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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
ell on Sunday this year, the 5th was observed as Memorial day and the Maryland monument was unveiled with imposing ceremonies. The Governor of Virginia (Colonel F. W. M. Holliday), whose empty sleeve rendered him especially worthy to grace the occasion, the Confederate States Army and Navy Society of Maryland, the Fifth Maryland rmore, a number of Virginia military companies, and an immense concourse of people, estimated at 15,000, were present. An appropriate address of welcome by Governor Holliday was suitably responded to by Mayor Latrobe, of Baltimore. The orator of the day was Spencer E. Jones, Esq., of Maryland, who during the war was a gallant praryland line, and whose oration seems to have given the highest satisfaction to all who heard it. Touching scenes of the occasion were the presentation by Governor Holliday of Mrs. Jackson and her daughter, Miss Julia, to the veterans of the old Stonewall Brigade who were present, and the reception by General B. T. Johnson of th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tennessee, (search)
to Charles Robertson executed......March 19, 1775 Watauga settlers march against advancing Cherokees, and disperse them in a battle near Long Island Fort......July 20, 1776 Cherokees under old Abraham attack the fort at Watauga, but are repulsed......July 21, 1776 Forces under Col. William Christian destroy the Cherokee towns in east Tennessee......1776 Washington county, including all of Tennessee, created by law of North Carolina......November, 1777 Richard Hogan, Spencer, Holliday, and others come from Kentucky and begin a plantation near Bledsoe's Lick......1778 Capt. James Robertson and others from Watauga cross the Cumberland Mountains, pitch their tents near French Lick, and plant a field of corn where Nashville now stands......1779 Eleven Chickamauga Indian towns destroyed by troops under Isaac Shelby, who left Big Creek, near the site of Rogersville......April 10, 1779 Jonesboro laid off and established as the seat of justice for Washington county.....
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Virginia, (search)
1836 Wyndham Robertson1836 to 1837 David Campbell1837 to 1840 Thomas W. Gilmer1840 to 1841 John Rutherford1841 to 1842 John M. Gregory1842 to 1843 James McDowell1843 to 1846 William Smith1846 to 1849 John B. Floyd1849 to 1851 John Johnson1851 to 1852 Joseph Johnson1852 to 1856 Henry A. Wise1856 to 1860 John Letcher1860 to 1864 William Smith1864 to 1865 Francis A. Pierpont1865 to 1867 Henry A. Wells1867 to 1869 Gilbert C. Walker1869 to 1874 James L. Kemper1874 to 1878 F. W. M. Holliday1878 to 1882 W. E. Cameron1882 to 1886 Fitz-Hugh Lee1886 to 1890 Philip W. McKinney1890 to 1894 Charles T. O'Ferrall1894 to 1898 J. Hoge Tyler1898 to 1902 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Term. Richard Henry Lee1st to 2d1789 to 1792 William Grayson1st1789 to 1790 John Walker1st1790 James Monroe1st to 4th1790 to 1795 John Taylor2d to 3d1792 to 1794 Henry Tazewell3d to 5th1794 to 1799 Stevens Thomson Mason4th to 8th1795 to 1803 Wilson Cary Nicholas6th to 8th1
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Members of the First and Second Congresses of the Confederate States. (search)
st Congress. Hon.John R. ChamblissVirginiaMember of First Congress; afterwards Brigadier-General. Hon.D. C. DeJarnetteVirginiaMember of First and Second Congress. Hon.David FunstenVirginiaMember of Second Congress. Hon.M. R. H. GarnettVirginiaMember of First Congress. Hon.Thomas S. GholsonVirginiaMember of Second Congress. Hon.John Goode, JrVirginiaMember of First and Second Congress. Hon.James P. HolcombeVirginiaMember of First Congress; afterwards special agent to Canada. Hon.F. W. M. HollidayVirginiaMember of Second Congress. Hon.Albert G. JenkinsVirginiaMember of First Congress; afterwards Brigadier-General in Confederate service. Hon.Robert JohnsonVirginiaMember of First and Second Congress. Hon.Fayette McMullenVirginiaMember of Second Congress. Hon.Samuel A. Miller Member of Second Congress. Hon.Robert L. Montague Member of Second Congress. Hon.Walter PrestonVirginiaMember of First Congress. Hon.Roger A. PryorVirginiaMember of First Congress; afterwards Brigadier-
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 54 (search)
alled upon to do our duty bravely. I look to the only true source of safety, for protection, amid the dangers to which we may be exposed. I saw Captain Davis a few days ago; he was well and hearty. Captain Bowie was badly wounded at Gettysburg, and Ferd. Blackwell, slightly. These are the only casualties I have heard of in that Battle—in the Fortieth. I saw Wilbur Davis yesterday; he was very well; not engaged in the battle of Gettysburg. Captain Murphy arrived a few days ago with Holliday. Your letters reached us safely, and we were much delighted to hear such cheering news from home. May the peace, quiet and health, now your fortune to enjoy, continue long! I have not seen Captain M. yet; he will show himself soon, though, I reckon. I wish, as you say, General Lee would not let the Yankees come back to the Northern Neck again. Unhappy as I was made to feel by hearing of the unauthorized depredations of our men in Pennsylvania, upon the private rights of the people, I h
