Hall, last evening, pursuant to a call of the Mayor. The hall was densely packed and hundreds were unable to obtain admittance. The meeting was addressed by prominent Democrats and Republicans. Resolutions were adopted favoring the admission of the territory South of 36.30 as a State with or without slavery and all North of the line as free; the amendment
From Charleston. [special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Charleston, Jan. 30, 1861. You need not rely at all upon any of the thousand and one rumors by telegraph and letters sent from this place concerning political affairs and complications of South Carolina. They are all guess work and vague reports. No one in this city, outside of the Governor and his Cabinet, knows what are the instructions to Col. Hayne, or whether he is instructed to demand Fort Sumter or not; and I now write hastily to say, nothing that has been or may be said, unless it be over the Governor's signature, can be relied on at all. All that I have said to you on the subject, has been the general impression of well-informed citizens and my own, and we know actually nothing, and in these times of excitement, it is best, I think, not to add unnecessary alarm and uneasiness. I have two friends here, gentlemen heretofore antipodes in their belief as to the ultimate direction things would take, who now
the United States, within Fort Sumter, the Hon. I. W. Hayne, who will hand you this communication, e Department of the Executive Office to the Hon. I. W. Hayne.] State of South Carolina, Executive ent servant, A. G. Magrath. To Hon. I. W. Hayne, Special Envoy from the State of South Caof the United States. On the arrival of Col. Hayne in Washington, ten Southern Senators, includ the mean time. In reply to this letter Col. Hayne accedes to the request, and assures them tharesident the correspondence between them and Col. Hayne, and through Secretary Holt receive-- [ Reply.] In regard to the proposition of Col. Hayne, "that no reinforcements will be sent to For I am glad to be assured, from the letter of Col. Hayne, that "Major Anderson and his command do now This reply is sent by the Senators to Colonel Hayne, with the hope that while its terms are nol not feel it her duty to open hostilities. Col. Hayne then refers all the correspondence to the Go[1 more...]
From Charleston.[Special correspondence of the Dispatch.] Charleston, Feb. 4, 1861. Certainly we begin to breathe easier. We bet that the madness that has ruled the hour at Washington, has reached its culminating joint. Nothing has transpired as to Colonel Hayne's finale; nor is there anything known, except that he has demanded the unconditional at surrender of Fort Sumter, of the President, and that he has communicated the same to Congress. The impression prevails here, in well-in-formed circles, that the first act of the Southern Congress at Montgomery will be to demand all the forts and arsenals situated in the molding States, and that the demand will be granting. I have seen no one who supposes for a moment that anything will be effected by the Convention now being held in Washington, and that the whole thing will break up with a worse understanding than at present. The army of this State continues to increase, and the severest training continues. The f