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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 2 (search)
ions—the First Division, under General Tyler; the Second, under General Hunter; the Third, under General Heintzelman; the Fifth, under Colonel Meantime, the principal column, consisting of the two divisions of Hunter and Heintzelman, of about twelve thousand men, was to diverge from on the main road from Centreville; and, as the two divisions under Hunter and Heintzelman, to which was intrusted the turning movement, had t, of course, retarded the turning column. Then the road over which Hunter and Heintzelman had to pass was found to be longer than was expecteving to meet each other; and when, towards ten o'clock, the head of Hunter's column, having passed to the yonder side of Bull Run, by way of Snce; but his entire force consisted of but nine weak companies, and Hunter had twelve thousand men. But there was present neither the skilly. In place of making proper dispositions in a line of battle, General Hunter caused a feeble fusilade to be opened from the head of the colu
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, V. Pope's campaign in Northern Virginia. August, 1862. (search)
oice in favor of the withdrawal of the army from the Peninsula, although, owing to a sincere anxiety now cherished by Mr. Lincoln that General McClellan should be allowed his own way, he was not at first able to make the order imperative. The President, in response to General McClellan's appeals for re-enforcements to enable him to renew operations against Richmond, had promised him an addition to his strength of twenty thousand men, to be drawn from Burnside's command in North Carolina and Hunter's command in South Carolina. With this re-enforcement, McClellan expressed his readiness to renew operations, and he had proceeded to make a reconnoissance in force with the divisions of Hooker and Sedgwick, who advanced and reoccupied Malvern, when he was met by a telegram from the new general-in-chief, dated August 3d, ordering him to withdraw the entire army from the Peninsula to Aquia Creek, there to make a junction with Pope. After an urgent appeal from this order, General McClellan
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 11 (search)
derable loss, and retired behind Cedar Creek. Sigel was then superseded by General Hunter, who immediately took up the offensive under instructions from General Grane could reach the latter place, and thence move on Lynchburg, he was to do so. Hunter encountered the Confederates the 5th of June, at Piedmont, and, after an actione in the valley to join the army confronting Grant. The 8th of the same month, Hunter formed a junction with Crook and Averill at Staunton, from which place he movedexington. Arriving before Lynchburg, it was found to be well defended; and, as Hunter learned that re-enforcements to the Confederates were arriving by railroad from after burning about half the stores, carried off the remainder. The return of Hunter's column by way of the Alpine and almost impracticable region of West Virginia e inflicted on the enemy by the destruction of foundries, factories, and mills, Hunter's operations had no sensible influence on the campaign in Virginia. Both co-
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 12 (search)
ington; but the direct line of march by the Shenandoah Valley had been left open to the advance of a hostile force by General Hunter, who, after his defeat before Lynchburg, had taken up an eccentric line of retreat by way of Western Virginia. The eomac at Shepherdstown. General Weber, in command at Harper's Ferry, evacuated the town and retired to Maryland Heights. Hunter, who had made a toilsome march through the Alpine region of Western Virginia, experienced great delays in transporting hiieutenant-general, in August, consolidated these four departments into one, named the Middle Military Division, under General Hunter. That officer, however, before entering on the proposed campaign, expressed a willingness to be relieved, and General P. H. Sheridan, who had been transferred from the Army of the Potomac to the command of the forces in the field under Hunter, was appointed in his stead. The selection was a fortunate one. An excellent strategist, of sound military views, and a
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, Index. (search)
320; plan of menacing Lee's rear towards Chambersburg, 321; dispatch to Halleck, urging abandonment of Harper's Ferry, 322; resigns command of the army, 323. Hunt, appointed chief of artillery, 197; plan of crossing Rappahannock, 241. Hunter, General, operations in the Shenandoah, 468; victory at Piedmont, and subsequent retreat, 469; succeeded by General Sheridan, 555. Interior line, the Confederate, in Virginia, 44. Jackson, General T. J. (Stonewall), history of, 28; origin of the the Savannah into South Carolina, 566; reached Goldsboro, North Carolina, 568. Savage's Station, the battle of, 156. Sigel, plan of his operations in Shenandoah Valley, etc., 409; operations in the Shenandoah Valley, 468; superseded by General Hunter, 468. Smith, G. W., commanding Confederates, vice Johnston, wounded, 138. Smith, W. F., evidence on Burnside's orders at Fredericksburg, 245; and General Franklin's letter to the President proposing plan of campaign, 263; report on Gran