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Browsing named entities in Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Thomas Carmichael Hindman or search for Thomas Carmichael Hindman in all documents.

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h arms as could be obtained, and often without arms. From the Confederate secretary of war authority was received for the raising of regiments for the Confederate service. Hundreds of applications to him for this service were declined for want of arms. Many leaders went to Montgomery and Richmond for authority to organize military commands, and returned without it. Some even marched their commands to the field inefficiently armed, and these importuned the war department for commissions. Hindman, Cleburne and Van Manning used extraordinary means to obtain arms for their men. The volunteers, recruited in all parts of the State, began to arrive at the capital. The arsenal grounds were one large encampment. Many companies assembled for organization with their fowling pieces, deer guns and squirrel rifles. The one great drawback to the equipment of an army was the want of efficient arms, and yet, of the 60,000 electors in the State, 25,000 were enrolled the first year and transport
general purpose of this assignment is to watch over and protect the country within the limits referred to. Besides the regiment from Arkansas under command of Colonel Hindman, recently ordered there, it is the purpose of the department to send an additional force of about 3,000 men in that direction. You will establish your headqumand of the upper district of Arkansas, with headquarters at Pitman's Ferry, Ark. His force, as reported August 31st, included the Arkansas regiments of Cleburne, Hindman, Cross, Lyon, Shaver, and Borland, Shoup's battalion of artillery, Roberts' battery and Phifer's cavalry. Patrick Roanyne Cleburne, who at once became prominenope my entire command will reach in nine days from that date. Crossing the Mississippi, he led his Arkansas troops to join the Central army of Kentucky, in which Hindman, Cleburne and Shaver soon became brigade commanders. Before leaving Pitman's Ferry, General Hardee ordered the transfer of all stores to Pocahontas, and left a
erred already, and assigned to Cleburne's and Hindman's divisions—not heretofore mentioned. By speto distant fields was none too early. Major-General Hindman heard it and accepted the assignment, f Red river, and the Indian Territory. General Hindman acted promptly. On his way, at Memphis, of bed. He beheld the measures adopted by General Hindman with consternation, but had great confidebove Jacksonport. Continuing his report, General Hindman says: To delay the enemy and gain timlled and 58 wounded. Not to discredit General Hindman's report, but in order to give basis for ncident was closed, the administration of General Hindman as chief, practically, of the Trans-MissiRock, where he had arrived, and continued General Hindman in command of the troops in the neighborhississippi, and ordered them to report to General Hindman. General Price was transferred later, alsnd the department, and Major-Generals Taylor, Hindman and Price to the districts of Louisiana, Arka[43 more...]
eneral Holmes had arrived at Little Rock, General Hindman, continuing in charge of military operati it known that I was duly commissioned by General Hindman to raise a regiment of cavalry,. . . and er. In his report of November 3, 1862, General Hindman has written the history of the subsequentized and drilled by officers appointed by General Hindman, were poorly equipped to meet the well-ar join Hindman. On the 26th of October, General Hindman moved forward, intending to take position drove his cavalry back from McGuire's before Hindman got up, and Hindman fell back to his former ply instincts. President Davis noted on General Hindman's report: The remarks about undisciplined did, the criticisms of the President and General Hindman are just. But fortifying passes in the mrces, In the field, December 8, 1862. Maj.-Gen. T. C. Hindman, Commanding Confederate Forces: I Little Rock, Ark., December 24, 1862. Maj.-Gen. T. C. Hindman, Comdg. First Corps, Trans-Mississipp[5 more...]
