Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 2, 17th edition.. You can also browse the collection for Hening or search for Hening in all documents.

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nt plantations were planned and perhaps attempted by his assign. Hening, i. 552. Records in the office of the general court at Richmond, l, under the promise of a fourteen years monopoly of the profits. Hening, i. 262. Williamson, i. 91. For more than twenty years, &c. Had Wiwest, to Southern Virginia, or Carolina, Thurloe, II. 273, 274. Hening, i. 552. the early name, which had been retained in the days of Cha p. 3. continued to be encouraged by similar giants. Clayborne, Hening, i. 377. the early trader in Maryland, 1652 still cherished a fonde, or on the south side of the Chowan and its tributary streams. Hening, i. 380, 381. These conditional grants seem not to have taken effec appointed William William. Martin, i. 138, says George Drummond. Hening, II. 226, Act i. identifies the man, and settles the question. Wilirst governor were not known. Drummond, an emigrant to Virginia Hening, i. 549, II. 158. from Scotland, Sir Wm. Berkeley's List, &c., c
assembly 1659 Mar. 1662. repealed the law. Hening, i. 498—523. The royalist legislature, for thee had assembled in the hall of an alehouse. Hening, ii. 204. Virginia had neither towns nor lawyehe monopoly of the beaver trade in Virginia Hening, ii. 20, 124, 140. is also said to have prevaiered under the mantle of a general amnesty. Hening, ii. 363, 364. The acts of this assembly manif74, it is called just, and most exemplary. In Hening, ii. 426, in a subsequent order from England, political franchise. Burk, ii. App. LXI. Hening, ii. 532. Beverley, 76. Freedom in Virginia r Washington was a burgess and a magistrate, Hening, ii. 250, 309, 330. declared that it felt no gt, and in 1692 the prohibition was renewed. Hening, ii. 509, 510. Bacon, 1676, c. XVI. The estabf August he sailed for England from Boston. Hening, ii. 561. Hutchinson's Mass. i. 299 How unlisolved by royal 1686 Nov. 15 proclamation. Hening, III. 40, 41. James Collins was imprisoned and[50 more...]