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of the Lee Memorial Association. (search)
Tappan, Arkansas. Treasurer—C. M. Figgatt, Bank of Lexington. Secretary—Colonel C. A. Davidson, of Lexington, Virginia. The Association was incorporated by act of Assembly, January 14, 1871, and organized under its charter February 7, 1871. The Executive Committee (to the Lexington members, of which is due the credit for the earnest work and wise management which have resulted so satisfactorily) was composed of the following members: General W. N. Pendleton, chairman, Colonel F. W. M. Holliday, Colonel C. S. Venable, Colonel J. W. Massie (deceased—in his place Colonel Bolivar Christian, May 31, 1873), Colonel Charles A. Davidson (deceased—in his place A. T. Barclay, Esq., June 22, 1882), Judge William McLaughlin, Major J. B. Dorman, Colonel William Allan, Colonel William Preston Johnston, Captain J. C. Boude, Professor J. J. White, Captain A. Graham, General William Terry, Hon. W. A. Anderson, Captain Walter Bowie, General John Echols, Colonel T. S. Flournoy, Rev. J. Wi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 3 (search)
olina, Colonel K M. Murchison. Fifty-seventh North Carolina, Colonel A. C. Godwin. First North Carolina Battalion, Major [R. W.] Wharton. Johnson's division. Stonewall brigade. the Virginia regiments constituted Terry's brigade, Gordon's division. Second Virginia, Colonel J. Q. A. Nadenbousch. Fourth Virginia, Colonel William Terry. Fifth Virginia, Colonel J. H. S. Funk. Twenty-seventh Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles [L.] Haynes. Thirty-third Virginia, Colonel F. W. M. Holliday. Steuart's brigade. the Virginia regiments constituted Terry's brigade, Gordon's division. Tenth Virginia, Colonel E. T. H. Warren. Twenty-third Virginia, Colonel A. G. Taliaferro. Thirty-seventh Virginia, Colonel T. V. Williams. First North Carolina, Colonel H. A. Brown. Third North Carolina, Colonel S. D. Thruston. Jones's brigade. the Virginia regiments constituted Terry's brigade, Gordon's division. Twenty-first Virginia, Colonel W. A. Witcher. Twenty-fi
ovidence of God, the materia medica, and the attention of the ladies, those chivalrous and noble-hearted sons of the South are returning with eagerness to join their commands. No deaths have occurred among them. There are from Winchester four volunteer companies in the service — a troop of horse and an Artillery company, from Newtown, eight miles from Winchester, with another company organized of seventy stalwart mountain boys, now drilling for immediate service, under the command of F. W. M. Holliday, Common wealth's Attorney, a gentleman who was the secession candidate for a seat in the Convention, and, strange to say, to a man they all voted against him, with one or two exceptions, and two weeks ago marched into town (after having previously volunteered at their mountain home,) and elected him as their Captain, because he told them the truth during the Convention canvass.--They are all sure shots with the rifle, and in their own language will follow their Captain wherever he lead
On Thursday last a splendid troop of cavalry from Rockingham county, under the command of Captain Yancey, from McGaheysville, passed through town. Captain Yancey is the third brother who have command of volunteers from that county, one of whom is in command of another troop of horse, and the other of a company of light infantry. This morning ninety-six gallant and chivalrous looking volunteers from Luray, Page county, under the command of Capt. Young, left in the cars, and Capt. F. W. M. Holliday's Rifle Mountain Rangers will leave in a few days. They will maintain Nature's first, noblest, and universal law, among the many thousand gallant spirits who have God for their bulwark and truth for their power; and, when the period arrives, they will not stop to number the foe. There are so many vague rumors at this point in reference to the Lincoln cut-throats being quartered near the Berkeley line, that, as I cannot be definite, I will not communicate on the matter; but cer
l Price, 289. For Attorney General: J R Tucker, 650. For Congress: Wm C Wickham, 342; James, Lyons; 176. For State Senate: John R Garnett, 362; John N Davis, 236. For House of Delegates: Ro A Mayo, 319; Jos J English 308. Refugee vote The refugee vote for Congress, Board of Public Works, Senate, and House of Delegates, was not counted when the polls were closed. For Congress, from the Winchester district, the vote at the City Court-House is close between A. R. Boteler and F. W. M. Holliday. For Board, of Public Works for the Third District most of the votes cast were for B. F. Beall. From other Congressional districts the vote is small. From the 2d or Norfolk district it is believed that Col. D J. Godwin leads the poll in this city, over Messrs. Parham, Hume and Mahone. For the State Senate from Jefferson and Berkeley there is a close vote between E. L. Moore and A. C. Hammond. For the House of Delegates from Jefferson county most of the votes cast were for J. Y. Be
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