; had returned to the Trans-Mississippi department and was appointed colonel of the regiment by Hindman. He had raised and organized Company A of the regiment at Eldorado, Union county, and had led ommissary departments in a state of great confusion. The continuance since the organization of Hindman's camp there in 1862 of large Confederate forces, had exhausted supplies of every kind, and therchibald Dobbin, Charles W. Adams, D. C. Govan, J. C. Tappan, Lucius E. Polk and MajorGen-erals Hindman and P. R. Cleburne. The Federal army was getting ready, in July, to occupy the Arkansas val field artillery, 32 pieces. On April 1, 1863, General Frost had been assigned to command of Hindman's division. On March 2d he was relieved and ordered to Day's Bluff to his brigade, On May 3rever sincerely deplored the unhappy altercation. To a gentleman with whom, as a member of General Hindman's staff, he had been associated, but who was absent at the time of the duel, he said: How I
cting Maj.-Gen. Sterling Price to take charge again of his division, and Brigadier-General Frost to resume command of his brigade. Maj. George A. Gallagher, a leading member of the bar of Little Rock, who had served as a private in Virginia and Mississippi, was appointed assistant adjutant-general, with Maj. L. A. McLean. The Confederate army was encamped in the vicinity of Arkadelphia, to which place the army workshops had been removed, and where manufactories had been established by General Hindman when in command of the district. Near Arkadelphia, in the flat-pine woods, the digging of shallow wells yielded salt water, from which large quantities of salt were obtained for the army and the citizens by evaporation from kettles set in rows upon crude outdoor furnaces, according to the process of boiling and crystallizing the juice of the sugar-cane. A large number of men, women and children, whites and negroes, were employed in this industry, camping out and enjoying it as a pi
ransferred to Columbus, thence to Bowling Green, and was in the battle of Perryville under Gen. T. C. Hindman, commanding the First brigade. While in Kentucky, John Edward Murray was made lieutenant-assas. The Second Arkansas infantry (Confederate) was organized through the energy of Hon. Thomas C. Hindman, of Helena, Ark., who was representative in Congress in 1861, for the Second district ofhnston to Corinth, Miss. Brig.-Gen. W. J. Hardee having been promoted to major-general, Col; T. C. Hindman, of the Second Arkansas, was promoted to brigadier-general, and held command until he was maack, accompanied by Theodore Linde, a gallant youth and brother-in-law of Governor Rector. Gen. T. C. Hindman had been assigned to the command of the Trans-Mississippi department. Colonel Fagan was asver, Crockett, Marmaduke, Provence, John C. Wright, Slemons, B. W. Johnson, Gaither. Maj.-Gen. T. C. Hindman, after being relieved of the command of the district of Arkansas, was reassigned to a d
The Arkansas commands were mainly in the third corps, Hardee's, which was made up as follows: First brigade, Brig.-Gen. T. C. Hindman, Col. R. G. Shaver—Second Arkansas, Col. D. C. Govan, Maj. Reuben F. Harvey; Sixth Arkansas, Col. A. T. Hawthornssippi brigade. McNair's brigade, returned from Mississippi, was in Bushrod Johnson's division of Buckner's corps. General Hindman commanded a division of Mississippi and Alabama troops. Lieutenant-General Hill, placing Breckinridge at Lafayettntains into McLemore's cove, west of Cleburne's position. Cleburne was sent forward to attack from the east, as soon as Hindman opened fire from the north; but there were unfortunate delays and misunderstandings, so that when Cleburne was put in aceld until the close of the war. His brigade was consolidated with the brigade of General Govan, also of Helena, formerly Hindman's lieutenant. On the 27th of June, General Sherman made an assault on the Confederate line on Kenesaw mountain, begin
d the surgeons of the Confederate army assigned to duty in the TransMissis-sippi department from the date of the following order of the general commanding: Special orders, no. 11. [Extract.] Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department, Little Rock, June 9, 1862. The following-named surgeons are assigned to duty and will constitute the Army Medical Board for the Trans-Mississippi department: Surgeons G. W. Lawrence, P. O. Hooper, W. M. Lawrence. By order of secretary of war. T. C. Hindman, Major-General Commanding. R. C. Newton, Acting Adjutant-General. Record of the Army Medical Board for the TransMissis-sippi department, 1862, 1863, 1864, Little Rock, Ark.: Special orders, no. 32. [Extract. ] Adjutant General's Office, Richmond, February 7, 1863. The following medical officers are detailed as an army medical board for the examination of officers in the Trans-Mississippi department, and applicants for appointment in the medical department invited by the
ness at Atlanta, Ga., where he died about 1894. Major-General Thomas Carmichael Hindman Major-General Thomas Carmichael Hindman was borMajor-General Thomas Carmichael Hindman was born in Tennessee in November, 1818. He received a common school education, then studied law and moved to Mississippi. He was engaged in his pmes was sent to take command of the Trans-Mississippi department. Hindman, going into western Arkansas, was about to lead an expedition intovision at Chickamauga. There and all through the Atlanta campaign Hindman and his division were found among the bravest and the best. Afterin the district of North Mississippi. At the close of the war General Hindman went to Mexico, but in 1867 returned to the United States and d his commission, on account of some unpleasant relations with General Hindman, and appealed to the authorities at Richmond, when the dispute forces he had together, the best he might. This he did until General Hindman came, and bringing order out of chaos, succeeded by his peculi